Video: Minister Diallo Rabain Press Conference

October 23, 2024 | 1 Comment

[Updated] Minister of Education Diallo Rabain is holding a press conference today [Oct 23] to update on the funding allocated to the Ministry as a result of the mid-year budget funding, and you can tune in and watch live below.

Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the replay is below

Update 1.05pm: Minister Rabain’s remarks:

Good Day Bermuda,

Today, the Government of Bermuda is making it clear where its priorities lie – firmly with our children and their education. I am pleased to provide further details on the investment in education as part of the Mid-Year Budget Review. This review allocates an additional $1.55 million for key education priorities, along with a $700,000 Capital Grant for Bermuda College.

This funding is not just about launching new initiatives or programs. We are funding for outcomes – outcomes that directly improve the lives of our children and elevate the quality of education across the island. Our goal is to ensure that these investments yield tangible results, such as better learning environments, enhanced support for students with special needs, and improved access to educational resources.

This is more than a one-off initiative. It marks the beginning of a longer-term strategy that ensures these funds will be included in next year’s budget as we continue to strengthen our programs and expand support for children. While this funding addresses immediate needs, we are committed to evaluating its impact over the coming months and developing more sustainable, effective solutions to permanently address the challenges in our education system. Our children deserve nothing less than a system that continuously evolves with their needs.

Child Development Program [CDP]

Our Child Development Program [CDP] will receive $410,000 address developmental assessments for children aged 2 to 5, some of our most vulnerable children have waited for these critical assessments, and today, we are ensuring they get the attention they need right now. This is about eliminating delays and providing early intervention that will set these children on a path to success from the very start.

We are also providing $50,000 for specialised follow-up support for children identified with developmental conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder [ASD]. Our children deserve the best possible start in life, and we are committed to giving them just that.

Dame Majorie Bean Hope Academy

We are committed to supporting students with severe and multiple learning disabilities, so Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy will receive $370,000 in additional funding. This funding will address the urgent need for additional wrap-around Allied Health Services, including Occupational Therapy [OT], Physical Therapy [PT], and Speech-Language Pathology [SLP].

These services will give students the specialised care they need to communicate more effectively, improve motor skills, and achieve their educational goals. Every student at DAME deserves the highest level of care, and this funding ensures they will receive the wrap-around services necessary to thrive.

Enhancing Support for Special Education

To support students with complex and challenging needs, we are investing $420,000 in hiring additional paraprofessionals. This ensures that children receive the one-on-one support they need to succeed in school, regardless of their learning difficulties.

We are also allocating $150,000 for psycho-educational assessments, addressing a critical gap in our current resources. By doing so, we ensure that children presenting with conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder are properly assessed and supported.

Improving Literacy and Academic Success

We cannot overstate the importance of literacy. That’s why we are allocating funds to the Reading Clinic, ensuring that students with Dyslexia and other learning differences have the tools and support they need. Additionally, our i-Play program will expand to provide early literacy support at the preschool level, giving children the skills to access the full curriculum as they progress through school.

Scholarships and Co-Curricular Programs

Education is not just about the classroom. It’s about providing students with opportunities to excel in all areas. We are adding $50,000 to our Scholarship and Awards program to ensure more students can access higher education and pursue their dreams.

We are also excited to introduce the Minister’s Annual Debate Challenge, which will receive $50,000 in funding. This initiative will develop critical thinking, communication, and research skills in students aged 11 to 14 and provide them with a platform to showcase their talents.

Helping Families with School Uniforms

As part of our ongoing commitment Education Reform and to relieving families’ financial pressures, we will provide uniform vouchers for students transitioning from Parish Primary and Middle Schools to senior school. Recognising that this change often requires parents to purchase entirely new uniforms, we will offer $100 vouchers to all families participating in Senior School counselling sessions. This support helps ease the burden on our parents while ensuring students have what they need to start their senior school journey confidently.

This initiative is not just for this year. We are committed to making it an annual program as part of the broader Education Reform to ensure families continue to receive this vital support as students progress through the school system.

Upgrading Bermuda College Facilities

As Bermuda College celebrates its 50th anniversary, we are investing $700,000 in a Capital Grant to ensure its buildings are safe, functional, and conducive to student engagement. These improvements will enhance the learning environment and encourage more students to participate in campus life.

A Commitment to the Future

The Government of Bermuda reaffirms its unwavering commitment to education and, most importantly, to our children. Through this additional funding, we are investing in early assessments, special needs education, literacy programs, scholarships, co-curricular activities, uniform vouchers, and improved facilities – all aimed at building a brighter future for Bermuda. Our children are our most precious resource, and this investment ensures they have the tools and support needed to reach their full potential.

However, this is more than just a one-off investment. We are laying the groundwork for long-term support and sustainable programs that will continue to evolve with the needs of our students. As a fiscally responsible government, we recognize the importance of ensuring that every dollar is well-invested, and we will critically analyse these initiatives to ensure a strong return on investment for public funds.

Our Education Reform efforts focus on creating a system that meets the needs of all students, both now and in the future. In line with this, some programs will be decommissioned – not because they failed, but because they are no longer necessary or have been superseded by new, more effective solutions. This strategic approach ensures that our resources are channelled into the most impactful initiatives, keeping Bermuda’s education system aligned with modern challenges and opportunities.


In conclusion, this is not just an investment in education—it is an investment in Bermuda’s future. Our children deserve nothing less than our full support, and we are putting them first with this funding.

Thank You.

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  1. Hmmmm says:

    its very strange that Burt talked about doing a budget every 2 years, but is now involved in effectively a process twice a year. See the real truth, ignore the statement fueled propaganda.

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