Hashtag: #UKOTSSM

Video: UK Lord On SSM Laws In Territories

Video: UK Lord On SSM Laws In Territories

Lord Michael Cashman spoke at a recent UK Lords Committee meeting that covered topics including laws about same-sex marriage in Overseas Territories, saying “we can and should protect same-sex couples from the abuse of discrimination, and legislate to grant them the right to marry.” Lord Cashman, the co-founder of the British LGBTQ+ group... Read more of this article

UK MP: Intervened For Cannabis, Not Marriage

UK MP: Intervened For Cannabis, Not Marriage

[Updated with video] The UK Government “did intervene to prevent Bermuda from legalising cannabis, so they have no problem with intervening, but they did not intervene on the human rights issue of same-sex marriage, which was such a disappointment,” British MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle said. Speaking during a recent session in British Parliament,... Read more of this article

Cashman Introduces SSM Marriage Bill For OTs

Cashman Introduces SSM Marriage Bill For OTs

Lord Michael Cashman has introduced a Private Members Bill in the UK House of Lords to “make provision for the marriage of same sex couples” in British Overseas Territories, including Bermuda. The Bill — which was introduced yesterday [July 6] — states “In the law of the Territory, marriage has the same effect in relation... Read more of this article

UK Government: No Plans For Order Or Timetable

UK Government: No Plans For Order Or Timetable

The British Government said they “have no plans to introduce an Order-in-Council” as it relates to same sex marriage in Overseas Territories [OTs], and does not plan to “publish such a timetable” to allow UK citizens to vote in OTs. This follows after the British Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee conducted an inquiry... Read more of this article

Video: House Of Lords Discuss SSM In Territories

Video: House Of Lords Discuss SSM In Territories

British politicians continue to discuss same-sex marriage in British Overseas Territories, with the matter raised in the House of Lords yesterday [July 23] with the British Government asked “what steps they are taking to enable citizens to enter into a same-sex marriage in British Overseas Territories.” The question from Baroness Barker in... Read more of this article

Bryant Questions UK Govt On SSM In Territories

Bryant Questions UK Govt On SSM In Territories

British Labour MP Chris Bryant continues to question the British Government about same sex marriage in the British Overseas Territories, this time asking “what steps the Government is taking to ensure that all homosexual citizens in British Overseas Territories have access to the institution of marriage.” According to the Hansard from April... Read more of this article

Video: Boris Johnson On Bermuda & DPA Bill

Video: Boris Johnson On Bermuda & DPA Bill

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said he had a “long conversation with the Premier of Bermuda” about same sex marriage. This was stated as Mr Johnson responded to a question from British MP Chris Bryant, who has been an outspoken critic of the Domestic Partnership Act, bringing it up multiple times in both British Parliament and... Read more of this article

UK Minister Answers Questions About Bermuda

UK Minister Answers Questions About Bermuda

Bermuda’s Domestic Partnership Act legislation continues to be a topic of discussion in British Parliament, with the Minister of State responding to questions from a Labour MP. Labour MP Catherine West asked the Minister of State “what recent assessment his Department has made of the status of LGBT+ rights in Bermuda” and “what... Read more of this article

UK Minister: Not Appropriate To Block Legislation

UK Minister: Not Appropriate To Block Legislation

“We are obviously disappointed about the removal of same-sex marriage in Bermuda,” British Minister of State Harriett Baldwin said, adding that the UK Secretary of State decided “it would not be appropriate to use the power to block legislation, which can only be used where there is a legal or constitutional basis for doing so, and... Read more of this article

Transcription: UK Debate On SSM In Bermuda

Transcription: UK Debate On SSM In Bermuda

“The Government are giving careful consideration to Bermuda’s Domestic Partnership Bill in order to assess its implications in relation to our collective international obligations and our constitutional relationship with Bermuda,” Minister for Europe and the Americas Sir Alan Duncan said in the British House of Commons. “We are obviously... Read more of this article

Full Video: Debate In UK On SSM In Bermuda

Full Video: Debate In UK On SSM In Bermuda

[Updated] The Adjournment Debate in British House of Commons on same sex marriage in Bermuda is scheduled to place place today [Jan 29], with MP Chris Bryant due to speak on the matter; with the Labour MP having already made his position clear, previously asking that the UK Minister to “tell the Bermudian Parliament very firmly ‘no way, we are... Read more of this article

UK MPs: Debate Same Sex Marriage In Bermuda

UK MPs: Debate Same Sex Marriage In Bermuda

British MPs are set to debate “same sex marriage in Bermuda” during an Adjournment Debate on Monday [Jan 29] in the House of Commons. The “upcoming business” section for the Commons Main Chamber lists the debate and Labour MP Chris Bryant’s name, with Mr Bryant having already made his position clear, previously asking that... Read more of this article