Armed Robbery At Somerset Service Station

October 24, 2024 | 1 Comment

Police are investigating an armed robbery that occurred at Robinson’s Marina in Somerset this morning [Oct 24], where a suspect “brandishing a machete, entered the service station and demanded money.”

A police spokesperson said, “Shortly after 6:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2024, police received a report of a robbery at the service station located at Robinson’s Marina, Somerset.

“Officers attended the scene and were informed that an individual brandishing a machete, entered the service station and demanded money.

“The staff complied and handed over a quantity of cash.

“The suspect took the cash and made good their escape along Somerset Bridge, headed in the direction of Hog Bay Park.

“The suspect was approximately 6ft tall of slim build dressed in dark coloured clothing wearing white sneakers and a full face helmet.

“An investigation into this incident is now underway and anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Patricia Jeffers on 515-2439, at email: or the Criminal Investigations Unit 247-1744.

“You may also provide the information by calling 211 or, via the BPS online community reporting portal at”

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  1. Hilarious says:

    Oh no! Not another machete! How about installing CCTV (inside and outside) and really loud alarms and strobe/flashing lights? The lights face outward from behind the counter and right at where the robber would stand. One alarm is at the front of the counter, emitting a piercing sound. A second alarm is outside with sound and flashing lights to attract the BPS.

    Providing the staff with pepper spray that includes dye is obviously not going to happen.

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