Hashtag: #SugarTax

‘If Serious About Relief, Get Rid Of Sugar Tax’

‘If Serious About Relief, Get Rid Of Sugar Tax’

“If the Premier is serious about reducing the economic burden we all face, he can start by getting rid of the sugar tax,” Opposition Leader Cole Simons said this evening. Mr. Simons said, “Three months ago, while in the middle of a leadership challenge, Premier David Burt promised Parliament that changes were coming to his deeply unpopular... Read more of this article

Sugar Tax In Bermuda: A Mixed Methods Study

Sugar Tax In Bermuda: A Mixed Methods Study

“There was high awareness of the sugar tax in Bermuda, but limited acceptability of the tax as implemented,” was one of the conclusions reached in a ‘mixed methods study of general population and key stakeholder perceptions’ by BMC Public Health. The study noted, “The purpose of this study was to understand how the sugar... Read more of this article

Govt To Introduce Amendments To Sugar Tax

Govt To Introduce Amendments To Sugar Tax

Noting that sometimes the Sugar Tax has led to some items containing relatively small amounts of sugar being taxed — like Sugar Free Coffee Mate — the Finance Minister announced that Government will introduce amendments to “allow greater discretion for customs officers to waive Sugar Tax duties for items containing relatively small... Read more of this article

Health Minister “Confident Sugar Tax Is Working”

Health Minister “Confident Sugar Tax Is Working”

The Minister of Health is “confident the sugar tax is working based on 2019 data,” while also adding that it is “regrettable” that suppliers and retailers “have not passed on the duty changes to consumers in the way they should have – by lowering the price of items with reduced tax such as cauliflower, broccoli, turnips,... Read more of this article

Dunkley: Sugar Tax “Is A Tax Grab For The PLP”

Dunkley: Sugar Tax “Is A Tax Grab For The PLP”

“In the 16 months since the inception of the sugar tax no significant health related initiatives have been launched, the government is unable to provide a dollar amount spent on the promised programs, but over $5.4 million dollars has been raised through increased taxation,” OBA Michael Dunkley said. Mr. Dunkley said, “In Parliament on... Read more of this article

Sugar Tax: Bill To Tax Chocolate Items At 75%

Sugar Tax: Bill To Tax Chocolate Items At 75%

The Customs Tariff Amendment Bill proposes to increase the duty rate to 75% for items affected by initial launch of sugar tax in April 2018, and also apply a 75% sugar tax to chocolate items containing added sugar. Speaking in Parliament on Friday, Minister of Health Kim Wilson said the Customs Tariff Amendment Act 2019 [PDF] proposes to increase... Read more of this article

OBA: How Much Of Tax Is Earmarked For Health?

OBA: How Much Of Tax Is Earmarked For Health?

“Government must tell Mr and Mrs Bermuda what percentage of the Sugar Tax has been earmarked for health initiatives – and how it is measuring the impact of the tax on people’s health,” according to One Bermuda Alliance Senator Dwayne Robinson. Senator Robinson said, “The 2018 Budget promised that a portion of the revenues from... Read more of this article

OBA: Track Whether Legislation Improves Health

OBA: Track Whether Legislation Improves Health

World Diabetes Day is on November 14 and Minister of Health Kim Wilson “should proclaim this day as the launch of a national health screening programme funded with proceeds of the Sugar Tax,” according to Shadow Health Minister Susan Jackson. Ms Jackson said, “The Customs Tariff Amendment [No. 2] Act 2018, better known as the Sugar... Read more of this article

50% – First Phase Of Sugar Tax In Effect Today

50% – First Phase Of Sugar Tax In Effect Today

If you like certain types of sugary drinks and foods, be prepared to pay a bit more for them as the first phase of the Sugar Tax comes into effect today [Oct 1] with the Government confirming that “the Sugar Tax goes into effect on 1st October in a phased approach starting with 50% duty on candies, sugary drinks [sodas], pure sugar and dilutables... Read more of this article

Health Minister’s Statement On Sugar Tax

Health Minister’s Statement On Sugar Tax

Sugar and sugar sweetened items will become more expensive and “that the increase will be sufficient to trigger greater awareness,” and as some local businesses are concerned that taxing sugar will make their goods more expensive than imported goods, the Government “proposes to amend the Bill to allow for local preparers of foodstuffs... Read more of this article

Dunkley Expresses Concern About Sugar Tax

Dunkley Expresses Concern About Sugar Tax

The proposed sugar tax “will put countless businesses in jeopardy of being a viable entity and cost Bermudians jobs,” Shadow Minister of National Security Michael Dunkley said, adding that “this is not scaremongering- just a fact.” Mr Dunkley said, “I strongly encourage everyone to read this bill on the proposed sugar tax which... Read more of this article

Bill Tabled & Sugar Tax Consultation Report

Bill Tabled & Sugar Tax Consultation Report

Today [May 11], the Government tabled the Customs Tariff Amendment [No. 2] Bill with proposed changes to the import duties relating to sugar and certain sugar products. “The Ministry of Health also published the full and final report of the Sugar Tax Consultation on its website,” the Government said. “This follows the Sugar Tax Consultation... Read more of this article