Hashtag: #Scams

Police Warn Of ‘Fraudulent Schemes’ Circulating

Police Warn Of ‘Fraudulent Schemes’ Circulating

Noting that “several persons have fallen victim to the scheme, with one Bermudian ‘investing’ upwards of BDA $10,000,” the police are “alerting the public to two fraudulent schemes currently circulating within the community.” A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is alerting the public to two... Read more of this article

Public Cautioned About Email Scams Circulating

Public Cautioned About Email Scams Circulating

The Ministry of Labour is advising the public of two fake emails in circulation, one purporting to be from the Department of Financial Assistance and the other relating to Covid-19 status validation. A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Labour advises the public of two fake emails in circulation. One claims to be an offer of assistance... Read more of this article

Police Warn About Two Online Frauds Circulating

Police Warn About Two Online Frauds Circulating

The police have issued a warning about “two forms of online fraud currently circulating within the community.” A police spokesperson said, “One form involves persons being contacted on social media platforms such as Instagram, by individuals they believe to be family members or friends. The “family/friend” would then pitch an investment... Read more of this article

Fake Covid-19 Validation Email Circulating

Fake Covid-19 Validation Email Circulating

[Updated] A fake email message asking people to “validate your Covid-19 status” is circulating, making an erroneous claim in what appears to be a phishing attempt. The message — which is not accurate and purports to come from the Government but does not as the email sender address clearly shows — claims, “The Centers for... Read more of this article

Fake RUBiS Promotional Sweepstakes Messages

Fake RUBiS Promotional Sweepstakes Messages

RUBiS Energy Bermuda has warned that a fake email and WhatsApp message is circulating that is purporting to be from their company and claiming the person is the winner of a promotional sweepstakes, and has urged the public to not forward the messages. A spokesperson said, “RUBiS Energy Bermuda would like to advise the public that it has become aware... Read more of this article

Fake Emails Claiming To Be From The Ministry

Fake Emails Claiming To Be From The Ministry

There is a fake email circulating purporting to be from the Minister of Health which is attempting to seek personal information from people. A Government spokesperson said, “The Government of Bermuda is advising the public that it is aware of a Phishing email circulating, purporting to be from the Minister of Health. “The email indicates that it... Read more of this article

Advisory: Speed Camera Violations Scam Email

Advisory: Speed Camera Violations Scam Email

“Residents should be wary of a misleading email currently in circulation that claims the recipient has been caught on a speed camera and is required to pay a fine,” the police said today. A police spokesperson said, “Once again the Bermuda Police Service [BPS] is urging members of the public to remain vigilant regarding scams that attempt... Read more of this article

Police Warn Of Online Staycation Scam

Police Warn Of Online Staycation Scam

The staycation giveaway by the MarketPlace and Hamilton Princess has “been copied by unknown fraudsters, who are attempting to lure unsuspecting individuals into providing personal information by misleading them into believing that they are prize winners.” A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service [BPS] has been informed... Read more of this article

Safer Internet Day: “Think Before You Click”

Safer Internet Day: “Think Before You Click”

International Safer Internet Day  is observed on February 9th,, and the Bermuda Police Service [BPS] highlighted what they said were “two areas of major concern impacting teenagers, cyberbullying and sexting.” A police spokesperson said, “Your digital footprint is a permanent trail you leave the moment you sign onto any online service... Read more of this article

BMA: Fraudulent Bank Of Nevis Website

BMA: Fraudulent Bank Of Nevis Website

The Bermuda Monetary Authority is advising the public of a “fraudulent website which falsely claims to be a crypto bank operating from an address in Bermuda and which falsely uses the name of a real bank.” A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Monetary Authority [the Authority] has been made aware of a fraudulent website at www.bankofnevis.com... Read more of this article

Police Issue Another Advisory On Phishing Scam

Police Issue Another Advisory On Phishing Scam

The Bermuda Police Service is once again “advising the public not to provide personal details in response to requests sent via e-mail from unknown entities.” “These requests are usually linked to advisories informing the recipient that they have come into significant sums of money and all that is required for them to collect those funds... Read more of this article

People Purporting To Be Consumer Officers

People Purporting To Be Consumer Officers

“There are some members of the public who are going into retail establishments and saying they are Consumer Affairs Enforcement Officers in order to deceive retailers,” Minister Walter Roban said. Speaking at last night’s [Dec 30] press briefing, Minister Roban said, “I will now move to my Ministry, Home Affairs where fraudulent... Read more of this article

Police Advisory: Gift Card/Social Media Scam

Police Advisory: Gift Card/Social Media Scam

The police are advising residents to “ignore a social media scam offering a $30,000 grant that requires payment of certain ‘fees’ to receive the supposed funding.” “One incident of this nature was reported to police over the weekend, where an unsuspecting resident was contacted on Facebook messenger by an unknown person offering... Read more of this article

Police Warning About Investment/Pyramid Scam

Police Warning About Investment/Pyramid Scam

The police are again warning the public about scams, saying there has been “an increase in these schemes disguised as investment opportunities,” adding that the latest scheme encourages individuals to invest with promises of alleged returns of as much as $130,000. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service wishes to once... Read more of this article

Police Issue Advisory On WhatsApp Scam

Police Issue Advisory On WhatsApp Scam

The police have advised that a “new WhatsApp scam has emerged in which a message is sent out, via SMS, by individuals purporting to be part of the WhatsApp technical team, asking users to share their verification code in order to verify that their account is genuine.” “Responding to this message, allows the scammers access to your account,... Read more of this article

Police Advisory On ‘Secret Shopper’ Scam

Police Advisory On ‘Secret Shopper’ Scam

Police are once again advising the public about fake offers for secret shopper jobs that are still circulating on social media. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is alerting the public of fake offers for secret shopper jobs, still circulating on social media. Offers to be a secret shopper are normally made on Facebook, but have... Read more of this article