Foreign National To Be Deported

March 1, 2011

Magistrates Court Bermuda Mar 1st 2011-1-3_wmIn Magistrates Court this morning [Mar.1] 30-year-old Jamaican national Joel Ezroy Deans pleaded guilty to a charge of overstaying his permitted time in Bermuda and will be deported by Bermuda Immigration authorities. Mr Deans was granted a three week stay in 2008.

On Saturday 26th February 2011, following a traffic accident, Mr Deans was stopped and questioned by Police. At that time he gave his name as “Joel Miller” but unfortunately Police had two warrants out for the arrest of a person by that name. Deans was taken to the Police Station where he was unable to provide any ID. Police checked with the Department of Immigration who confirmed that a person by the name of Joel Deans had entered Bermuda on 21 June 2008, and had been granted permission to remain for the usual twenty-one days.

An Immigration officer present in Court confirmed this and that Mr Deans had overstayed his permission to stay by thirty-one months.

When asked by Magistrate Juan Wolffe if he had anything to say, Mr Deans replied: “I’ve nothing to say.” The DPP Prosecutor offered evidence that on being questioned, Mr Deans had told Police and Immigration officers that he had remained in Bermuda so that he could work here and earn money to send back to Jamaica to support his three children who had remained in Jamaica.

The Magistrate sentenced Mr Deans to one month in prison subject to the the execution of a deportation order. When passing sentence, Magistrate Wolffe asked the Immigration Officer present for assurance that a deportation would follow. The Immigration Officer assured the Magistrate that deportation would happen as soon as possible, possibly within the next three days.

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Comments (24)

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  1. Don`t feel Sorry says:

    They need to catch all of them..

    • FOR REAL says:

      Question is who is paying an illegal immigrant for work under the table. Really, these types of acts further damage our economy – they’re sending money earned outside the Island and they are not paying any taxes. Go figure, literally

      Col. Burch there is still much work to do with our border controls.

      Like For Real!!

      • FOR REAL says:

        Oh, I’m looking for a part-time job. I can help out with checks on arrivals and departures to ensure those that need to leave when due DO!!

  2. Nicole says:

    Good send the others packing too.

  3. sandgrownan says:

    Let’s get Dog the Bounty Hunter here…on a permit of course..

  4. 32n64w says:

    “At that time he gave his name as “Joel Miller” but unfortunately Police had two warrants out for the arrest of a person by that name.”

    Just wondering … how is this unfortunate?

    • hmmm says:

      Obviously, it’s unfortunate for Deans. But I get your point. Many times Bernews does make value judgements about what’s fortunate and unfortunate.

  5. Terry says:

    “how is this unfortunate?”

    Easy, your a lawyer right?

    It’s “unfortunate” for ‘Deans/Miller’.

  6. SaveMeFromThisBS says:

    Its funny how in almost all of these situations where some guy gives someone else’s name to the Police, its always a name of someone with a warrant.

    • Amazed too .. says:

      My exact thoughts too … How common it seems to be that when someone is nicked and gives a ‘made up name’ that person is also wanted on warrants ? Hell , it must be that nine tenths of the island is wanted on outstanding warrants.

      Furthermore , if this guy just happened to not ‘father’ any children while he was here , he must be some kind of exception.

      • Nicole says:

        Pretty much because most of those warrants are for outstanding parking fines.

  7. Terry says:

    Saveme….Good point. In 85% of cases like this it is like an automatic ‘lie-detector’ hidden in the human brain when confronted.

    They will give a first, middle, surname, or say…” thats my dad.I need to call my mother”……

    I mean lets be fair. If I get stopped I sure as hell ain’t gonna blurt out or state my name is Elvis Preseley…………………………

  8. get over yourselves says:

    What’s unfortunate is that yes there are a large number of Bermudians not working. However, a good amount of those Bermudians only wants a job that suits their schedual. They aren’t willing to work hard. This is where foreigners come in. They understand they have to work hard to get what they need.

    Yes, he was wrong for staying here illegally. But I feel if they are willing to work. Let them.

    • Clear View says:

      I agree with most of your statement but when they come here illegally, what exactly are their options for jobs.
      Possibly labour intensive jobs which you’re right, many Bermudians don’t want them, but in many cases I’m sure it also involves illegal activities and anti-social behaviours which provides quick money. And that’s perhaps the main problem.

      • hmmm says:

        “but in many cases I’m sure it also involves illegal activities and anti-social behaviours which provides quick money. ”

        How are you so sure? If anything, the problem is them willing to work without benefits and employee rights (no contract usually). An insecure situation for them, but a problem for Bermudian workers, as there is less of an incentive to pay for a ‘legal’ employee’s benefits, when you could pay someone cash under the table, have them work holidays and weekends etc without spending a penny on social insurance, health benefits, etc.

        a BIG problem.

  9. Terry says:

    Bernews….Why is that Policeman wearing a ‘Burka’ and holding that close to him/her.

    Get back.

  10. Reality says:

    There should be an Air Jamaica jet at the airport loaded with illegals (from various Caribbean islands) ready for take off. I had a Canadian friend overstay by 2 days (through no fault of their own)and Immigration was all over them.

  11. lifeblood says:

    The news report stated that Imigration was “looking for him”…really? How long did they search before they gave up? This man was here for a good period of time, and it was his rotten luck to get stopped for an accident, which caused him to be captured. It would appear that Immigration need more officers actively investigating and tracking illegal immigrants they KNOW are still here, as opposed to saying, “oh, we were looking for him”, after the poor soul does something to get himself caught.

  12. Terry says:

    Well Lifeblood…it shows that the system does work to most degrees.

    Sure Immigration was looking for him.

    It also shows that Government is working as can be seen via interagency work. Computers are a bitch……………………………

  13. Pondering says:

    Why did it take Immigration 2 years to catch up with him? Come to think of it, they did not even catch him!

    I wonder how many other guests have overstayed their welcome and stripped jobs from Bermudians while here? Come on Immigration – we are all counting on you to do your job.

    Also, why can’t he get jailed until he discloses who was hiring him? This is the larger issue. If there were no unscrupulous employers, there would be no illegally working residents. We have to stamp this out by making employers think twice about hiring an undocumented worker, Offending employers should be punished.

    • hmmm says:

      “Also, why can’t he get jailed until he discloses who was hiring him? This is the larger issue. If there were no unscrupulous employers, there would be no illegally working residents. We have to stamp this out by making employers think twice about hiring an undocumented worker, Offending employers should be punished.”

      very good point. here lies the problem.

  14. Arthur Raynor - Atlanta says:

    Don’t know why his hands are 6″ away from the officers ‘weapon’
    Ideal location for a ’snatch and grab’
    Since it appears to be a single officer escort, the officer should be on the other side holding the right arm of the suspect.
    When carrying a weapon , always think ‘Safety’

  15. Winnie says:

    Just can’t understand why the face of the offices has to be hidden ?? He was out walking in public with his face not concealed.