Video: BFRS Extinguish Brush Fire In Devonshire

December 4, 2022

Firefighters extinguished a brush fire in Devonshire this afternoon [Dec 4].

A spokesperson said, “At 1318hrs [1:18pm] a call was received via 911 reporting a brush fire at the junction of Headquarters Hill and BFA Way, Devonshire.

“Two Fire appliances, one Fire service water tender and one command car responded with a total of 10 personnel. First appliance arrived at 1323hrs [1:23pm] and upon arrival Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service personnel found an area of trees and brush approximately 80 x 50 sqft fully involved. The fire was deep seated and located next to a BELCO substation.

“Firefighters, in full protective gear including breathing apparatus, entered the area with multiple 1 1/2 hose lines and gained control of the fire at approximately 1339hrs [1:39pm]. Firefighters continued to wet the area down until 1450hrs [2:50pm] to ensure the fire had been extinguished. A fire investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of the blaze.”


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