Jan 30th Furniture Giveaway Event Postponed

January 25, 2024

The Fairmont Southampton announced the postponement of the Furniture Giveaway event initially scheduled for January 30th, 2024.

This follows after the first planned furniture giveaway at the Fairmont Southampton on January 23rd was cancelled at the last minute, with large crowds of people lining up in advance, and the hotel saying the “turnout far exceeded the hotel’s expectations.”

A spokesperson said, “This decision stems from the hotel’s desire to better reach and serve those in genuine need while maintaining a safe and orderly event. Fairmont Southampton is fully committed to promptly rescheduling the giveaway to achieve these goals.

“We regret any inconvenience caused by this postponement. Our commitment to the community and our sustainability goals remain unwavering. We are working diligently to reschedule this event and will provide updated details on Monday, January 29th, 2024. Stay updated on the new event date by visiting FairmontSouthamptonBermuda.com or the hotel’s social channels.

“Fairmont Southampton is grateful for the community’s understanding and looks forward to hosting the Furniture Giveaway event at a later date, ensuring the benefits of this program reach as many people in need as possible.”

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