Column: Myron On Ageing, Longevity & Legacy

October 20, 2024 | 1 Comment

[Column written by Martha Harris Myron]

Today is the day. You turn 80, decades and decades longer than you ever thought you would live in this endlessly fascinating world of ours.

So, what do you do to celebrate? There is the thought of the usual happy media-compelling consumer enticements.

You know: maybe some golden bling trinkets, a golden trip, a large golden celebration, and in my case, some beautiful golden shoes. Trendy footwear has been an obsession since childhood where we had one pair of flip-flops, the hated school uniform shoes, and our preference, barefoot most of our early days.

Absolutely nothing wrong with any of those choices. Juxtaposed with those happy thoughts, there is sadness.

A mourning of what was: mistakes in judgement and regrets for decisions made – too late to be reversed.

Losing precious friends and family who have gone before, while with others who are still physically here, seeing their awareness of their charismatic personages slowly slipping away into never-neverland. I tell you it is deeply distressing in seeing those bright lights diminish.

The influences that those dear people brought into our lives is a reminder of our interconnectedness, sharpening our remembrance of those many years before.

So, then, you reflect on you. How lucky am I to end up where I am today.

Goldsta-Oldsta80 time can be so invigorating. Our eight decades of learned living skills have been honed to the highest level. We embrace the amazing clarity in realistic thought, in acute awareness of the value of our people and environment surrounding us.

It releases all the self-doubt of oneself and the implicit decades-long inner pressure to compare ourselves to others; how do we measure up; do they like me; am I wearing the right attire; do I fit in; do I have enough money, the right house, the best car, and on and on.

We know who we are. We no longer need affirmation. Actually, we never needed it, but who among us didn’t wade through multiple periods of self-doubt, envy, and feelings of failure by comparing ourselves to others – deemed better, more successful in our minds.

Now that we have reached the age of illumination, we know exactly what success means to us. We have become startlingly perceptive of being in the now; free of all personal insecurities because we realize that our inner success was always there – just waiting to be captured in a sparkling golden aura of dream realization.

We have become astutely aware of how very vulnerable personally others may be, regardless of the age group. Our close personal relationships become more intense. We treasure and love very deeply those still with us, particularly our dear spouses, partners, family, and friends.

We embrace their trueness, their value and their incredible love, loyalty, and commitment to us. We now realize our own trueness. In the Golden Age of Illumination, the potential of the future still awaits for any of us to leave an other-than-monetary legacy.

Still time to freely use our own amazing capacity to care, to reach out, nurture, mentor and affirm others. Still time to continue our mission to follow our dreams and support/encourage others to follow theirs. Still time to spread the joy of still being here. It costs nothing, but the reward is priceless.

Make life count, every single day.

- Martha Harris Myron

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  1. PAC MAN says:

    Before I add my fifty two cents to Ms. Myon wonder full words of wisdom may say that trewer words have never been spoken.

    80 ; 88 and 90 years past, are just numbers, just do not get caught out.

    I played the game of hermit during covid.

    Do not open the door to medical issues living in pain, for many that goes away if so you do not think about it or just keep walking .

    I have found my self having read Ms Myrons writings of to day as in the past ,many time over .

    May be the day will come when I could be so eloquent, as education comes after a person leaves school wisdom takes a little longer.

    We all have our place in this world , that is when we are not wanted by those who will never find the ladder of success .

    All we had to do is find the first rung and get on it .

    ” Some just can not wait and wanting to jump the Que”.

    ” There are those who say , I could have had it all. ” .

    I am what I am and I am what I am going to be, however there is still time for improvements .

    ” A life lived in fear is a life half lived”.

    As the years pass me by getting older is not a waiting game but a life to be savored as i say good by to those years past.
    so if I live that way in lost hope the will die that way .

    “You make your own bed so shall you die in it”.

    Look for the good in your life.
    As the past you can not change.
    The world lives as they follow one blunder after another.
    Mistakes in judgement are made by others every day can we do or want to do some thing about it.

    “Their ship will sink as there is no body to ,man the pumps ” .

    ” To day is no different than yesterday it does not get any easier”.

    After the rain the sun will soon re appear “.

    As I go down my list of up’s and down’s I find ” Golden and Celebrate ” some how I can no seem to fit in there as i am no different just hair turns white at is was 50 years ago, all it take is sacrifice.

    Never think of old as being old, think old as being younger those were the golden years my list is very long.

    ” We were given two ears and one mouth”.

    We all will face those end days so don’t think about it, as I plan to live for ever.

    I often tell my very few younger friends many have now gone ,what ever I endure as an older person ,You may also face the same aches and pain life.

    “Our day will come ” That went before it arrived .

    For most of you who want more and more as not being content with what you have achieved ,you may never make it.

    ” There is the agony for some finding that too much money or any thing for that matter is not having enough”.

    We are now living in a different world from that of many years gone by .

    Not sure if change was worth the hardship that we face today .

    There are those who have not learned the art of contentment.

    Remember this . “History always repeats itself “.

    As soon as they finish one war it does not take long for them to start another one .

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