Hashtag: #StuartHayward

Videos, Photos & Report: Forum for Change

Videos, Photos & Report: Forum for Change

Scroll down for 3 videos, 21 photos and a report of the “Forum for Change”, which was held today [Mar 26] on the grounds of the Cabinet building at 12:15pm. In our estimation there were around 150* people in attendance through the entire event, with the affair being somewhat low key, with no interruptions. The speakers were introduced by... Read more of this article

Videos: Southlands Open Day In 2010

Videos: Southlands Open Day In 2010

Scroll down for four videos from Southlands; BEST Chairman Stuart Hayward’s speech, musical entertainment, a cute video of children swinging on the vines of a Banyan Tree and one highlighting the park itself. On Mar 21, the much discussed Southlands Estate in Warwick was opened to the public through an initiative by the Bermuda Environmental and... Read more of this article