Police Seek Armed Men in Hamilton Parish

October 21, 2010

The Bermuda Police converged upon Hamilton parish this morning [Oct 21] with both canine and armed officers in attendance. Police confirm that just after 11am they  responded to what appears to be some form of firearm incident, although it appears no gun was fired.  The area, opposite Winton Hill Lane, now shows a heavy Police presence – with them searching the area for the suspect[s]. We are on scene, and will update with any further developments.

Update 12:00pm: A fire truck arrived on the scene, followed 5 mins later by an ambulance [photo]

Update 12:15pm: It still appears that no one was hurt, as the ambulance left the scene without taking anyone away. We unofficially understand it may be been a safety precaution, as an individual was understandably quite upset over the incident.

Update 12:20pm: Fire truck just left the scene.

Update 12:26pm: All the heavy Police presence is now gone, with what appears to be a few detectives remaining. Police spokesman Dwayne Caines has confirmed that the Police have spread out, and continued their search. Police have asked that anyone who may have been in the area at around 11am today, who may have seen something, to please contact them at 295-0011. It unofficially appears that the suspect[s] came, brandished a gun, and were seen and/or interrupted and ran away. Various area residents on the scene give conflicting reports – saying they were wearing ski masks, in a car etc – there seems no real consensus.

Update 5:57pm: The Police have provided further details on the incident, saying a 21-year-old man was accosted by three gun toting men. Fortunately he managed to get away, with no injuries


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  1. 21-Year-Old Accosted By Three Gunmen | Bernews.com | October 21, 2010
  1. Truth is killin' me says:

    Boys will be boys. It’s Halloween…they’re just running around playing cowboys and Indians. Let them have fun!

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you serious ‘truth is killin me’!!!! With all this madness going on on this island you’re talking about let them have fun. Maybe if they were in your backyard playing it would be a different story.

      • Truth is killin' me says:

        No I’m not serious…I’m being facetious. Google the word and see what it means. By the way they are in my back yard. Bermuda is my backyard…born and bred!

  2. terry says:

    I imagine, it depends on where you live and your habits.

    Never know where those “cowboys and Indians” might be. “Truth is kllin’me”…..lets hope your not a victim because irony is a bitch.

    • Truth is killin' me says:

      Let’s hope I’m not a victim either Terry. If someone came looking for trouble with me it’s gonna take the whole Police Force and the Regiment to deal with my actions after someone that messes with me or my family. I don’t have a problem looking at the camera while being frog marched across to Magistrates Court on a Monday morning either. I am a peaceful, law abiding citizen…step on my toes and do me wrong though and watch the hell out!

      • saddened says:

        This comment is a pretty good summary of why the justice system in Bermuda fails. You don’t mention helping the police while they help you deal with whoever “messed with you” in the legal way, and you don’t mention any LEGAL recourse…..you say you’ll just do it yourself and let them clean up your mess.
        We’ve heard this story so many times. I don’t care if you’re a peaceful, law-abiding citizen. If you actually cared about peace or the laws, and a time came when you had need to call on those who (are supposed to) uphold them, and you did it your way anyway, you are part of the problem. You are perpetuating the cycle.
        And I don’t care if you are talking in hypotheticals, it’s your attitude that’s the problem.

        • Truth is killin' me says:

          And how many legal recourses have ended up in convictions and good new for the victims I will add? Answer me that saddened? I have no attitude my friend…I just believe there are too many ostriches with heads in the sand at Elbow Beach at this very moment. Go have a look for yourself. Perps become victims and the victims are forgotten.

          • saddened says:

            If you can’t realise that this attitude is precisely what results in a lack of convictions, then I’m afraid I can’t help you.
            At the most basic level, refusing to help results in a lack of evidence, which results in a lack of convictions. The lack of convictions leads to people like your hypothetical self taking matters into their own hands and perpetuating the cycle.
            Perpetuating the cycle is the key here, and this attitude (not just yours, it’s shared by many on our beautiful island) directly causes that.

          • D says:

            This retaliation approach is not going to help. The cycle will never end. Even the worst, most heartless murderer, has loved ones. 14 year old lil Johnny does not know that his late big brother was a crime lord. And even if he did, four years later he is going to avenge his brother’s death. Lil Johnny manages to evade conviction, and he is now a target and is soon killed. Johnny’s cousin is now out to avenge Johnny’s death and so forth and so forth.

