MPs Vote Yes On Cell Phone Driving Ban

July 3, 2010

A new law which bans the use of cell phones while driving passed in the House of Assembly yesterday [July 2]. It received support from across the spectrum of all three political parties

The Premier said that statistics from the Bermuda Police Service indicate that inattention was one of the major causes of accidents on our roads, with records indicating that there are in excess of 500 accidents owing to inattention each year, and as of May 2010, this number stood at 261. He also quoted a University of Utah study which showed that cell phone usage while driving was just as unsafe as driving drunk saying:

The study, which was a simulated study, showed that cell-phone using drivers have a slower reaction time. They took nine percent longer to hit the brakes and were 19 percent slower to resume a normal driving speed after brake application. They also showed 24 percent more variation in the distance at which they followed other vehicles. These impaired reaction times make drivers who are talking on the phone more likely to get into an accident. Three people in the study actually rear-ended the pace car they were supposed to be following in driving simulations.

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  1. Penelope Pitstop says:

    And it’s about time they came up with some sensible legislation !
    The minute the blasted things were invented there should have been a law put in place where one had to leave the thing alone while they drove.

    Why though did ‘window tint’ get a mention in this passage when there’s already legislation in place to cover it ?

    Why don’t the police do something about the blatantly illegal customized license plates that are completely (intentionally ?) unreadable from 30′ away ?

  2. Truth is killin' me says:

    Let’s hope the police will actually enforce this now!

  3. Penelope says:

    Yeah , like they enforce the noise laws (booming car stereos …NOT)
    Noisy bike and now car exhaust systems ….NOT
    Illegally dark window tint ..already on the books …NOT
    Illegal license plates (only TWO styles TCD legal) .. NOT
    Illegal coloured lights on cars other than regulation running lights ..NOT
    No heavy traffic on Harbour Road (heavier than IN registration) ..NOT

    All these infringements are ‘IN YOUR FACE’ and they still don’t enforce them !

    I seriously wonder if there are any police who know what the laws are on this out of control island.

  4. Sarah says:

    Well let us all see how many GP cars/drivers obey this law it’s not like they practice what they preach now is it???

    @ Penelope I do believe their are police officers on this island who know the law. It’s just that they don’t obey them either. My parents use to say “Do as I say and not as I do” and that is exactly what happens.

    Respect is earned it is not a given.

  5. Brasco says:

    Yes, I hope the MP’s practise what they preach!!…..How about banning dogs in LAPS while driving too?!?!?