Southampton Coach Visits DaRock Elite Camp

February 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Youngsters from the DaRock Elite Performance Academy were put through their paces by a Southampton coach during a half-term football camp at BFA Field last week.

Ed Kilby, the football development co-ordinator [global] at Sky Bet Championship club Southampton, spent five days sharing his knowledge with the 24 youngsters aged 11 to 14 through classroom and training pitch sessions.

Danté Leverock, who formed the academy last year, said the youngsters had fun sharpening their skills under the watchful eye of Kilby before ending the week with a competitive match.

“The boys enjoyed it, and we’re grateful for Ed coming down,” Leverock told Bernews.

Dante Leverock Bermuda Feb 18 2024

“The elite camp was invitational only; we identified those players who have professional aspirations and want the elite experience.

“The players received an information pack, and Ed had one-on-one meetings with each player. They had the full academy experience.”

Leverock, the Bermuda defender, said he hopes to build on the links he has forged with Southampton and Scottish Premier League side Rangers.

“We’ve been talking with Southampton for about six months,” he said. “I’ve wanted to bring one of their coaches down for a while. Hopefully, it will be a long-standing relationship.”

Leverock also held a developmental camp for more than 60 youngsters aged 5 to 13-year-olds at Police Field throughout the week.

“It felt like a football village vibe, with the younger boys seeing the older boys with the Southampton coach on the other field,” said Leverock, who played professionally for Narva Trans in Estonia and Sligo Rovers in Ireland.

“They were like, ‘Coach, how do I get over there to that camp?’ I told them, ‘Well, you have to put in the work like those boys did, stick with it, and show improvement.’

“It was good for them to see the progression available.”

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