            Di war haffi done!

        • Anonymous says:

          I second that!!!

  3. D says:

    The police have impressed me this past month. I find it hard to say anything against them anymore. It’s a shame that they are hearing differing stories. I hope nothing crazy happens on Halloween.

  4. Brasco says:




    • saddened says:

      This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed someone use the phrase “gay-ngsters”. I have to take issue with your use of “gay” as a derogatory term. Being a “gangster” (or wanting to be, as the case may be here) has nothing to do with sexual orientation or with happiness. Using it as a slur is unhelpful, and I’m sure you can find a better way to express your feelings.

      If we rely on God to save us, we’ll be waiting a long time. We need to help save each other, and ultimately take responsibility for ourselves and save ourselves.

    • street life says:


  5. terry says:

    Nah detz dee troof tawkin………

    Reality used to be a bitch…now it’s an empty beach……….

    I know you get it but will most or just shun the comment.

  6. Citizen says:

    Why not call them Wanksters?

  7. Truth is killin' me says:

    @ Saddened…and the ones that do end helping the police and doing what is right have to be placed in protective custody and shipped off to the UK while awaiting a court appearance for the shooters and their family lives in the fear of reprisal from doing the right thing. At the tax payers expense I might add!? You’re living in a dream if this is your reality.

    • D says:

      Thas the truth right there mate. You call crime stoppers and you end up in the obits. Then people assume that you were involved, when your only involvement was reporting the crime.

      The police knocked on my door one day, asking questions about an incident that occured when I was abroad. A few days later, I find a pool of blood in my house and my dog dead.

      I don’t fault this police for this… I also don’t trust them to protect me.

      • Peace and Love says:

        @ D thank you for that!! there is no such thing as “anonymous” because once you tell one person it is no longer a secret..while one may feel that the Police are doing their job they cannot be everywhere all the time..I also say this in reference to some of the witnesses that are in the so called witness protection programe and have been sent to Birmingham..They themselves can tell you that you can run but you can’t hide..If they are in a so called protection programe how does one know where they are..How come ‘things” have been happening out there… if their so called location is supposed to be secret…hmmmmmmm! SMH and rolling my eyes…it is easy to say come forward, give the police information and so on and so forth…it is easier said than done….

    • saddened says:

      It will never, ever change if people keep thinking like this. It’s depressing that people would rather turn into the thing they’re railing against rather than fight the fear and prove to people that ultimately, the “gangsters” are cowards most of the time. I said most, and I’m not denying that the fear is reasonable, but the people who DO dare to testify/provide even anonymous evidence to the police are the ones who make the situation better, which is I think what we all want.

      • D says:

        It is impossible to be anonymous on this island. Look at the positions that these criminals hold. Postal workers, bus drivers, firefighters, cell phone tech support… There is no secure channel on this island, lovva.

        Report a crime, you’re ordering a casket.

        • Truth is killin' me says:

          Who is to say that some Policeman’s aceboy ain’t one of these thugs that runs around shooting people and is getting info on the fly from the LAW themselves. Think about it people.

        • saddened says:

          Send an anonymous note. Type it, so that no one can recognise your handwriting. Tie it to a small rock (for weight) and throw it on to the porch of one of the police stations. Wear gloves for all of it so there’s no finger prints. If you care enough, you would find a way.

          • D says:

            I suppose there is always a way.

            I can send an email from an anonymous account at an internet cafe abroad. I can purchase a ‘prepaid’ phone and make an anonymous call as well abroad as well. From the confines of the island… this is much harder to do.

            Regarding the rock idea… A camera will track me from the walk to the police station back to my bike. Even if I park far away, I’m certain a police officer will stop me for leaving anything on their porch.

          • DISGUSTED says:

            SMDH I guess there is nothing wrong with dreaming…Have you ever been in a position where you needed to do this to only see the person walking the street the next day and wonder which one of these crooked cops leaked your statement and when you woudl be shot down or KO’d?!…..Enquiring minds want to know…I mean seriously we can go on and on about this reality everyone has there opinion on it and everyone has been threw different things in life regarding the law etc which WILL ALWAYS EFFECT how certain people deal with these kinds of things. If you have been F&&KED by the law 1 to many times you tend to lose faith! I’m just saying…

  8. Anonymous says:

    It dont make a difference what you call them, at the end of the day the problem still exists and we as a community need to start sticking together and find ways to battle against all of this. Taking matters into your own hands is not an option as it leads to more problems.

