Video: OBA Holds Press Conference
[Updated] The One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] is holding a press conference this morning [Jan 13] and we will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below.
Update 12.10pm: A PLP spokesperson said, “Today, the One Bermuda Alliance showed us exactly why they cannot be trusted to lead this country. Instead of presenting a clear vision for Bermuda’s future, they held a press conference that was more about cheap attacks and deflection than offering real solutions. Let’s break this down:
- 1. “The OBA wants this election to be about anything except their record & plans. By making personal attacks on Party Leader David Burt, the OBA is desperately trying to distract from their own disastrous history in government. Under their leadership, we saw cuts to education, slashes to social programs, and policies that left Bermudians struggling while their wealthy friends got ahead. The truth is, the OBA has no real solutions for the issues facing our people, so they resort to attacks and fear-mongering. It is laughable to hear the OBA leader speak about the significant work done by the PLP in 2024, neglecting all the work that was done during and after the pandemic to stabilise Bermuda. Whether reducing taxes for 86% of workers and every local business, expanding minimum wage, expanding childcare, increasing pensions, or investing in affordable housing, the PLP has been working to build a fairer Bermuda for all.
- 2. “Fear tactics won’t solve Bermuda’s problems. Today, they warned voters about the so-called “dangers” of voting for the FDM or independent candidates. But let’s be clear: the real danger is putting the OBA back in power. When they had their chance to lead, they failed Bermudians. They presided over austerity measures that hurt families, ignored the needs of working people, and left our economy weaker.
- 3. “The OBA’s platform is a flimsy pamphlet with no real solutions. Bermudians deserve thoughtful & realistic plans to address our challenges—not vague promises, empty slogans and recycled rhetoric. The PLP’s track record of delivering increased pensions, increased investment in education, scholarships and affordable housing is a sharp contrast from the OBA pushing a shared sacrifice that pushed all the burden on our most vulnerable while the wealthy and privileged were not asked to pay their fair share.”The PLP will release our platform prior to the general election. Unlike the OBA’s pamphlet, it will contain a realistic and attainable blueprint to keep Bermuda making steady progress towards a fairer Bermuda for the many and not just their privileged few. In conclusion, the choice for voters is clear; go backwards to the days of denying seniors pension increases, high taxes for workers, forcing public servants to take furlough days and slashing scholarships to fund giveaways for the privileged, trying to cut a woman’s access to mammograms and pathways to status; or continue the progress toward a fairer Bermuda with the PLP.”
Update 3.15pm: OBA Leader Jarion Richardson’s remarks:
The One Bermuda Alliance is excited for this election. I am certain that most Bermudians are excited for this opportunity to let David Burt know what they think of the last six years.
On Tuesday, 18 February 2025, we can finally correct the course of our country. It’s hard to find something going well for Bermudians in today’s Bermuda.
And similar to 2012, the Progressive Labour Party [PLP] Government wants us to believe it’s all from global forces impacting us.
But it’s not the California wildfires that tore up our roads, the Brexit vote that destroyed local business or the rising water temperatures that left classrooms without teachers. No, these are the results of a government unwilling to listen, stubbornly believing its own propaganda and blaming everyone but themselves.
The Burt Administration says they are making a ‘fairer Bermuda’ – yes, we’re all equally broke now. We’re all equally tired of the shameless schemes, manipulations and denigration. We’re all equally frustrated by the hoops and loops of trying to get anything done in Bermuda. Seriously…we’re all equally done with this government.
It’s fair to say, it’s time for David Burt and his team to spend their time in the sin bin.
The state of Bermuda is a direct consequence of 19 years of Progressive Labour Party rule. Making excuses for them is only driving us deeper into the financial and social hole.
As our grandparents told us, when you’re in a hole, stop digging.
Bermuda simply cannot progress as a country and community when its leaders speak in fear, divide the community and reject our economic and social realities.
David Burt continues to blame colonists for what ails Bermuda. But it is he and his party that have been in power for most of the last 20 years. He has no one to blame but himself.
This election can be more of the same by voting for the tired, old Progressive Labour Party, and expecting a different result, or we can change who we vote for, and change our country for the better.
But this election is hardly straightforward. With so much going wrong and so many people willing to help, we have more political choices. On the face of it, this is a very good thing. The more voices and perspectives in politics means more scrutiny, and ultimately more accountability. However, this comes at a tremendous risk.
