Hashtag: #MichaelWeeksColumns

Opinion: “We Simply Will Not Get Up And Leave”
[Opinion column written by PLP MP Michael Weeks + Updated with OBA response] “Please get up and leave and go somewhere else.” These were the words spoken on June 14th 2013 by then OBA Attorney-General Mark Pettingill in reference to Bermudians who were upset with moves by the OBA at that time. Not one OBA MP spoke out against those comments. Not... Read more of this article

Michael Weeks: “Make Our Youth A Priority”
[Opinion column written by PLP MP Michael Weeks] “Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.” ~ James W. Frick Since taking office the OBA has taken a series of steps that have impacted our youth and that have created even greater challenges for those young Bermudians... Read more of this article

Opinion: Michael Weeks On “The Two Bermudas”
[Opinion column written by PLP MP Michael Weeks] A few months ago, I wrote an opinion piece entitled “The Two Bermudas” in which I spoke of the inequality between different segments of our community. Since then it seems as if the divisions between us have grown. In recent weeks, we have witnessed the OBA exhibit behaviors that clearly indicate... Read more of this article

Opinion: Divide Between The “Two Bermudas”
[Opinion column written by Opposition MP Michael Weeks] Over the past year, you may have heard the PLP often talking about the need to break down the divide between the “two Bermudas.” Today, I’d like to take this opportunity to explain a little bit about why Bermuda works best when Bermudians are put first. When we talk about two Bermudas we... Read more of this article