Andrew Murdoch Appointed As New Governor

September 18, 2024 | 4 Comments

Andrew Murdoch has been appointed as the new Governor of Bermuda, and will take up the role in January 2025.

A spokesperson said, “Mr Andrew Murdoch has been appointed Governor of Bermuda in succession to Ms Rena Lalgie. Mr Murdoch will take up his appointment during January 2025.”

Mr Murdoch has said “I am incredibly honoured to be appointed as Governor of Bermuda. Through the exercise of my duties, I am committed to serving the people and promoting and strengthening Bermuda’s reputation, including through maintaining the rule of law. Underpinned by its mature legal and regulatory jurisdiction the island is a role model, including its world class financial sector.

“This unique archipelago has a rich history, vibrant culture and a strong democracy. Working with the elected Government, I will be dedicated to maintaining the island’s well-earned reputation as a beautiful, safe and stable place to live and work, where individuals and businesses can thrive. I look forward to getting to know and supporting all the island’s communities, charities and other good causes, and becoming part of Bermudian life.”

Andrew Murdoch Bermuda Sept 18 2024

His career experience includes:

  • 2016 to present FCDO, Legal Director and Director of Ocean Policy
  • 2015 to 2016 FCO, Deputy Director, International Institutions and Security Policy, Legal Directorate
  • 2011 to 2014 FCO, Senior Assistant Legal Adviser, International Institutions and Security Policy, Legal Directorate
  • 2009 to 2011 Royal Navy, Commander, Head of Operations, Directorate of Naval Legal Services
  • 2008 to 2009 Royal Navy, Commander, Coalition Maritime Force Legal Adviser, Bahrain
  • 2006 to 2008 Royal Navy, Lieutenant Commander/Commander, Deputy and then Fleet Legal Adviser
  • 2004 to 2005 Royal Navy, Lieutenant Commander, Higher Authority Legal Adviser
  • 2003 to 2004 Royal Navy, Lieutenant Commander, Logistics Officer HMS YORK
  • 2001 to 2002 Royal Navy, Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Naval Judge Advocate
  • 1998 to 2001 Royal Navy, Lieutenant, Legal Training as Barrister
  • 1990 to 1998 Royal Navy, Midshipman to Lieutenant, Deputy Logistics Officer HMS CAMPBELTOWN and naval career prior to legal training

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  1. Hilarious says:

    “maintaining the rule of law.” uh, oh. I love that buzz phrase. Not “the laws” but “the rule of law.” Hmm, a rule is a rule but a law is a law. One can go to prison for breaking a law but not for breaking a rule like talking back to your teacher in grade school. UK Judge Sir William Blackstone would likely hold me in contempt of court for pointing out such things. (sarcasm)

    On the plus side, Mr. Murdoch so far has not made controversial statements like one of his predecessors who commented about Bermuda’s marriage law when he stepped off the plane and on Bermuda rock. But, time will tell.

    • Bert Robert says:

      “Rule of law” means a very specific thing. It basically means that the law applies to everyone equally. People aren’t supposed to be able to ignore the law because they are powerful, or rich, or well connected, or a certain kind of person. Laws shouldn’t give ministers so much discretionary power that they can make decisions just to help their friends and hurt their foes).

      It also means that it should be possible for everyone to obey the law. This means that laws must be discussed and passed in public, published and accessible. Laws shouldn’t go back in time and punish people for doing things that were legal at the time. There shouldn’t be unwritten “rules” where civil servants apply the law differently than the words actually say.

      In summary “rule of law” means that everyone is subject to the law and not just subject to the whim of powerful officials.

  2. Hmmm says:

    Has the governors residence and office been fixed, or will this one be in a hotel too. PLP are costing us more money through lack of maintenance on a daily basis.

  3. A Towzer says:

    Wait, why are we losing the first Madam Governor? Did King Charles make this appointment? We always lose the good ones. Sigh.

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