Hashtag: #PathwaysProtests

Column: ‘A Little Rebellion Is A Good Thing’
[Opinion column written by MP Chris Famous] “I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing” – Thomas Jefferson My fellow Bermudians let us to take a moment to recognise that this week marks the 2nd anniversary of one of the greatest rebellions that ever took place in Bermuda or even the entire world. Which rebellion you ask? The... Read more of this article

Column: “Make Some Appropriate Contribution”
[Opinion column written by Glenn Fubler] How do we humans deal with our deepest differences? While conflicts basically have two sides, I’ve found that resolving differences and transforming the most challenging situations comes from the involvement of the 3rd side – the surrounding community. Those colleagues, family, neighbours –the rest of... Read more of this article

Column: Bermuda’s ‘Grass-Roots Revolution’
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] Between Friday 11th March and Thursday 17th March 2016, Bermuda experienced a grass-roots revolution. During those seven days: A woman began a first time ever ‘hunger strike’ in the grounds of Parliament. In a first time ever display of raw people power, thousands of Bermudians, shut down Supreme Courts... Read more of this article

Audio: Minister Fahy On Immigration Issue
“I acknowledged that perhaps, certainly from my point of view, I misjudged some of the deep sentiments in the community on the issue of immigration,” Minister Michael Fahy said, adding that “I think we’ve heard the message and we’ll live and learn from that.” The Minister’s comments follow after a multi day... Read more of this article

Photos: Demonstrators At House Of Assembly
[Updating: A group of demonstrators stationed themselves outside the House of Assembly this morning, with the small group of women – including Ms Enda Matthie – stationed outside the House with tape over their mouths and displaying various signs. They moved away from the doors at around 10.00am and the session of the House started on... Read more of this article

IRAG Welcome Email Submissions About Reform
Following the Government’s agreement to withdraw the Bill and engage in further consultation, the Immigration Reform Action Group [IRAG] said they plan to keep the public informed and have set-up an email address for submissions, questions, and ideas for the comprehensive immigration reform working group that is due to be formed. IRAG’s... Read more of this article

Governor: “In My View The Police Got This Right”
“It is not always sensible for the police to apply zero tolerance at the time, especially when emotions are running high,” the Governor said, adding that he would like to thank the police for their “highly professional handling of the situation” as in his view “the police got this right.” Governor George Fergusson’s... Read more of this article

Copy Of Signed Agreement: Immigration Reform
Premier Michael Dunkley provided a copy of the agreement relating to the ‘Pathways’ matter, which calls for the Bill to be withdrawn and a consultative working group, comprising of key stakeholders, to be set up to discuss issues relating to the Bill. The Premier posted the agreement on social media and said, “Here is the agreement... Read more of this article

PLP Thanks & Commends People & Organizers
The PLP would like to “thank and commend the organizers” and the “people of Bermuda who sacrificed their time and income, showing strength, solidarity and unity over the last 5 days,” Opposition Leader Marc Bean said today. Mr Bean’s comments follow after a five day long protest over the proposed ‘Pathways’... Read more of this article

Live Updates: “Govt Will Withdraw The Bill”
[Updating: Govt has agreed to withdraw the Bill] After five days of protests, it was announced at around 6.00pm on Thursday evening [March 17] that the Government will withdraw the Bill, with the announcement receiving a loud round of applause from the gathered crowd. Following the People’s Campaign’s call for “an island-wide withdrawal... Read more of this article

Premier: Consider Immigration Reform In Stages
[Updated with video] The Immigration Bill will be removed from the House of Assembly’s Order Paper, and the Government will “enable further community input” and Parliament will “consider immigration reforms in stages,” the Premier announced this evening. “Consultative working groups, comprising of key stakeholders, will... Read more of this article

“Let’s Get On With The People’s Business”
[Updated] “Let’s get on with the people’s business, let the will of the people prevail and let the House sit,” the “We Support A Pathway To Bermuda Status” group said today. House Session Delayed Their statement follows after the postponement of the House of Assembly session, with Monday’s sitting cancelled as MPs could... Read more of this article