Hashtag: #Birds

Specialized Antennas Track Birds In Bermuda

Specialized Antennas Track Birds In Bermuda

A cluster of antennas located on Trunk Island in Harrington Sound are helping BAMZ to track the movements of migratory birds. A spokesperson said, “An inconspicuous cluster of antennas mounted atop an old utility pole on Trunk Island in Harrington Sound is gathering remarkable bird conservation data. “It was erected in August 2019 when BAMZ... Read more of this article

Wallpaper Wednesday: Pink Longtail With Flag

Wallpaper Wednesday: Pink Longtail With Flag

The latest design in Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features the Bermuda longtail with soft accents of the Bermuda flag incorporated in the bird’s wings. The design is also available below as a Facebook profile cover image, and you can check back on Bernews every Wednesday for our latest free phone wallpaper download. To access... Read more of this article

Audubon Society Opposes Amendments To Act

Audubon Society Opposes Amendments To Act

The Bermuda Audubon Society is asking MPs “to uphold our parliamentary democracy, rely on their good sense and commitment to a better Bermuda by voting against the proposed changes to the Planning Act as written.” A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Audubon Society opposes amendments to the Planning Act tabled on July 2nd in the House of... Read more of this article

Wallpaper Wednesday: Bermuda Longtail

Wallpaper Wednesday: Bermuda Longtail

The latest design in Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features a simple and classic image of a Bermuda Longtail. The design is also available below as a Facebook profile cover image, and you can check back on Bernews every Wednesday for our latest free phone wallpaper download. To access more phone wallpapers with Bermudian themes, as... Read more of this article

Video: Tropicbird Chick Fledges Successfully

Video: Tropicbird Chick Fledges Successfully

The White-tailed Tropicbird chick that has been followed since it hatched in April on Nonsuch Island has fledged successfully out to sea. A spokesperson said, “At 8.50am on the 4th July 2021, the ‘Bermuda Longtail’ White-tailed Tropicbird chick [Phaethon lepturus catsbyii] that has been followed since it hatched on the 24th April... Read more of this article

Cahow Chick ‘Expected To Fledge Imminently’

Cahow Chick ‘Expected To Fledge Imminently’

Over the past few nights, Nonsuch Expeditions team leader J-P Rouja along with Jeremy Madeiros and collaborators from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology have been remotely operating the infrared surface cam installed above ground in Nonsuch Island Colony A to remotely track, film and live-stream the star chick of the 2021 CahowCam nesting season and her... Read more of this article

Longtail Tropicbird Cam Now Broadcasting Live

Longtail Tropicbird Cam Now Broadcasting Live

The Longtail Tropicbird Cam is now broadcasting live from Nonsuch Island. A spokesperson said, “The Longtail Tropicbird Cam is now broadcasting live from Nonsuch Island and can be viewed here. “Now in its fourth year, it is a collaboration between Nonsuch Expeditions, the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources and the Cornell Lab of... Read more of this article

New Record High: 142 Breeding Cahow Pairs

New Record High: 142 Breeding Cahow Pairs

“We now have a new record high number of 142 established breeding pairs of Cahows [up from 135 pairs in 2020]; the number of breeding pairs on Nonsuch Island also increased to 27 pairs in 2021,” Jeremy Madeiros said. Mr. Madeiros said, “For Earth Day, 2021, it is good to recognize, and address both the many environmental challenges and disasters,... Read more of this article

Bluebird Tips From Happy Bird Company

Bluebird Tips From Happy Bird Company

With the Bluebird nesting season in full flight, The Happy Bird Company owner Christian Chin-Gurret has provided tips for people who want to attract Bluebirds in their vicinity. A spokesperson said, “Beautiful blue birds love to fly and perch in open spaces, especially around perches. Bluebirds scan the yard and look for insects from high vantage... Read more of this article

Video: Cahow Chick On CahowCam 2 Revealed

Video: Cahow Chick On CahowCam 2 Revealed

As viewers from around the world watched online, the Cahow chick from the CahowCam2 burrow hatched on March 9 [Tuesday]. A spokesperson said, “March 9th 2021 @ 9:42 pm the newest CahowCam Star made its’ first appearance on camera confirming the completion of the hatching process that had started the night before. Bermuda Cahow Hatch Highlights “Viewers... Read more of this article

“Hatching Alert” For Online CahowCam 2

“Hatching Alert” For Online CahowCam 2

The Cahow egg being watched by the online CahowCam 2 is on “hatching alert,” with hatching expected to take place in the next 7-10 days. A spokesperson said, “During the night of March 8-9, there began to be indications that the egg being incubated by the adult female Cahow [band no. E0172] in the CahowCam 2 nest [nest burrow no. R832]... Read more of this article

Column: Rediscovery Of The Bermuda Cahow

Column: Rediscovery Of The Bermuda Cahow

[Opinion column written by Glenn Fubler] The January 28, 1951 rediscovery of the Cahow – a sea bird which once flourished in Bermuda, but was thought to be extinct for 300 years – was a watershed event. That revelation had both local and global implications as it was symbolic of the type of rebirth being manifested in that era following the... Read more of this article

Virtual Cahow Lunch & Learn On January 28

Virtual Cahow Lunch & Learn On January 28

In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the rediscovery of the Cahow, a virtual lunch and learn event will be held on Thursday [Jan 28], with guest speakers Dr. David Wingate, Miguel Mejias, and Jeremy Maderios taking part. A spokesperson said, “In celebration of the iconic 70th anniversary of the rediscovery of the Cahow, a number of community... Read more of this article

Video: CahowCam Pair Return And Lay Egg

Video: CahowCam Pair Return And Lay Egg

The island is set to welcome a new resident soon, as a Cahow on Nonsuch Island laid an egg, with the pair of birds managing to coordinate their return for the occasion despite being apart at sea for two months. Jean-Pierre Rouja, Nonsuch Expeditions Founder and Team Leader said, “As our followers from around the world watched live, the male from... Read more of this article

Videos: CahowCam2 Chick Leaves Burrow

Videos: CahowCam2 Chick Leaves Burrow

On the evening of June 10, the CahowCam 2 chick named ‘Zephyr’ left the burrow on Nonsuch Island and took off over the open sea, completing the 2020 Cahow nesting season. A spokesperson said, “Right in the middle of World Oceans Week, at 10:32 pm on June 10, as viewers from around the World watched online, the CahowCam2 chick [recently... Read more of this article

Video: Nemo CahowCam1 Chick Has Fledged

Video: Nemo CahowCam1 Chick Has Fledged

At 2.03am on May 25, the Cahow chick named ‘Nemo’ of burrow #831 – from which CahowCam1 has been live streaming – fledged. Jeremy Madeiros, Chief Terrestrial Conservation Officer, The Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, said, “At 86 days old, this is one of the shortest Cahow fledging times that I have... Read more of this article