I will be blunt. Multiple non-PLP candidates in any given constituency will ensure the Burt Administration retains its grip on us. If we split the non-PLP vote amongst the OBA, other parties and independents, we will guarantee the PLP another four years to break Bermuda’s back. More than 70% of Bermudians want another PLP government. If you believe this, the OBA is ready to lead for you, your family and your friends.
So, given all the options, why choose the One Bermuda Alliance?
Because we kept our promises. Compare us to the PLP. I mean this compare us to the PLP:
40 days before an election, David Burt and his band of bandits are suddenly concerned about:
Our crumbling infrastructure
the housing crisis,
rising food prices,
public transportation,
mental health services,
environmental protection and the list goes on and on and on, and onAnd they call an election campaign with promises to fix the problems, the million problems that they created or oversaw. Re-elect us, they say, we can put out the fire that we started,
Where was this urgency when our community needed it most?
The pattern is clear: neglect the issues until election time, make big promises, win votes, then return to business as usual. We’ve seen all of this before. 20 years of stunning neglect has us where we are today.
Bermuda deserves better than election-year fixes.
Here’s what I promise:
Year-round attention to our community’s needs
Real, sustainable solutions, not quick fixes
Honest financial management, not accounting tricks
Long-term planning, not election-cycle thinking
Action when problems arise, not when votes are neededThe question isn’t whether these issues need fixing – of course they do. The question is: why did it take an election year for David Burt to notice? Then sarcastically clear your throat for emphasis, look at the camera for a second
Remember that when you vote. Remember the years of inaction. Remember the sudden election-year concern. Remember that real leadership doesn’t wait for election season to solve problems.
Bermuda’s challenges don’t operate on an election cycle. Neither should our solutions.
If you want to learn more about what the OBA will do, please visit OBA.BM to view our full platform, which we launched 6 months ago, even though the PLP has yet to launch there’s, like they didn’t know an election was coming.
After the last election, we made commitments. To have enough candidates to be a national government. To reform our priorities To be clear about who we are To be clear about why we exist. To demonstrate those principles, even if it costs us votes. To engage with people, in their churches, town halls and community events. To represent the diversity of Bermuda’s opinions To provide a clear path to success through the lengthy, considered and publication of our platform. Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but where is the governing party’s platform? Did the premier honestly not know that he was going to call and election?
To hold the Government accountable, our legislative opposition has drawn the public’s attention to rushed, ill-conceived legislation. Our team has revealed massive consultant fee schemes. Our attorney general hiring her husband to work for her was only the tip of the iceberg. I truly worry about the mess that we will find when we become the government.
Our detailed inspections pointed out how Government plans lack the basics, such as budgets, deadlines or specific next steps. Our budgetary scrutiny has revealed underspending on critical services such as public safety and roads, while increased spending on sad little pet projects. We’ve fought for electoral fairness and shone the bright light of transparency on everything from the AG’s department paying her husband to new powers to reallocate spending without parliamentary oversight.
And we did it with the lowest number of opposition legislators in history, standing up against a super-majority Government who are happy to use the reins of power to silence critics.
The OBA promised not to leave your side and to stand firm against the encroaching power of the Burt Administration. The OBA have not left the field. We did not join this battle when it was convenient or when it was clear the Burt Administration was on its last legs. The OBA have been here since the last election, we’ll be here throughout this one and we’ll be here until the very end. The OBA will not retreat no matter what the PLP calls us, no matter how many seats they have, no matter how much money they spend on attack ads, no matter which rumours they spread, no matter how many disgruntled politicians they recruit, no matter how much they despise, reject and denigrate.
The OBA will stand on our principles and fight for our hope – that Bermuda works best for all, when all work for the best of each other. Quite simply, we are here for you. We are One Bermuda
Finally, before we go to questions, and speaking of promises, the OBA commits that within the first year of Government, we will finish what we started by providing for absentee voting for students and others ordinarily resident on the island.
This was a skit from SNL aka Saturday Night Live. These OBA puppets have no clue.
Voters either vote for a independent Candidate or the PLP.
WOW the PLP and XOBA voter who we know is posting from Alaska Hall are really desperate to have responded in this way.
Why can’t the PLP just stand on their record. If they were worthy of being re-elected then that’s all they would need to do. Clearly the PLP performance is a huge problem for the PLP.