Bin Laden: Remembering 9/11 In Bermuda

May 2, 2011

Al Qaida Israel Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 terror attacks in the US, was killed last night [May 1] by American special forces who tracked him down to a mansion in Pakistan, ending  an almost decade-long man-hunt.

His body was disposed of at sea in accordance with Islamic traditions.

In a special TV address last night, President Barack Obama said the Saudi-born terrorist leader –whose transnational al-Quaeda network also coordinated Islamist strikes against civilians in Kenya, Tanzania, North Africa,  Central Asia, India, the Middle East, the UK, Spain and Bali –  was killed in a ground operation outside Islamabad based on US intelligence, the first lead for which emerged last August.

Mr. Obama said after “a firefight”, US forces took possession of the body.

Bin Laden’s role in ccordinating the attacks on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001 had placed him at the top of the US’ “most wanted” list for almost ten years.

Two Bermudians, Boyd A. Gatton and Rhondelle Cherie Tankard, were killed at the World Trade Centre on 9/11. So was former Saltus Grammar School student Robert D. Higley II, who grew up in Bermuda but moved to the US with his family as a teenager.

Mr. Obama said Bin Laden’s death was “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al-Qaeda”.

The US has put its embassies around the world on alert, warning Americans of the possibility of al-Qaeda reprisal attacks for Bin Laden’s killing.

Crowds gathered outside the White House in Washington DC, chanting “USA, USA” after the news emerged.

“Upon hearing today’s news of Osama bin Laden’s death by a US special operations force in Pakistan, my mind goes back to a beautiful, sunny day in Hamilton, Bermuda. The date was September 11, 2001,” said musician Manny Panta at his blog this morning [May 2].

The Philippines-born, American pianist has travelled the world working on cruise ships either as soloist or music director.

He was in Bermuda when the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Washington DC took place.

Mr. Panta’s full commentary on the events of that day appear below:

“I had been playing the piano on a Celebrity cruise ship called the M/S ”Destiny”  whose homeport was New York City. We made regular weekly runs to Hamilton and St. George, Bermuda. It was one of the loveliest gigs I ever had,” he said.

“I sang and played solo piano in a venue called the Cova Café. Every Saturday, the ship berthed at the South Street Sea Port terminal, just a brisk 30-minute walk from Times Square. There were no security checks such as we undergo now. New York was at peace with everybody.

“The Twin Towers still stood proudly, although some purist New Yorkers still complained that they stuck out too inharmoniously above the skyline. As far as I was concerned, the Towers were a constant, welcome presence in my life …

“Bermuda was, and still is, a beautiful island that is the nearest and most logical destination for vacationing New Yorkers. Temperate and semi-tropical, it has fine pinkish beaches that are some of the best in the world. In the summer, when the ship overnighted in Hamilton, the fragrant smell of profligately-blooming flowers hung over the harbor like a thick, intoxicating blanket.

“It is British , and the people are very well behaved in contrast to other tropical destinations in the Caribbean. It is also stunningly expensive, which means there were no Disneyworld crowds here. I have swum in sparkling coves where sometimes I was the only person present.

“Based on the prices they charged here for everything from tea to hotel rooms, I wouldn’t come here at my own expense. Having said that, I still recommend that anyone who can afford it go visit Bermuda.

“We left the port of New York Saturday afternoon. Pleasure boats were out on the Hudson, their sails catching the late summer breezes. This is one of the great sailaways in the world. On one side you saw the Manhattan skyline with the twin towers dominating it, and on the other, the Statue of Liberty on its own island.

“As we passed by the towers, their expansive, glass-swathed facades looking so impressive and inviting, I remarked to a passenger who was standing beside me at the railing: ‘You know, somebody could fly a plane into that’. I had read an article in a magazine speculating on what would happen if a plane did fly into any of the towers. The writer concluded that it would only do partial damage to the building because the plane would be swallowed by the immensity of the building. He was talking about a small plane, like the one that crashed into the Empire State building back in the forties.

“He could not have foreseen that fully-fueled 757’s would be used to attack not just one, but both buildings. That remark I made to the passenger would haunt me a long time afterwards.

“After a day at sea, I woke up on September 11, somewhat groggy. I put it to a lack of oxygen in my cabin, a side-effect of a sometimes faulty and weak ship’s ventilation system. I went out for breakfast. The ship was already docked in Hamilton. It was 9:00 AM. I passed by the library. There was a group of passengers there, staring at the TV screen. Curious, I went inside to find out what they were looking at. The TV was tuned to CNN. It showed one of the towers with a blackened hole on the side. ‘What happened?’I asked one of the passengers. ‘A plane had just crashed into the tower’.“

“The screen switched to an announcer (I think it was Bernard Shaw) who was struggling to put on his earpiece and trying to describe the scene. Behind him, the damaged tower stood, framed by a gorgeously sunny sky. Perfect New York weather.

“From the corner of the TV another plane appeared that seemed to be heading straight into the other tower. It disappeared between the buildings and didn’t emerge. We looked on in astonishment, unable to comprehend what was going on.

“There was a quick newsbreak that said another plane had crashed into the Pentagon.

“I went out of the ship into Hamilton, my mind in tumult. I was hungry though, and was still going to have my breakfast.

“I decided to go to a restaurant on Front Street just across from where the M/S ‘Destiny’ was docked. I went up to the second floor and ordered an English breakfast. The TV was on. The place was abuzz with passengers from the ship. At the table beside me, two women were consoling another woman who was crying. ‘I know somebody who’s working there’, she was saying through her tears. ‘I’m sure she’ll be all right’, her friend was telling her while stroking her arm.

