Assault Victim Declines to Make Complaint

February 1, 2011

A 47 year old man declined to make a formal complaint last night [Jan 31] after an incident which saw him taken to the hospital via ambulance after being assaulted by multiple assailants in the North Street, Pembroke area.

A Police spokesman said: “Around 11:30pm on Monday, Police and first responders attended a reported assault on North Street in Pembroke. It appears that the victim, a 47 year old man, was assaulted by unknown assailants in the area.”

“He sustained facial injuries and was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment. The victim apparently declined to make a formal complaint.”

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Comments (22)

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  1. Terry says:

    It’s all the UBP’s fault. Um owah diz……..

  2. ClearView says:

    Terry I’m no sure where you are from, but who talks like this? What are you trying to say with your want-to-be Bermudian Ebonics/ slang.
    And your “it’s all the UBP’s fault” sarcasm is getting very old.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    Perhaps the hospital along with the BPS should start a ‘no talk, no treatment’ policy.

  4. S says:

    I agree with Terry

  5. Copy Cat says:

    Terry is absolutely right!

  6. Devrae Noel-Simmons says:

    Are you serious? You honestly want people to believe that because a gentleman got assaulted by numerous assailents you(Terry and S) are blaming the UBP??? So does this mean since we are going down that road, you are willing to accept the fact that the PLP are responsible for the decline of Bermuda as a whole and has defaced our economy from 170million to 1 billion! And that through unsupervised spending by the PLP government, that the present Premier was a party to, as then and now finance minister? But I guess you (Terry and S)where on of the 444 that were telephoned in the popularity poll. And you probably both agree that the country should be run by not who can get us out of this mess but who is more popular…take your heads out t sand!

    • Lissa says:

      I agree with Terry. He is 110% correct.!

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      But of course Terry is correct, the PLP is not reponsible for ANYTHING bad that happens in Bermuda. They are responsible for ANYTHING good starting way back with the then new arrivals hall at the airport which opened shortly after they came to power.

      EVERYTHING bad is the fault of the UBP & those mysterious masterminds at the Yacht Club & white people in general.

      It is all so obvious to those Kool Aid drinking Bermuda voters who, in their collective wisdom, have voted the PLP in three times. Most of these people do not have a decent high school education, a fact supported by Governments own statistics, perfect voters for the PLP, which needs to keep its voters dumb to keep them on the new plantation for a long long time.

      Yes, somehow all of this IS the UBPs fault.

    • Clear View says:

      I think you missed the sarcasm by all of your fellow UBP supporters.

      • common sense says:

        He missed every bit, we all know what tERRY means when he says it, come on….UBP fans are mad lol

  7. sandgrownan says:

    Yeah. It’s the UBP’s fault.

  8. Sheriff says:

    THIS IS SO FUNNY !! Terry owns Bernews… He holds each and every blogger in the palm of his hands.. He is very powerful because every single time he blogs (he’s seems to always be the 1st to comment most days) , he ruffles feathers and people get upset and bent all out of shape…FOR WHAT!!

    IGNORE !!

    @ TERRY – behave and stop causing the blogger’s pressure to go up…

  9. Terry says:

    Ok….Sheriff… You caught me.

    I’ll never post a first response just to keep you happy.

    In fact….I’ll never post again.

    I’ll yooze “Itwasnt me’s” lep-tup….bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. Anna says:

    Terry & ignorant pupils (yes that means uneducated for you amateurs)
    Go sign up at the Bermuda College for some English classes. Not only will they teach you grammar, but perhaps instruct you on how to evaluate unbiased situations and actually support your opinions that have some outward appearance of sagacity.
    It’s because of the UBP that you actually have a college in Bermuda willing to educate you unqualified, defiant, idiots. You choose not to try and benefit from the good that the UBP did for our country and dwell on the 50 year old stories you hear from your ancestors.
    Get a life and grow up.

  11. Terry says:

    To hell with the UBP. Anna, you know not what you speak of. Your assuming too much which is tipikal. You want good written verse, read the RG.

    There is a point in life, and during, that one accepts many things. Nah gatt howt uv mighy fayce yah hollin hup dee lyne het dee dally. Jingus vumen.

    Bet you hear that or similar during your travels.Read the header. Your assaulting people here with verbal sticks and stones.

    It’s all the ‘PUBANNA’ ‘s fault, detz rite…….Nax heelactsheaon um wottin ZBM..

    • Sheriff says:

      Terryyyyyy, behave …. people please take your pressure pills…

      You started this… and these poor people are lashing out at you.. meet me after work to discuss the growing number of people who are daily pulling out their hair over your comments..lmbo !!!

      Maybe thats all by design..

      Bernews, have you hired people to come on and ruffle feathers OR IS IT YOUR DOING BERNEWS …The “comment moderation authority” ??? hmmmmm….

  12. Peter says:

    Am I foolish to think that Terry et. al. are being sarcastic? They must be, right?

  13. Money isn't REAl!! says:

    You ALL sound like Kindergarteners fighting over petty stuff!! Both parties have you exactly where they want you, bickering about who did what and not really addressing the real issue. It’s called the Left-Right paradigm, that’s why the two party system was started in the first place!! Who’s really taking ALL of our money and sucking us dry? It’s the people that make the money and loan it to our government at crazy interest then make US the taxpayers pay off the debt on the loan!! How do they get so much money to burrow? It’s simple, they pledge US, our children, and our children’s children as collateral to pay for money that was made from thin air. It’s happening all over the world, just look at Egypt, and it won’t be long before we really feel the effect of this global recession/ depression!! Wake up people the UBP and the PLP work for the same interest!! All this stuff isn’t by coincidence, IT’S BY DESIGN!!! SMDH…..

  14. Terry says:

    Now look here Sheriff Dillon. I don’t need pressure pills. “these poor people are lashing out at you”. Oh the irony of that comment. They are the ones that need the “pressure pills”……bwhaaaaaaaaa.

    As for “pulling out their hair”; bwahaaaaa. They don’t call me the “Barber” for nothing.

    As for “money isn’t real”, spot on. Credit cards is the way too go.

    Now Sheriff, it’s gone noon, so meet me at sundown. And don’t bring any negociators. It’ll be mee ann yoo.

    As you were. Damn….almost time for riotous behaviour………what time is it……shucks……left my prayer mat on the tank………

    • Dragging A Lure says:

      You will be investigated by the Media Council for providing an inaccurate propaganda slant of information to the readers of Bernews.

      “Bernews, have you hired people to come on and ruffle feathers OR IS IT YOUR DOING BERNEWS …The “comment moderation authority” ??? hmmmmm….”

      Also Terry you are causing paranoia among some readers.

      I’ts not a laughing matter.

  15. Winnie says:

    Lol and you all take the man serious, thats the most sarcastic person on the island. Powerfully sarcastic I might add as whenever he post most people stray away from the topic.