Hashtag: #CraigCannonier

Video: Craig Cannonier Sworn In As Premier

Video: Craig Cannonier Sworn In As Premier

[Updated with video] One Bermuda Alliance leader Craig Cannonier was officially sworn in as Premier by Governor George Fergusson this afternoon [Dec 18]. His family, friends, and numerous OBA members were present for the swearing in ceremony held at Government House. The OBA denied the Progressive Labour Party a fourth consecutive term last night [Dec.17]... Read more of this article

Video: Craig Cannonier’s Election Victory Speech

Video: Craig Cannonier’s Election Victory Speech

“Bermuda has seen a new day. It’s new Bermuda and a new day in politics,” Premier-elect Craig Cannonier told jubilant supporters who gathered at an OBA victory rally following their 19-17 victory at the polls. Victory Speech: “Bermuda this is our moment, this is our day to start moving forward….truly leaving no one behind,”... Read more of this article

Cannonier: “This Press Conference Is Over”

Cannonier: “This Press Conference Is Over”

[Updated w/PLP response] Saying “this press conference is over,” Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier abruptly ended his participation in a press conference this afternoon [Dec 3]. The meeting was originally held to discuss crime, and after Jeff Baron addressed the media the floor was opened to questions. Ayo Johnson asked Mr Cannonier about... Read more of this article

Premier, Renee Ming Extend Debate Challenge

Premier, Renee Ming Extend Debate Challenge

Premier Paula Cox reiterated her willingness to engage OBA Leader Craig Cannonier in a debate, while PLP candidate Renee Ming has also challenged her opponent Nandi Davis to a debate. “I’m ready, willing and able to discuss the pertinent issues of the day with Mr. Cannonier,” noted Premier Paula Cox. “Our party has stood strong... Read more of this article

Cannonier: ‘The Office Must Be Respected’

Cannonier: ‘The Office Must Be Respected’

Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier took to social media to post an appeal for people to “knock it off”, as far as posting “undignified, even degrading” comments about Premier Paula Cox. The post on Mr Cannonier’s Facebook page said: “It has come to my attention that blogs are being used to depict the Premier of Bermuda,... Read more of this article

OBA: Speech Did Not Outline Economic Plans

OBA: Speech Did Not Outline Economic Plans

Bermuda should be very concerned in the midst of an economic crisis that has killed jobs for thousands and spread financial hardship across the country that the Government’s Throne Speech does not address the country’s number one need – which is jobs, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said. Mr Cannonier said the Government “outlined no economic... Read more of this article

Craig Cannonier: “Please Extend A Helping Hand”

Craig Cannonier: “Please Extend A Helping Hand”

[Written by Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier] No Bermudian who was alive at the time will ever forget the community spirit that showed itself after Hurricane Emily and Hurricane Fabian. Strangers helped each other as if they had been friends all their lives. Those in need had only to ask, and help would appear. Those whose job it was to help did wonderfully... Read more of this article

Videos: 2012 Labour Day Messages

Videos: 2012 Labour Day Messages

Politicians from all three parties joined leaders from the islands unions outside the Bermuda Industrial Union yesterday [Sept 3], with various speeches being made as part of the Labour Day celebration. Videos of those who addressed the gathered crowd are below, and include remarks by Premier Paula Cox, OBA Leader Craig Cannonier, UBP Leader Kim Swan,... Read more of this article

Cannonier: ‘Inner Circle Exploiting A Situation’

Cannonier: ‘Inner Circle Exploiting A Situation’

[Updated] The PAC report revealed an inner circle of people exploiting a situation to serve their interests before the public interest, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said. “The BLDC situation reveals poor judgment and careless behaviour at the highest level of government. If our political leaders do not enforce the rules, if they do not set... Read more of this article

PLP Calls For Apology, OBA Says There Is No Need

PLP Calls For Apology, OBA Says There Is No Need

The Progressive Labour Party called on One Bermuda Alliance Leader Craig Cannonier to publicly apologize for Senator Michael Dunkley’s comments about GEHI Dental Coverage, while the Opposition Leader said there was “no need to apologize.” On Sunday [July 8] Michael Dunkley said, “Dental insurance coverage for Government employees... Read more of this article

OBA’s Cannonier On Dealing With Gang Problem

OBA’s Cannonier On Dealing With Gang Problem

[Written by Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier] The Bermuda Police Service can rightfully claim progress against gang violence over the past year. They can point to the fact that total firearms incidents in 2011 were down 37%, with injuries and fatalities down 55%. This is progress, but we must keep in mind that it stands against a two-year backdrop... Read more of this article

Photos/Videos: One Bermuda Alliance Fun Day

Photos/Videos: One Bermuda Alliance Fun Day

[Updated] The One Bermuda Alliance hosted a Family Fun Day yesterday [June 2] at Mullet Bay in St George’s, with refreshment stalls, a fun castle, music, face painting, a sack race, tug-of-war competition, three legged race and more. The event also included a “dunking stool” portion which saw OBA politicians plung into the water. - OBA... Read more of this article

Cannonier: “Major Threat To Our Way Of Life”

Cannonier: “Major Threat To Our Way Of Life”

This “new wave of extreme violence” is a major threat to our way of life, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said following the recent spree of armed robberies and home invasions. Mr Cannonier said, “I want to express our serious concerns about the new and extreme violence that is shaking Bermuda today, where families now fear their... Read more of this article

OBA: Police Need Adequate Funds

OBA: Police Need Adequate Funds

Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for National Security Craig Cannonier spoke on the recently released 2011 crime statistics urging Government to give the “funds necessary for our police service to work effectively.” “It is going to be interesting to see where the Government positions the police department in the budget,”... Read more of this article

OBA: Land Policy Reversal Welcome

OBA: Land Policy Reversal Welcome

Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said the One Bermuda Alliance welcomes the land policy reversal, and noted that “Government has been in damage control for most of the past year, scrambling to reverse policies that have not worked.” Yesterday [Feb.17] Minister Wayne Perinchief announced that a policy requiring mixed status couples to buy... Read more of this article

Ministers/MPs On Pay Cuts, OBA Reply

Ministers/MPs On Pay Cuts, OBA Reply

[Updated with OBA's counter offer & UBP response] Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox said that Ministers and Government MPs are prepared to accept a one year cessation of pension contributions, as well as a 5% salary decrease. This afternoon [Feb.9] the Premier wrote to Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier to ask if Opposition MPs would be willing... Read more of this article