Greenrock To Host Earth Hour On March 23rd

March 14, 2024

Greenrock is inviting Bermuda to celebrate Earth Hour this year on Saturday, March 23rd, asking people to turn off any unnecessary lights from 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm, and “give an hour for Earth by spending 60 minutes doing something positive for our one shared home.”

A spokesperson said, “Just over a year ago, you helped us create the Biggest Hour for Earth, with over 4,000 hours given locally in support of our planet. In 10 days, we’ll once again have the opportunity to create a defining moment far too important to miss. Earth Hour is a global call to action. An opportunity we are granted annually to do something positive for nature and make a statement to the world. Right now we need your commitment, then you can take action at any time throughout the eight-week campaign [Friday, March 1st - Sunday, April 28th].

“This year, Earth Hour will be taking place on Saturday, the 23rd of March, at 8:30 pm wherever you are – and we invite you to switch off your lights, your devices, your screens, etc… and give an hour for Earth by spending 60 minutes doing something positive for our one shared home.

“How do we Give an Hour for Earth? It could be as simple as spending an hour outdoors to reconnect with nature or taking a few moments with family and friends to clean up along the coast. It could be a peaceful walk in nature or a ride through the railway trails as a reminder of the beauty and diversity of Bermuda. It could be an hour getting hands in the soil by gardening or planting trees. If you prefer to take action indoors, you could cook up meals with locally sourced ingredients, find sustainable alternatives to disposable products, or watch an exciting and eye-opening nature documentary with family and friends. For teachers, leaders and influencers, you have the power to share information that inspires students, family, friends, followers, work colleagues or neighbours to build a stronger appreciation for nature and become more environmentally engaged.

“If you would like to participate in something we’ve planned, visit and register for the Sacred Earth Circle at Spirit House during Earth Hour or sign up for the environmental activities we have scheduled throughout the campaign.

“Remember, Earth Hour is a call to action. All we need from you right now is your commitment. Then you have the opportunity to take action at anytime throughout the Earth Hour campaign. Stay tuned, stay inspired, look out for more details about the Earth Hour LIVE broadcast, and let’s make this Earth Hour the biggest one yet!”

Earth Hour 2024 Activities Flyer - 1

Earth Hour Bermuda March 14 2024 (2)

Earth Hour 2024 Posters - Earth Hour LIVE Poster

Earth Hour 2024 Posters - Earth Hour Poster Lighthouse

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    I am turning on all our lights! I might run all the AC units at 70F for an hour just because I can. I am also going to use the gas stove to cook some nice juicy steaks and roast some potatoes in the gas oven. Yummm.