City Arts Festival To Celebrate Art In Bermuda
The City Art Festival has been a staple in the events calendar for a number of years, and for the City’s 200th Anniversary year, they decided to revamp and rebrand the event so that it not only represented the visual arts but also the musical and performance arts, and thus the City Arts Festival has been created.
“The City Arts Festival is not just an art event but also an art initiative. Our aim is expand the art in the City of Hamilton and bring all of the art communities together in one place where we can celebrate art in Bermuda,” a spokesperson said.
“The City Arts Festival art initiative is to work with Bermuda’s arts organizations to help curate and implement public art installations in the City of Hamilton. For 2015 we have commissioned artists from different groups to enhance 3 locations in the City.
These installations will be celebrated and featured during the City Arts Festival taking place on October 24th, 2015 at City Hall from 3pm – 8pm.
“The City Arts Festival event will feature the official opening of the new public art installations, a craft market at City Hall and an Infinity Arts Walk throughout Hamilton.The Craft Market will feature local vendors and a live performance stage for entertainment throughout the day.
“The Infinity Arts Walk is a 45-minute guided tour throughout Hamilton, where guests will experience 16 live streets artists and buskers along the route as they are treated to some of the public art displays within the City.”
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The continued growth of this festival is wonderful. Congratulations to the organizers and participants.