HSBC Sponsor Reading Clinic Programme

March 6, 2024

HSBC announced its continued exclusive sponsorship of The Reading Clinic’s ICAN Math Downward Extension Programme, saying “this collaboration marks a significant step towards building mathematical proficiency and confidence while equipping students with the knowledge and understanding required for financial literacy and life skills for future success.”

A spokesperson said, “Recognising that early intervention is pivotal in having a strong, positive effect on the mathematical trajectory of students, the ICAN Math Downward Extension was introduced for students in Primary 3 and 4 to broaden the impact on addressing challenges with weak numeracy skills, including math anxiety, school failure and financial illiteracy. Small group or individualised tutoring is offered to help young children develop basic concepts in numeration; early number awareness, place value and number sense.”

Martina Harris, Executive Director, explains, “Building confidence in Math leads to better engagement, reducing math anxiety and frustration. By focusing on the early building blocks of numeracy, we can address widening gaps in Math skills and work towards reducing school failure.”

A spokesperson said, ”HSBC acknowledges the critical importance of financial literacy as a cornerstone of personal and economic well-being. By supporting the ICAN Math Downward Extension Programme, HSBC reaffirms their commitment to nurturing and empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions. Supporting early intervention in Math can help prevent a life long struggle in employment and in the demands of daily life.

“As a responsible corporate citizen, HSBC is honoured to partner with The Reading Clinic to expand its reach, develop new educational resources and enhance the overall learning experience for young students in Bermuda. Through funding support and volunteer opportunities, HSBC is committed to making positive impacts on the communities we serve.”

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to HSBC for their sponsorship and steadfast commitment to our mission ‘to equip children who have learning differences with the self-understanding, tools and confidence they need to thrive in school and beyond,’ “said Ms. Harris. “Together, we can empower more students with the mathematical skills they need to prosper in today’s world.”

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