Hashtag: #BobRichards

Premier Paula Cox Responds To Bob Richards

Premier Paula Cox Responds To Bob Richards

Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox responded to comments made today [Oct 19] by the Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards regarding cost savings on Government’s insurance. Speaking at a press conference today, Mr Richards said: “Bermuda is one of the world’s three risk capitals, yet the government pays a huge $12 million annual insurance... Read more of this article

Richards: Government Are ‘Master Flip Floppers’

Richards: Government Are ‘Master Flip Floppers’

After the PLP accused Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards of a “flip flop” following his comments about the Cayman Islands, Mr Richards said “it’s rich of them to be accusing anyone of flip-flopping given their own appalling record in this area.” These flurry of words come after news that the Cayman will impose a 10% tax foreign workers... Read more of this article

PLP Accuse Bob Richards Of ‘Flip Flopping’

PLP Accuse Bob Richards Of ‘Flip Flopping’

[Updated] The PLP have accused Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards of a “flip flop” following his comments about the Cayman Islands decision to implement a special tax on ex-pats. Cayman Premier McKeeva Bush said he did not want to impose the tax, but he had no choice because the United Kingdom was demanding a sustainable budget. The new... Read more of this article

Bob Richards: ‘Cayman Situation Is A Warning’

Bob Richards: ‘Cayman Situation Is A Warning’

“Bermuda should take heed of what is happening in Cayman Islands, where its Government is being compelled by the UK to raise taxes because of excessive debt,” Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards said. Earlier this month their local media reported that the Cayman Islands will be introducing a 10% tax for foreign workers earning over $20,000... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘Damning Judgment On The Government’

OBA: ‘Damning Judgment On The Government’

Fitch’s downgrade of Bermuda is a “damning judgment on the Government’s financial stewardship,” Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards this afternoon. Yesterday [June 26] Fitch Ratings downgraded Bermuda to ‘AA’ from ‘AA+’ citing “deteriorating fiscal and government debt ratios and lack of a credible fiscal... Read more of this article

PLP: ‘Suggestion Would Put Economy In Danger’

PLP: ‘Suggestion Would Put Economy In Danger’

[Updated] The PLP said that a suggestion by Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards would “put our economy in danger” and could end up with us being “deemed a tax haven”  – while Mr Richards said the PLP deliberately distorted his words. “The PLP operatives will do whatever it takes to tear down anyone who questions... Read more of this article

PLP & OBA Continue To Debate Term Limit Policy

PLP & OBA Continue To Debate Term Limit Policy

Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards and the Progressive Labour Party continue to verbally spar over term limits, following a recent report from the Cayman Islands about the impact term limits had on their business growth. “The flak gets heaviest when you’re closest to the target. The latest anonymous PLP assault on my credibility and the OBA... Read more of this article

PLP, Bob Richards & Cayman Term Limits

PLP, Bob Richards & Cayman Term Limits

The PLP has hit back at Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards and the OBA after a recent study done in the Cayman Islands indicated that their term limit policy is not one of the top four factors limiting business growth. The recently completed report by the Cayman Term Limit Review Committee about the seven-year term limits said the cost of doing business... Read more of this article

Government To Meet With Potential ‘Investors’

Government To Meet With Potential ‘Investors’

[Updated] The Bermuda Government issued a statement saying they will be “meeting domestic and international investors to provide an update on economic/fiscal developments in the Country, and also as part of its process of evaluating market conditions and potential funding opportunities to address its borrowing requirement…” Shadow... Read more of this article

OBA’s Richards: ‘Job Losses Can Be Stopped’

OBA’s Richards: ‘Job Losses Can Be Stopped’

[Updated] “Bermuda’s continuing job losses can be stopped, but it will take a government committed to real reform and change to stop the bleeding and grow the economy once again,” Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards said. This year there have, or will be, redundancies or job losses at entities including Elbow Beach Hotel, JP Morgan,... Read more of this article

OBA Delivers Reply To The Budget

OBA Delivers Reply To The Budget

[Updated] We are facing the greatest economic disaster in Bermuda’s history, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards said this morning [Mar.2] as he delivered the One Bermuda Alliance’s reply to the 2012/13 Budget in the House of Assembly. “We have major concerns about the Government’s Budget for the coming fiscal year. If you had asked... Read more of this article

Cayman Newspaper Chides Premier Cox

Cayman Newspaper Chides Premier Cox

Premier Paula Cox’s criticisms of claims by Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards that rival Caribbean jurisdiction Cayman may be stealing a march on Bermuda in the reinsurance field entirely miss the point, says the leading newspaper in that British territory. In an editorial today [Feb.27], the “Caymanian Compass” says the Bermudian... Read more of this article