Hashtag: #Fires

Photos: Aftermath Of Fire At Boat Storage Facility

Photos: Aftermath Of Fire At Boat Storage Facility

Early this morning [Dec 14], the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service responded to a call reporting several boats on fire in St. George’s, and firefighters worked to extinguish the blaze. Earlier today, a police spokesperson said, “Around 3:30am on Thursday, December 13th, Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service and police were dispatched to a report of several... Read more of this article

BFRS Extinguish Fire At Boat Storage Facility

BFRS Extinguish Fire At Boat Storage Facility

The Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service responded to a report of ”several boats on fire” in St George’s early this morning. A police spokesperson said, “Around 3:30am on Thursday, December 13th, Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service and police were dispatched to a report of several boats on fire at the Boatport storage facility on Wellington... Read more of this article

Minister On 23 Newly Qualified Firefighters

Minister On 23 Newly Qualified Firefighters

“I am pleased to report that our 23 local recruit firefighters that travelled to Newcastle U.K. on the 5th August 2023 for six weeks to receive specialist training, successfully completed their foundational training course qualifying them as aircraft rescue firefighters,” said Minister Of National Security Michael Weeks. Speaking the House... Read more of this article

BFRS Welcome 23 New Bermudian Firefighters

BFRS Welcome 23 New Bermudian Firefighters

Minister of National Security Michael Weeks was at the Hamilton Fire Station today [Sept 28] along with other dignitaries, to honour the 23 new Bermudian firefighters who completed their basic training. Minister Weeks said, “Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and esteemed members of the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service, “Today, we... Read more of this article

BFRS Sends 23 Recruits To UK For Training

BFRS Sends 23 Recruits To UK For Training

The Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service [BFRS] sent 23 recruit firefighters to participate in a specialised aircraft firefighting course in the UK. “Through intensive training at the Newcastle International Fire Training Academy, our twenty-three brave recruits will be forged into a formidable team, armed with specialised skills to safeguard our international... Read more of this article

24 Local Recruit Firefighters To Train In UK

24 Local Recruit Firefighters To Train In UK

24 local recruit firefighters are scheduled to travel to the U.K. next month to receive specialist training that will certify them as aircraft rescue firefighters, and “barring any unforeseen problems, the newly trained Fire Officers will replace the overseas consultant firefighters” in October,  Minister of National Security Michael... Read more of this article

Ministry On Response Capability Of BFRS

Ministry On Response Capability Of BFRS

“Response times are still within optimal expectations, and the BFRS maintains very high standards of response as well as providing excellent triage attention to medical emergencies.” said Minister of National Security Michael Weeks. “We are ensuring that the BFRS has the necessary resources to carry out its duties effectively and efficiently.... Read more of this article

Fire & Rescue Service Holds Pinning Ceremony

Fire & Rescue Service Holds Pinning Ceremony

The Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service [BFRS] recently held a pinning ceremony for twelve promoted officers. Dana Lovell – Chief Fire Officer, Troy Furbert – Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Justin Robinson – Sergeant, Kingsley Mundy – Sergeant, Ronae Lowe – Sergeant, Delton White – Sergeant, Adman Forde – Sergeant, Christopher Bramwell... Read more of this article

Two Firemen Complete Driver Training With BPS

Two Firemen Complete Driver Training With BPS

Two firemen from the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service [BFRS] have just completed a four-week driver training course with the Bermuda Police Service [BPS]. A spokesperson said, “Firefighters Ryan DeSilva and Alex Swan have both successfully completed the course, under the instruction of Driver Training Instructor Police Constable Bianca Glasford. Both... Read more of this article

BFRS Enhances Incident Command Skills

BFRS Enhances Incident Command Skills

The Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service [BFRS] is holding a two-week Incident Command Course, “further reinforcing its unwavering dedication to maintaining the highest safety standards in order to serve Bermuda.” Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said, “We firmly believe that continuous training and development are vital in fulfilling... Read more of this article

Dana Lovell Appointed Chief Fire Officer

Dana Lovell Appointed Chief Fire Officer

The Ministry of National Security announced the appointment of Mr Dana Lovell as the new Chief Fire Officer of the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service [BFRS]. A Government spokesperson said, “With 38 years of experience in firefighting and emergency response, Mr Lovell brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise. “Mr Lovell has been serving... Read more of this article

Minister: ‘No Plans To Close Any Fire Station’

Minister: ‘No Plans To Close Any Fire Station’

“I wish the public to know that there are no plans to close any fire station,” Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said. The Minister added, “The Ministry is committed to delivering the highest level of emergency services to our residents. We are proud of the standards of service that our first responders provide and the long history... Read more of this article