Evolution Healing Centre Observes Brain Day

July 26, 2024 | 0 Comments

Evolution Healing Centre is observing World Brain Day, an event that is “focused on educating patients and increasing awareness about the significance of brain health.”

A spokesperson said, “Evolution Healing Centre is observing World Brain Day 2024 this week, which is an important event focused on educating patients and increasing awareness about the significance of brain health [Including conditions such as stroke, migraine, Alzheimer's, meningitis, and epilepsy- this year's focus from the World Health Organization].

“The main emphasis is on the need for preventive measures and proactive approaches, focusing on early detection, equal access to healthcare, collaboration among healthcare professionals, and advocating for brain health as a fundamental human right.

Evolution Healing Centre World Brain Day Bermuda July 2024

  • Prevention: Investing in early detection measures of neurological conditions and managing them effectively can significantly reduce the burden.
  • Awareness: Raising awareness about preventive brain health should be a priority worldwide and in Bermuda- helping to reduce preventable neurological disorders.
  • Access: Socioeconomic status or geographic location should not limit access to preventive measures. It is crucial to ensure equal access in order to establish a healthcare environment that is more inclusive and equitable.
  • Collaboration: Healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers must collaborate to address neurological needs. Implementing effective strategies for prevention and management is key.
  • Education and Advocacy: Recognizing that brain health is an essential human right, and providing everyone with the information and support needed to prioritize and sustain their brain health.

“By focusing on these points as a community, we can work towards a world where everyone has equal opportunities for brain health and ensure that preventive measures are widely accessible.

“In observance of World Brain Day, here are some essential tips that we can do for our brain health from the World Federation of Neurology:

  1. Be protective of your head: wear helmets when appropriate for sports, use a seat belt in a vehicle, and take precautions to prevent falls and head injuries.
  2. Regular exercise: Find a physical activity you enjoy- this increases blood flow to the brain, promotes new brain cell growth, and enhances cognitive function.
  3. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol: they can harm brain cells and lead to memory problems and cognitive impairments.
  4. In touch with family and friends: Stay socially connected- maintaining strong social ties can improve cognitive function and emotional well-being.
  5. Nutritious balanced diet: For optimal cognitive function, fuel your brain with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.
  6. Sleep well and manage stress: aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep and practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to de-stress.

“Let’s prioritize our brain health together.”

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