Andira Crichlow Reflects On Acting Journey

January 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Bermudian actress Andira Crichlow describes herself as “the luckiest person” when reflecting on her burgeoning television and film career.

She has already starred in Queen Cleopatra, a Netflix docudrama series, as Arsinoe IV, the younger half-sister of the last Egyptian ruler, appeared in an episode of the American miniseries Black Cake on Hulu, and recently scored a role in a feature film, My Bloody Galentine, shot in London.

It will be released on February 13 on American streaming service Tubi.

Although Ms Crichlow had little stage or screen experience before studying acting at the University of Staffordshire, England, her rise in the notoriously competitive field has nothing to do with luck.

She had not been at university for long before a lecturer spotted her natural talent and encouraged her to apply to acting schools.

“Although I’d danced at the Russian School of Ballet [in Hamilton] since I was five, I’d never acted other than in a commercial for a language school I attended in Malaga, Spain, when I was 18.

“I thought, ‘This is fun,’ so I decided to head to England and give it a go.”

Andira Crichlow Bermuda Jan 29 2024 (1)

Ms Crichlow, now 24, remembers skipping university lectures to audition at the East 15 Acting School in Loughton, Essex.

She had no idea what to expect and believed her lack of experience and naivety helped her stand out.

“It’s not easy because there are only about 30 spots each year, and thousands of people apply,” the former Berkeley Institute student said.

“I prepared three monologues, did some workshop and ensemble stuff. I kept getting asked to stay behind, and eventually, they told me I had a spot.

“I didn’t understand the rules of acting and did what came naturally to me. I believe that gave me a freshness.”

In the final year of her undergraduate course, Ms Crichlow auditioned for Queen Cleopatra, which was produced and narrated by Jada Pinkett Smith.

Filming took place in Morocco during the Covid-19 pandemic, and despite the masks and social distancing, Ms Crichlow believes the logistical challenges helped foster closer relationships between the cast and crew.

“An agent who liked my showreel approached me about Queen Cleopatra, so I did a self-tape, had an audition, and waited for a phone call,” she said.

Andira Crichlow Bermuda Jan 29 2024 (2)

“I received a call saying the producer liked it, Jada liked it, and Netflix liked it. It was exciting.

“Filming in Morocco for a month was a wonderful experience. Everyone got along like a family.

“We were confined because of Covid, which made our bond stronger. I’m still in touch with everyone.”

When the show aired in May last year, Ms Crichlow said she received many positive messages on social media, particularly from fellow Bermudians.

Andira Crichlow Bermuda Jan 29 2024 (3)

“People back home found out I was in the show after I posted a photograph on Instagram,” said Ms Crichlow, who is from Devonshire.

“Most people didn’t even know I was acting! Everyone has been so supportive, especially when I first returned home. It was lovely.”

Life as an actor can be unpredictable and uncertain, but Ms Crichlow is pursuing her path with relish and is excited about her future projects.

“Acting has its ups and downs, and you’re always looking for your next job,” she said.

“I’ve had no bad experiences in the industry yet. I hope to keep working; I’d love to work on more films.”

She added: “Acting is a fun career and should be. It’s important to enjoy what you do in life.

“I worked at a bank as an intern for two months and hated it. I was like, ‘This is not for me’.

“My 13-year-old self would be shocked if she could see me now. I’d probably think, ‘Oh, that’s a cool job!’”

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