Hashtag: #KimSwan

Swan: Restoring Golf Will Benefit St. Georges

Swan: Restoring Golf Will Benefit St. Georges

Golf is a major part of the Bermuda Department of Tourism’s marketing campaign and St. George’s will benefit when golf is restored, said former St George’s MP and golf professional Kim Swan. “The Town of St. George’s has been without a golf course for four years and the absence of this important amenity has been detrimental... Read more of this article

Tribute Paid To Former UBP MP Anita Smith

Tribute Paid To Former UBP MP Anita Smith

Former Opposition Leader and St George’s MP Kim Swan paid tribute to Anita Smith, who died recently at age 95. Mrs Smith was elected to Parliament for the United Bermuda Party in 1968, and represented St. George’s North from 1968 to 1980. Mr Swan said: “Cindy and I mourn the passing of former St. George’s Member of Parliament... Read more of this article

Kim Swan Congratulates Nandi Davis, OBA

Kim Swan Congratulates Nandi Davis, OBA

Independent candidate Kim Swan has congratulated his opponent Nandi Davis on her win, and congratulated the OBA on their overall victory. Mr Swan, who was the incumbent, ran in C#2 St. George’s West in a three way battle which saw the OBA win by by 4 votes. Nandi Davis [OBA] received 359 votes, Renee Ming [PLP] received 355, while Mr Swan received... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: “Independents Offer Real Change”

Kim Swan: “Independents Offer Real Change”

The abundance of Independent candidates in the upcoming election offers Bermuda an opportunity for “real change and a move away from stereotypical voting, foregone conclusions and polarization,” C#2 St George’s West candidate Kim Swan said. This election will see a total of 15 Independent candidates contest 12 different constituencies:... Read more of this article

Kim Swan, Charles Swan To Stay Independent

Kim Swan, Charles Swan To Stay Independent

Both Kim Swan and Charles Swan have said that if they are re-elected in the upcoming election they will remain as Independents for the duration of that term of office. The Swans were the last two remaining United Bermuda Party MPs, and announced last month they will be contesting the upcoming General Election as Independents, not under the UBP banner. Charles... Read more of this article

Swan: OBA Leader Fabrication Claim Is “Bizarre”

Swan: OBA Leader Fabrication Claim Is “Bizarre”

[Updated] Confirming a document does in fact exist, former UBP leader Kim Swan called it ”bizarre” that the OBA Leader claimed that a report given to the UBP years ago is a fabrication – when he was not involved in politics in 2008 and was never a member of the UBP. The document has dominated the news cycle since last week, with... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: ‘Polarization Of Party Politics’

Kim Swan: ‘Polarization Of Party Politics’

The unprecedented number of Independent candidates signals a “real disquiet of persons dissatisfied with the polarization of party politics,” according to Independent candidate Kim Swan. This election will see a total of 15 Independent candidates contest 12 different constituencies. By comparison two Independents ran in the 2007 Election,... Read more of this article

Kim Swan On St. George’s Golf Course

Kim Swan On St. George’s Golf Course

Incumbent St. George’s West Member of Parliament Kim Swan said he is encouraged that his many months and years of prodding has finally resulted in a commitment by the Bermuda government to re-open St. George’s Golf Course. “Whilst there remains much concern about the state of disrepair of the course – caused by years of neglect... Read more of this article

Kim Swan, Charles Swan To Run As Independents

Kim Swan, Charles Swan To Run As Independents

[Updated] The last two remaining United Bermuda Party MPs —  Kim Swan & Charles Swan –  will be contesting the upcoming General Election as Independents, not under the UBP banner. Kim Swan is running in C#2 St. George’s West, where he will match up against Nandi Davis [OBA] and John Gibbons [PLP]. Charles Swan is running in C#31... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: ‘We Want To Be #1 Again’

Kim Swan: ‘We Want To Be #1 Again’

[Written by UBP MP Kim Swan] Growing up in Bermuda and working in the hospitality industry, it was commonplace to tell our visitors that “Bermudians are the friendliest people in the world” but also believe it to be so. To see this Forbes survey which list Bermuda the 8th friendliest place behind Cayman (#1), USA, Canada and others suggest,... Read more of this article

Swan: Unemployment Stats ‘Paint A Grim Picture’

Swan: Unemployment Stats ‘Paint A Grim Picture’

The recently released employment statistics  tell the “painful story of a difficult time” for Bermudians and also reflects how a “spend happy government”  finds itself with very limited reserves, UBP MP Kim Swan said. The statistics revealed that working population declined by 1,323 persons from 2010, and the decline in non-Bermudian... Read more of this article

Swan: Frommer’s Warnings To Gays/Disabled

Swan: Frommer’s Warnings To Gays/Disabled

Warnings in the Frommers travel guide to gay and lesbian travelers, as well as the disabled, need to be addressed by the Bermuda Department of Tourism and the Government,  UBP MP Kim Swan said. Mr Swan said: “The question of whether Bermuda is a welcoming, fair and equitable society has been called into question in the Frommers travel guide where... Read more of this article

Videos: 2012 Labour Day Messages

Videos: 2012 Labour Day Messages

Politicians from all three parties joined leaders from the islands unions outside the Bermuda Industrial Union yesterday [Sept 3], with various speeches being made as part of the Labour Day celebration. Videos of those who addressed the gathered crowd are below, and include remarks by Premier Paula Cox, OBA Leader Craig Cannonier, UBP Leader Kim Swan,... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: “St. George’s Needs So Much More”

Kim Swan: “St. George’s Needs So Much More”

The Town of St. George needs ‘So Much More’ in order to properly meet the challenge of a competitive tourism market, UBP and St George’s MP Kim Swan said. Mr Swan said: “The announcement by the Minister of Tourism of Bermuda’s new brand this week “Bermuda, so much more” has understandably received a positive... Read more of this article

UBP Congratulates Bermuda’s Olympians

UBP Congratulates Bermuda’s Olympians

“Nothing galvanizes people more than sports, music or the arts and in this case the Olympics has kept the people of Bermuda focused on the events in London”, United Bermuda Party leader Kim Swan said. “My colleague Mr. Charlie Swan and I are most pleased with and proud of the efforts by all of our [Bermuda's] Olympic athletes. We see... Read more of this article

Kim Swan Calls For Update On Club Med Property

Kim Swan Calls For Update On Club Med Property

UBP MP Kim Swan — the St. George’s West MP – is calling on the Government to reveal what their plan is for the former Club Med property in St George’s. “It has been 47 months since the implosion of the former Club Med Property and there are no signs of construction as promised,” said Mr Swan. “The lease agreement... Read more of this article