    • Brasco says:

      “We As A Community”…..I hate that phrase…..help me understand….If a young unruly child is allowed to disrespect their parents….what chance does “A Community” have?…..

      Children at times go off track…discipline gets them back on track….
      Not baby-fying, Not peace marches, Not Dynamic Speakers

      When I hear people saying “we As A Community” just urks the toe nails off me!

      • DISGUSTED says:

        THANK YOU……..How much of the “COMMUNITY” do you see out there rallying now or does it have to be a shooting or killing for this to happen? No one or nothing is consistent and 1, 2 even 20 people rallying is not going to cut it. These so called gangsters, wanksters, thugs, idiots, f&&king idiots whatever you want to call then 9/10 are the bread winners in there already corrupt home with a mother/father who is (shoot lets put the options in a hat and pull 1) jobless, addicted, etc, who they haven’t been shown nothing therefore they show nothing and the cycle continues. Sometimes tough love is the answer.

        How can crime stoppers be anonymous if they charge you for the phone call like I don’t know about ya’ll but my numbers show up on my phone bill therefore I’m guessing this will too no?

      • Sheriff says:

        Brasco …I second that ! I fully agree .

      • Bri says:

        I second that Brasco!!!

  9. saddened says:

    @ D: Throw it from the bushes under the cover of darkness. I don’t care. All I’m saying is that if we refuse to do anything at the INDIVIDUAL level, nothing will change for the better, and who knows where the worsening will lead.

    @ DISGUSTED: Yes, I have been in the position where I was asked for evidence, and I offered everything I knew. It amounted to nothing in the end, but I would do it again in a heartbeat if asked.

    If we indiviually refuse to do what little we can, we’re enabling the “gangster” culture and deserve some of the blame for what Bermuda has become.

    • Disgusted says:

      Thats my point Saddened it’s easy for people to say help this way come together that way tell the police this and that but all to no avail! It would be nice if the community could help this but its just not reality…REALLY SAD I for 1 don’t have faith due to frustration,anger,lies and just plain old disappointment….

  10. terry says:

    After reading all these comments a truth still rings in my ears.

    “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”….and that has resonated through these coments above.

    As for Brasco comments about the “community” the irony is that you are still part of it whether you like it or not.

    Now lets move on.

    We could go after these criminals. Letrs start with a suicide bombers squad. Easy…I can supply the stuff. We can rid the community of these buggers.

    Any takers?

  11. bdaguy says:

    lots of comments about this people are obviously frustated and had enough,sad that people dont feel safe in bermuda an island thiss small it should be very easy to have police stationed in neighborhoods if they have to be there all night then so be it.If they have to drag people out of there houses and lock them up then do it,,whats stopping them seriously??Are you trying to tell me a small island with only 60,000 people there you cant pinpoint who the drug dealers are and the trouble makers ,if people are afraid and not feeling safe and if drug dealers can wave a gun around whenever they want then im sorry to say like i have said on many other posts before the policing is the problem they need to step up there game and show us the community that the gloves are off.Years back the bermuda regiment used to drag people off the streets and throw them in the back of trucks if they skipped service this is what the police have to do,if not you will see things getting really bad in bermuda,you thinks its bad now you just wait.
    .I have heard of women going to the police station complaing about a violent person in the house and the police not doing anything about it,one of the police officers actually told one of the individuals if you dont like it then you should move out.
    This was a few years ago and i hope to god the police have changed there tactics,IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE GOING TO A POLICE STATION TO REPORT VIOLENCE AND DRUGS AND THEY JUST BLOW IT OFF, this is why this violence is happening today that left these guys to there own devices for to F**king long,and i HAVE heard of many other stories like this.I support the police i know its a hard job but dont say stupid sh*t like that in these times.I have hopes that the police change there tactics and become a force on the streets if not,well we all see whats going to happen

    • ok says:

      yeah you say that now, but when they do you’ll be hearing more stories from more people you know and you’ll be back on here saying why are the police using so much force. Saying that they should only be a force to certain people. People like you who say out of one side of your mouth “I SUPPORT POLICE” and out of the other side say “THEY NEED TO STEP UP” makes no sense at all. So they start doing what the regiment used to do (in your words)and start snatching people, which people get to be snatched and which people dont get that treatment? There is alittle thing called Civil and Human rights. And the stories you “heard” will double if what you say should happen actually did.

