CG Presents Second Annual ‘Slow Race’

July 4, 2024 | 2 Comments

CG Insurance “proudly presented the second annual CG Slow Race during Bermuda Charge’s 2024 Scooter Mart Motor Fest, highlighting the firm’s commitment to road safety,” noting that “this event allowed riders to demonstrate their control and precision skills in an exciting competition that focused on safety rather than speed.”

Naz Farrow, CEO of CG Insurance, emphasised the company’s enhanced dedication to road safety, stating, “Given the high number of road accidents this year, the aim of the CG Slow Race is to encourage and inspire safer driving habits. Our support for the CG Slow Race underscores our commitment to promoting cautious driving and foster a culture of safety on Bermuda’s roads. This dedication extends beyond the event, as we continuously work on initiatives that enhance road safety and protect the well being of all road users.”

The spokesperson said, “The CG Slow Race featured two heats where riders showcased their abilities on various two-wheeled motorcycles with stock wheels and tyres. The goal of the race is straightforward. Unlike traditional races, the last rider to cross the finish line of a 50 ft course without touching the ground with their foot is declared the winner. The event fostered camaraderie and community involvement, aligning with CG Insurance’s mission to educate and raise awareness about responsible driving on Bermuda’s roads.

“This year’s CG Slow Race saw Shawn Bremar claim the title of the slowest rider, demonstrating exceptional control and precision. Queena Reid and Diaz Steede placed second and third, respectively. Shawn’s victory earned him a year’s worth of bike insurance from CG Insurance, further highlighting the company’s support for safe riders.

“CG’s support and involvement with the CG Slow Race reflects the ongoing efforts to raise awareness and educate the community about responsible driving practices.”

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    TCD/Gov Post Office should receive a prize. License mailed June 27, delivered July 4.

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    I had no idea there was a “Slow Race”! I could have gone so slow you would thinking I was backing up!

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