Column: Dr Weldon Endorses Gavin Kennedy
[Column/speech written by Dr Carika Weldon, this speech was delivered at his Town Hall]
Good evening, Bermuda, and to my fellow constituents of Warwick West,
I stand before you tonight not just as Dr Carika Weldon, the scientist, the Bermudian, or the lifelong resident of C28—but as a voter, just like you. A voter who cares deeply about this community. A voter who has seen our country struggle. And a voter who has decided that now, more than ever, we need real change.
Many of you know my history. I have spent my life dedicated to advancing knowledge, helping our people, and serving Bermuda in every way that I can. And like many of you, I have been a proud supporter of the Progressive Labour Party. In fact, I did not just vote for the PLP—I actively worked to get our current MP elected, believing in his promise to serve this community. I have also been an approved PLP candidate and a lifetime member of the party. But today, I am here to tell you that my commitment to Bermuda is greater than my loyalty to any political party.
And that is why, after deep reflection and an unwavering commitment to integrity, I am publicly endorsing Gavin Kennedy as the Independent candidate for C28 Warwick West.
This is a decision for Bermuda. A decision that says, enough is enough. We must stop voting based on party colours and start voting based on results, accountability, and vision.
We are facing challenges that cannot be ignored:
- The cost of living is skyrocketing, and families are struggling to make ends meet.
- Our national debt is growing, putting our future at risk.
- Crime is rising, and our communities feel less safe.
- Too many politicians are focused on their careers and party loyalty, rather than real solutions for the people who elected them.
And this isn’t just my frustration—it’s our frustration. I have heard it from so many of you, time and time again.
For eight years, we have given our current representative the opportunity to fight for us. Eight years to make a difference. Eight years to deliver on promises. And yet, I ask you: Are we better off today than we were eight years ago?
If we are being honest with ourselves, the answer is no. And if we are being even more honest, we know that if this were a job and someone underperformed for eight years with $450K paid, they would be let go.
Now some of you may be considering the current opposition as a solution. The OBA has completely failed as an opposition party. For eight years, they have had every opportunity to step up, to offer real solutions, to build trust with the people. Instead, they have been ineffective, uninspiring, and unable to present themselves as a viable alternative. Their lack of engagement, their inability to connect with the people, and their absence on critical issues show that they are not ready to lead. We need strong leadership, we need a strong opposition and in my humble opinion, both OBA and PLP have not shown this.
It is time for C28 Warwick West to chart a new path forward. A path that is not tied to party loyalty, political ambitions, or empty promises, but one that is tied to the real needs of our community.
Gavin Kennedy is not just another politician—he is a man of action, of principle, and of commitment to this constituency. He is not running for personal gain or to secure a political future—he is running because he genuinely cares. He is running because he believes that your voice matters.
Independent candidates offer us something that party politics cannot: a representative who answers to the people, not a political party. Someone who is free to make decisions based on what is right for Bermuda, not what is best for their political career.
Like many of you, I had my doubts about how an Independent MP could truly make an impact. I, too, once believed that change could only come from within a party system. However, after watching the C28 Bermuda Youth Connect debate this past weekend, I had a conversation that completely reshaped my perspective. I was told that the reason our current MP hasn’t been able to accomplish much is because they are not a Minister.
But here’s the thing—if an MP, even within a ruling party, has no real power to effect change unless they are a Minister, then what exactly are we voting for? We are electing representatives who should be working for our community, regardless of their title. And this is where an Independent MP is different. An Independent isn’t tied to party loyalty or restricted by party politics. They have the freedom to truly advocate for their constituents, without fear of political backlash. Gavin Kennedy isn’t running to climb a political ladder—he is running to serve the people of C28 Warwick West. That is the kind of representative we need.
Furthermore, we already have a system that includes government, opposition and Independents working together for the good of the island: the Upper House also known as the Senate. There are 11 Senators: 5 appointed by the government, 3 appointed by the opposition and 3 Independent Senators appointed by the Governor.
For anything to pass the Senate, it must be in the best interest of the country and not just the governments’ agenda. The Independent Senators gives the Senate a balance to ensure the community comes first.
And that is why I am proud to stand here today and say: Gavin Kennedy is the right choice for C28 Warwick West.
To my fellow Bermudians, to my neighbours, to my family members who have spent their lives devoted to PLP—I hear you. I understand the weight of this decision. But loyalty to a party should never outweigh loyalty to Bermuda.
I am a doctor and a scientist. My first ethical duty is to do no harm. And I would be doing harm by remaining silent. I would be doing harm by ignoring the reality in front of us. And I would be doing harm by supporting a system that has failed to put us, the people, first.
So, tonight, I ask you to join me in making a bold choice. Let’s rise above party politics. Let’s reject empty promises. And let’s take a stand for real leadership, real representation, and real change.
On election day, vote for someone who will fight for C28 Warwick West—not for party interests, not for political favour, but for you.
Vote Gavin Kennedy.
Thank you.
- Dr Carika Weldon, MRSB
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- Videos: Over 200 videos spanning multiple elections here
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There is a pattern here that is a concerning trend.
While I am a member and on the inside all is well but the minute I lose something I am annoyed,angry, got to save Bermuda. Here it is:
1. Rolf Commissiong was happy to be named a PLP Senator and Minister until the community raised hell about issues that surfaced and the Premier had to remove him. Now an extremely angry man and it shows in everything he writes and says. But it was roses when he was appointed
2. Vance Campbell: Not a word from him until he is unable to win the support of the Branch for Walter Rhoban’s safe seat. Suddenly we hear “the PLP is good at winning elections but not running the country”. Wasn’t he a Minister running the country? A minister enjoying the benefits and salary hiding that knowledge? Yep. Seems like it.
3. Rene Webb was the poster child, appointment in Brussels and more. Not a word of dissent even as a Minister. No longer in Brussells and she puts her marbles away and brings out the brillo …how dare they…I’ll teach them. I’ll be an independent.
4. And today, the Golden girl life supportive of the Govt fell out during Covid comes back with a hot iron and burns that party with her rhetoric in support of a candidate who barely stands a chance. Not much said when she was the golden girl.
Folks, now you see the real deal and what leaders have to deal with. As long as the plates of the troops are full we don’t hear a word of concern or criticism but the minute they are to be changed at the table, they suddenly see and say different things never revealed or worked hard to correct when on the inside. The evidence is loud and clear and blazingly obvious. They behaved like emperors and now have no clothes. We ain’t falling for that nursery rhyme from the Golden tooth brush to the poor working class boy ,or girl who sits on the outside looking in at those seats where they once sat in power as untouchables. How can we believe them? Trust them ever again?