Hashtag: #LiquorAndCocktails

Sunday Liquor Sales Law Passes In The Senate

Sunday Liquor Sales Law Passes In The Senate

With the bill to amend the Liquor Licence Act passing in both the House of Assembly and the Senate, locals will soon be able to purchase liquor on Sundays. In last month’s Throne Speech, Government said they would amend the law to allow liquor sales on Sunday. The Throne Speech said: “The prohibition of alcohol sales by retail outlets on Sundays... Read more of this article

Police Inquiries Into Alleged Sunday Liquor Sale

Police Inquiries Into Alleged Sunday Liquor Sale

A St George’s business is alleged to have gotten a little ahead of the planned new law, having apparently sold alcohol this past Sunday [Dec 15]. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is aware that a St. George’s business apparently sold alcohol during the afternoon of Sunday, December 15th. “This is contrary to the... Read more of this article

Sunday Liquor Sales Bill Passes In The House

Sunday Liquor Sales Bill Passes In The House

A bill to change the law to permit liquor sales on Sundays in grocery and liquor stores passed in the House of Assembly on Friday [Dec 13]. Government first signaled their intent to allow Sunday liquor sales in the Throne Speech saying, “The prohibition of alcohol sales by retail outlets on Sundays has been a feature of Bermudian society for a long... Read more of this article

Suspended Sentence For 60 Yr Old Liquor Thief

Suspended Sentence For 60 Yr Old Liquor Thief

Appearing in Magistrates Court today [Dec 12], a 60 year old man  pleaded guilty to stealing a litre of Dewars whisky, valued at $33.85, from Miles Market in June 2013. Gary Dillas was given a three month prison sentence, but the sentence was suspended for twelve months; and he was ordered to pay $33.85 to Miles Market today. Crown Prosecutor Maria... Read more of this article

Bill Tabled To Allow Liquor Sales On Sunday

Bill Tabled To Allow Liquor Sales On Sunday

A bill seeking to amend the Liquor Licence Act 1974 to permit the “sales of intoxicating liquor” on Sundays in grocery and liquor stores was tabled in the House of Assembly on Friday [Nov 29]. The bill said: Clause 2 amends the Third Schedule to the Liquor Licence Act 1974 to extend the permitted hours in respect of a Licence (A) holder... Read more of this article

Alcohol Plays “Major Role” In Traffic Fatalities

Alcohol Plays “Major Role” In Traffic Fatalities

A new study by the Department of Health [DOH] confirmed that alcohol plays a major role in Bermuda’s road traffic fatalities. The study, entitled, “The Influence of Alcohol in Road Traffic Accidents and Fatalities in Bermuda over the Past Three Years” also found that there is a correlation between heart disease and excessive or prolonged... Read more of this article

$28.9 Million Of Alcohol In Circulation Last Year

$28.9 Million Of Alcohol In Circulation Last Year

7.6 million litres of alcohol valued at $28.9 million was in circulation in 2012, Minister of Public Safety Michael Dunkley said today [Nov 22] in the House of Assembly. Speaking on a recent report about drug and alcohol use, the Minister said: “The data indicates that alcohol has become engrained in the social culture in Bermuda, as evidenced... Read more of this article

Alcohol Abuse, An Endemic Problem? Solutions?

Alcohol Abuse, An Endemic Problem? Solutions?

[Opinion column written by Jonathan Starling] Reviewing the recent Throne Speech, outlining the OBA Government’s policy priorities for the next year, I note that, as regards alcohol, the OBA proposes to: Continues to ‘encourage those who drink alcohol to do so responsibly’; Amend the Liquor License Act 1974 to require mandatory ID checks for... Read more of this article

CADA: Mandatory ID Checks A “Good First Step”

CADA: Mandatory ID Checks A “Good First Step”

CADA applauded some of the Government’s proposed changes to the Liquor License Act 1974 that were included in the recent Throne Speech. CADA’s Anthony Santucci [pictured] stated, “Making ID carding mandatory in Bars and Night clubs is a good first step. “CADA still calls for Mandatory ID carding related to the sale of all alcoholic... Read more of this article

10% Shopping On Wed, Liquor Sales On Sunday

10% Shopping On Wed, Liquor Sales On Sunday

The Government announced in this morning’s [Nov 8] Throne Speech that MarketPlace, Supermart and Lindo’s will increase their Wednesday discount to 10%, and also said that Government will amend the Liquor Licence Act to allow liquor to be sold on Sundays. Speaking on the grocery discount, the Throne Speech said: “The challenge for Government... Read more of this article

Photos/Video: Muse Wine/Food Tasting Social

Photos/Video: Muse Wine/Food Tasting Social

Described as “an event designed to whet the appetite and feed the soul,” Muse Restaurant and Skybar held a Saturday Soiree over this past weekend [Oct 12] that brought Bermudians together with a variety of wines, cocktails, and delicious foods, all in a fun and exciting social atmosphere that ensured that everyone in attendance had a great... Read more of this article

#TouristTuesdayBda To Tour Pink Cocktails

#TouristTuesdayBda To Tour Pink Cocktails

After gaining some traction around the island, the #TouristTuesdayBda group will be taking a step up in their attempt to gain exposure for local Bermudian businesses as they take part in the More Pink Competition. The #TouristTuesdayBda group consists of three island residents who spend each Tuesday pretending to be tourists as they sample local food,... Read more of this article