Video: Sunday June 2 “Good News” Spotlight

June 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

News that the City of Hamilton honoured Ed Christopher in celebration of his 30th anniversary serving as City Town Crier, the Department of Culture announced this year’s Bermuda Day float winners, and Erica Hawley and Tyler Smith will compete in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris were all some of the positive news stories from the past week.

GN cover Bermuda June 2 2024

In additional good news, Teen Services honoured 88 outstanding teens at the 38th annual Bermuda Outstanding Teen Awards, Robin-Valana Pearman led Mount Kelly to wins, Bermuda’s young athletes and coaches received $246,000 in sponsorship awards to advance their sports goals, and six-year-old Bermudian Raelyn Robinson won two silver medals and one bronze medal at the Virginia Invitational Track Showcase.

Other good news stories included Minister David Burch helping to unveil the StoryWalk initiative at the Botanical Gardens, 16 nonprofit professionals completing international certificate programmes, the Adult Education School holding its graduation ceremony, and public middle schools pioneering Vendor Day Marketplaces as part of a community partnership aimed at boosting education in entrepreneurship.

We also posted various community photo galleries, including coverage of the Bermuda Day float winners, the 38th Bermuda Teen Awards, the National Junior Athlete Sponsorship Programme Awards, and the island’s middle schools holding Vendor Days.

In an effort to highlight some of positive news happening in our community, we supplement our standard morning and evening email newsletters with a special Sunday “Good News” email newsletter edition, and also produce a highlight video and article which strictly focuses on the positive news about Bermuda and Bermudians from the past week. You can sign up to have the free newsletter delivered via email here, and/or access the links below.

For more positive coverage, you can also visit other websites in the Bernews Network; showcases uplifting Bermuda news and the tourism genre, offers free Bermuda themed Facebook covers and phone wallpapers; and you can view over 250 ‘Good News’ summary videos spanning back to 2017 here on Bernews.TV.

Links to some of the ‘good news’ from the past week are below:

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