    • D says:

      I don’t like when people big up the Bermuda Regiment. When I was in University the Bermuda Regiment and it’s tactics were compared to that of Sudan. I had to sit in the lecture, and listen, and truth is, I could not deny the comparisons.

      Being force to volunteer (work unpaid) after hours, being denied meals as punishment for things you did not do. Being forced to sign a form that has the wrong pay on it, cause you are ‘holding up the line’. Being sent to the Guard Room for something the person next to you did.

  12. enough says:

    When ppl give in to fear then the battle has already been lost. From the 1st incident that occurred and ppl did not come forth with eye witness testimony out of fear, we gave these guys the signal that they were above the law. The pro blem with fear is that it doesn’t like to be contained. It likes to spread like a disease and this is what u see running throughout this island.
    Every excuse we have seen for not giving evidence has been rooted in fear. The only problem is u can’t defeat fear by running from it. Fear always has to be confronted in order to be defeated and as long as we justify our fears, fear will continue to kick our collective behinds! When enough of us find the courage to do the right thing cause its the right thing to do then u will see a more powerful shift towards the dissipation of these gun crimes.

  13. bdaguy says:

    And its not just the police its crime stoppers the goverment a number of people not coming together with concrete solutions to solve these issues LETS GO!!!!!!!!GET IT TOGETHER F**CK!!!!!!!!!!!!
    IF anyone gets shot that is not affilitated with gangs or drugs they should sue someone in bermuda for not doing enough to protect the government.This is F****ing unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!
    A lot of these guys shooting should have been stopped from leading that lifestyle 4-5 years ago.Your not working howd you get this money? Start freezing bank accounts,,start going into houses and asking how the hell did you pay for this? let me see reciepts ,let me see a payroll stub ,if not take it from them right away,,seen a guy on the street for months not working stop him ask why hes not working ,What do you do all day??Do you stay home with family and do they approve of this? Then go to the F**cking house and ask the family whats going on!!!!!
    f**ck simple things you can do.
    If somebody is working and you feel he is on drugs LOOK and SEE where he is spending his MONEY get someone to watch his funds and where its going,ASK his BOSS to show the police a trail of stubs hes been getting paid,so you know how much he makes every week and month,
    F**ck lets get this SH*t together!

    • Disgusted says:

      I concur!

    • D says:

      I do not know who created this myth that these gunmen are not employed full time. Many of them are. Some of them these drug dealers are accountants. Little Johnny on the wall is not the problem.

  14. terry says:

    I am glad to see others agree about the “fear” part.

    As for the Police, thats another kettle of fish.

    We have Government programs and facilities that deal with this spousal abuse et al.

    If some want the police to do everything, go to China, and/or any other satalite ..break away nation. Africa has an outstanding record for all of the above. Hell…why not Sudan, Ethiopia et al where they massacre each other on a daily basis whilst Government leaders live in Palaces whilst the countries are being ravaged by rapes, genocide and hunger.

    This “60,000″ peoples in Bermuda is neither here nor there. Look at the stats on ages 1 through 16 and then come back and tell me who has a voice. Plus the expat population which is in the thousands.

    As for the comments about drugs…..dah!!!!!!! Everyone makes it seem like it’s a black thing……………………White men can’t jump but they sure as hell smoke just as much weed as everyone else…………………….(black rum too)…………………..

    Anything else is part and parcel. I look at it this way, fans were made to cool, *&^% don’t even stick when the blade fail to turn.

    A great day too all.

    • D says:

      In the United States, Blacks are the least likely group to use drugs.

  15. rob says:

    I just think these guys that are cowardly running around the island with guns are not getting any P—y, just take a look at them when they take the frog walk to magistrates court with a policeman holding up their pants,they are creepy-ugly, people you will never meet on the street,or talk to,well they can’t talk!

  16. Mr Green says:

    It’s sad to see that as a black person it’s mainly blacks running around like animals. No manners, no regard for life. Guys are pretty much codemning themselves to one little section of the island and if they get put on the no fly list then they are stuck on the rock for life maybe. Stupidity is the greatest destroyer of man. At this point as long as it’s gangsters killing gangsters let the dummies wipe each other out or start cracking heads and locking people up.
    Raise the drinking age. The police need to show their faces more often too. Start beat walking. Set up stake outs. Do something. It’s not like the cops don’t know where the riff raff hangs out.