Hashtag: #HealthInsurance

$45 Increase In The Standard Premium Rate

$45 Increase In The Standard Premium Rate

“There will be a $45 increase in the Standard Premium Rate representing a 13.6% increase,” Minister of Health Kim Wilson said, adding that “the loss of insured adults due to unemployment or emigration is real” and “we have seen businesses and individuals terminate their more expensive private health insurance policies... Read more of this article

Hamilton Medical Centre Granted SHB

Hamilton Medical Centre Granted SHB

The Hamilton Medical Centre announced that the Supreme Court overturned the refusal of the Bermuda Health Council to grant Standard Health Benefit [SHB] to them, which they called a “judgment in favour of HIP and FutureCare patients, who stand to benefit the most by having coverage at our state-of-the-art facility.” A spokesperson said, “The... Read more of this article

BMDA On Argus Acquisition Of Medical Practices

BMDA On Argus Acquisition Of Medical Practices

“Our disappointment was not because of the sale itself, but because Argus stated that one of the reasons for doing it was to help to better the healthcare of the Island,” the Bermuda Medical Doctors Association said, adding that “a statement that says it ‘will benefit all’, but blatantly only benefits a few, is contradictory... Read more of this article

Govt’s Goal Remains Universal Health Coverage

Govt’s Goal Remains Universal Health Coverage

“Before the emergency orders arose in response to COVID-19, this government was working on reforms to our health system,” Minister of Health Kim Wilson said, adding that “universal health coverage remains the Government’s commitment and goal.” Minister Wilson said, “By now the majority of Bermuda would have heard of the... Read more of this article

Argus Acquires Island Health & Family Practice

Argus Acquires Island Health & Family Practice

Saying that it is “part of its strategy to diversify its operations and develop a business model that drives up quality of healthcare while seeking to drive down costs,” Argus Group today announced the “acquisition of primary care medical practices, Island Health Services and the Family Practice Group.” “This investment... Read more of this article

HID: Walk-In Customers For Certain Services

HID: Walk-In Customers For Certain Services

The Health Insurance Department [HID] is “accepting walk-in customers for cash premium payments as well as new enrollment applications only,” and all walk-in customers must wear masks. A government spokesperson said, “The HID office is staffed with a reduced complement of employees to facilitate walk-in customers. “HID is located... Read more of this article

Bermuda Doctors Association On Health Reform

Bermuda Doctors Association On Health Reform

[Updated] The “unified model would not lower healthcare cost without negatively impacting the quality of care and waiting times of services,” the Bermuda Medical Doctors Association said, adding that they have concerns about the “short time frame which the Government is proposing to implement these changes, and have challenged them... Read more of this article

Health Plan Town Hall Meetings Start On Monday

Health Plan Town Hall Meetings Start On Monday

The Minister of Health Kim Wilson will host three town hall meetings for public discussion of the proposed Bermuda Health Plan [BHP], with the first meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening, Monday, 16 September at St James Church Hall in Sandys at 6:30 p.m. The next two meetings are: Monday, 30 September at St. Paul AME Centennial Hall, Hamilton at... Read more of this article

Column: Government Healthcare Reform Goals

Column: Government Healthcare Reform Goals

[Opinion column written by Junior Minister of Education Senator Jason Hayward] The Bermuda Health Strategy Report 2014 – 2019 states, “Compared to other high-income countries Bermuda’s health system is not providing value for money as measured by health outcomes for the level of expenditure.” It is indisputable that Bermuda’s health system... Read more of this article

BBC TV Special Breaks Down Healthcare Reform

BBC TV Special Breaks Down Healthcare Reform

Making sense of healthcare reform – that’s the thrust of a special, one-hour episode of Bermuda Broadcasting Company’s business TV show, The Breakdown. It first aired on May 30 but the BBC said they were encouraged by positive public feedback so will re-broadcast the show tonight, Thursday, June 13, at 8pm. Show host Toni Waterman explains that... Read more of this article

Column: An Agenda For Better Healthcare

Column: An Agenda For Better Healthcare

[Opinion column written by MP Tinee Furbert] June is a very reflective month for me as a healthcare professional, a woman and a Member of Parliament. Each day, I fight for the needs of the people of this country, specifically women. I am passionate about improving lives and doing so through legislation that addresses domestic violence, improves child... Read more of this article

Video: Discussion On Universal Healthcare

Video: Discussion On Universal Healthcare

The Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] is holding a panel discussion this morning [June 4] on universal healthcare. The moderator is scheduled to be Donald Lottimore, and the scheduled panelists include Dr. Ricky C. Brathwaite from Bermuda Health Council, Dr Claudette Fleming from Age Concern, and BTUC President Senator Jason Hayward. Update: The live... Read more of this article