Hashtag: #WorkfromBermuda

Govt Resume Multi-Year Residency Applications
The Ministry of Economy and Labour announced that the Work from Bermuda initiative will conclude on February 28, 2025, with the Government shifting back to multi-year residency applications. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Economy and Labour advises the public that the Work from Bermuda [WFB] initiative will officially conclude... Read more of this article

Govt: $28M Into Economy From WFB Initiative
Since launching the ‘Work from Bermuda’ [WFB] initiative two years ago, the Government has received 1315 WFB applications, with 1127 approved, there are currently 234 WFB certificate holders residing in Bermuda and it is estimated “that since the launch of the WFP initiative, the certificate holders have injected over $28 million into Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

CNBC On Bermuda’s Remote Work Programme
CNBC has featured Bermuda in an article entitled ‘From Bali to Bermuda: 6 tropical destinations that make it easy to live and work remotely.’ The report said, “The concept of working remotely isn’t new. But it really took the world by storm at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. There was no other choice. “And it looks like this... Read more of this article

Guardian Highlights Digital Nomad In Bermuda
The Guardian recently featured “digital nomad” Lauren Anders Brown, who has been spending time in Bermuda. The Guardian website said, “The pandemic locked us down, but at the same time freed many workers from the confines of the office. A new breed of digital nomads emerged – people who took their laptops, jumped on planes and set up... Read more of this article

Bermuda 109th In Kayak Remote Rankings
Bermuda has not fared well in Kayak’s “Remote Work Rankings,” which states they compare 111 countries using 22 different factors, with the island ranked almost last. Of the 22 factors they use, five are in the “local prices” category, which is driving down our overall score quite significantly as not only did they allocate... Read more of this article

‘Work From Bermuda’: 900 Residents & $23M
According to the recently released Ministry of Labour Year End Review 2021, the one-year Work from Bermuda policy “yielded over 900 residents and generated over $23m into the economy.” The policy was launched back in August 2020, and allows people who have “the means to support themselves while working remotely” to apply to live in... Read more of this article

“Estimated Value-Added Of $23.3 Million’
[Updated] Minister of Labour Jason Hayward is holding a press conference this morning [Nov 4] to provide an update on “immigration initiatives in support of Bermuda’s economy.” We will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below. Update: The Minister said that since the launch of the ‘Work from Bermuda’... Read more of this article

Video: NBCLX Features ‘Work From Bermuda’
Bermuda has been featured on an NBCLX video entitled “How to Work Remotely From a Tropical Island During the Pandemic,” with the 5 minute video providing nice coverage of the island, showcasing some of the island’s scenery and more. NBCLX is part of the NBCUniversal media giant, with the company saying the “LX stands for ‘Local... Read more of this article

244 People Currently ‘Working From Bermuda’
587 applications have been received thus far for the Work from Bermuda One Year Residential Certificate, 508 have been approved and “244 are currently enjoying life in Bermuda and contributing daily to the local economy.” This was from Minister of Labour Jason Hayward at yesterday’s [Dec 16] press conference, with the Minister saying:... Read more of this article

New Yorker Enjoying Working From Bermuda
“Everyone is very respectful, they wear masks, make you sanitize your hands before entering a public space” and it’s “non-politicized protection,” a New Yorker who is currently living on the island as part of the One Year Residential Certificate programme said. This is according to an article from Travel + Leisure about... Read more of this article

Minister: Revise Residential Certificate Policy
The Government will “revise the Residential Certificate policy to require those granted the right to live in Bermuda to make economic investments in the Island or to invest in the new Bermuda Trust Fund,” Minister of Labour Jason Hayward said. Speaking at yesterday’s [Nov 10] press conference, Minister Hayward said, “The Economic... Read more of this article

Afiniti To Submit Approximately 90 Applications
[Updated] Minister of Labour Jason Hayward is holding a press conference this afternoon [Oct 29] to “provide an update on the One Year Residential Certificate and information on job opportunities for Bermudians that will soon become available due to company relocations.” We will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live... Read more of this article