Polaris Statement On Containers & Animal Feed

March 17, 2016

Polaris Holding CEO Warren Jones has responded to the concerns raised by the Bermuda SPCA over access to shipping containers of animals feed, explaining what occurred, and saying that “like the rest of the country, we look forward to a resolution that will return the country to normalcy.”

Ms Jones said, “This week has been a challenging one for the entire country. Senior management of Stevedoring Services Limited reached out to all the shipping agents in Bermuda on the weekend when it appeared likely that the disruption of Friday was to continue and requested a list of all essential shipments.

“On Tuesday, March 15, during the national protests and following discussion with union representatives, it was determined that all containers containing essential goods including food, medical supplies and livestock feed were to be offloaded.

“Shipping agents and truckers were notified of the timing of this offload and responded accordingly. Unfortunately, during that offload there was some confusion and as a result, some essential containers did not leave the dock on Tuesday morning.

“Following further discussions that afternoon, staff returned that evening and between the hours of 5:30 – 8:45 p.m. all identified containers were offloaded.

“Animal feed, which is vital to the safety and health of Bermuda’s livestock, and domestic pet population was included among that list and the responsible parties duly notified.

“Even though duly notified, I was advised yesterday morning that one container was not picked up. However, that one container does not contain animal feed. This is the only container carrying essential goods that we were requested to offload which was not collected.

“Like the rest of the country, we look forward to a resolution that will return the country to normalcy,” added Mr Jones.

BIU President Chris Furbert previously said that while all dock workers will not be going back to work, some will in order to unload essential items, saying that it “is the right thing to do.”

The withdrawal of labour — which began on Friday and continued for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and thus far today — has resulted in the suspension of some services including buses, ferries and garbage collection. You can follow our ongoing live updates on the matter here.

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