“By this time, forty minutes had passed from the moment the planes had crashed into the buildings. We were all hoping, in fact expecting, that things would be under control.

“Then it happened.

“A collective gasp of horror arose from the assembled crowd, me included, when we saw the towers disappear in a huge cloud of smoke and dust. The cloud engulfed the surrounding buildings , its tendrils curling slowly, almost elegantly, into the streets and into the waters of the Hudson. It stayed there, and for a moment I was not sure if the towers had actually collapsed. And then we knew. They had.

“I went outside, into the wonderful sunshine of Hamilton. I had my breakfast, and I felt guilty for having it.

“And as I walked and walked on Front Street, a kind of blackness came over me, the sort that you experienced when you woke up with a hang-over and were not quite sure where you were.

“In my heart and mind, I realised I had seen something truly evil unfold, perpetrated by unknown people for who knew what reason. I also remember thinking, “Well, I’m sure the US won’t take this lying down.”

“Today, we know that, through all the changed milieu that has befallen the world after that attack, this great nation, my adopted country, has found closure.”

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Comments (193)

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  1. itwasn'tme says:

    umma grill up a couple of pork chops and invite some friends over

    • Black Jesus says:

      No time for celebrations; there are many other terrorists out there that need to be dealt with asap – like George Bush and company.

      • OU812 says:

        “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.” – Martin Luther King,

  2. Geza Wolf says:

    Pretty sure there are others who will step into Osama’s shoes and do the same thing.

    • White Jesus says:

      Actually Osama stepped into their shoes! The USA created him and have written his script from day one

  3. N/A says:

    For the Americans celebrating his death in joy, what they don’t realize is that by killing him, they did him the greatest honor and the thing he always wanted by becoming a martyr for his cause. Thats basically a slap in the face to Americans.

    • 32n64w says:

      If he wanted to become a martyr so badly why did he hide for 10 years?

    • sandgrownan says:

      He was a coward. Getting others to do his bidding.

    • Just Curious says:

      And finally he is fish food! in the middle of nowhere!

  4. GPS says:

    All that celebrating is making me nervous.

  5. Reality Check says:

    Show me his body or a video of the killing or moreso any of his family in mourning! They said Haile Selassie I was dead 2…I don’t belive this crap! It’s ironic how OBAMA was able to find OSAMA! hahahaha

    • Act Like You Know says:

      I agree with you(NO BODY) just words show me the proof. They was quick to say they dumped his body into the sea………..Pack of bull

      • sandgrownan says:

        It’s already been explained as to why they did that.

        • Skeptical says:

          Yes, it has been explained but not a lot of educated Americans are so ready to drink that kool-aid. Why all of the sudden do they respect this terrorist’s religious beliefs? Why did they have to explode and sink one of the helicopters used in the raid? I mean, come on, soldiers took pictures of gitmo inmates and shared with everyone – why haven’t we seen pictures of a dead Bin Laden? Intelligent Americans are not so quick to believe what their government tells them.

          • sandgrownan says:

            Er, they didn’t respect his beliefs. They didn’t “sink” a helicopter. I suspect pictures will leak out, but there will be no official release.

  6. Think about it says:

    Osama Bin Laden has been dead for almost 10 years. He died in December 2001. There was a high ranking military official who admitted it. You don’t find it suspicious that he was shot in the head (to make him harder to identify) and his body set to sea, all within 24 hours? This smells of a cover up. The reason this is happening now is because the U.S. no longer has business in Afghanistan as they are now invading(or planning to invade) Libya. Since they are done in Afghanistan, they wanted to make sure they got “bin laden” before leaving so that the American people didn’t think that it was a total waste to have the troops go there in the first place.

    You watch, they’re gonna be chasing down Gadhafi until they get what they need from Libya, then all of a sudden he’ll show up and get killed too.

    • sandgrownan says:

      I don’t think think about about it thought about it.

      I bet you think vaccinations cause autism too.

      • Think about it says:

        Thank you for your comment that did nothing to prove me wrong. I don’t have time for people who just eat up what is put on their plate by the government without at least questioning if it was properly cooked.

        In other words, you are a sheep. The kind of person that believes that the American government are the good guys, and incapable of doing anything the slight bit shady. Read a book or go online and do some research before you make comments.

        • sandgrownan says:

          I suspect a head shot is good way of guaranteeing the guy with the AK-47 firing at you will end up dead.

          I love the certainty of your assertion he’s been dead for 10 years. THe rationale for burial at sea within 24 hours is also explained.

          it smells of a well planned operation with appropriate actions. Nothing more or less.

          I bet you think Neil Armstrong didn’t stand on the moon.

          • Think about it says:

            I’m done talking to you after this, because you’re clearly a moron. I’m not going to sit here and type out the entire article about how he has been dead for years because I would be here all day.

            The military are trained to be able to take someone into custody whether or not they are firing at them. So shooting him in the head is not an excuse. Also, I don’t care what reason they want to give for sending his body out to see, because to me it just seems like they don’t want aynone to do an autopsy and discover the truth.

            And let’s save the “moon landing” discussion for another time

            • sandgrownan says:

              Don’t type it – post a link.

              Ah, you are now an expert in military affairs and operations too. And “i don’t care” is always a good debating point. You’d do well in an argument agaisnt my 4 year old son.

              It seems to you…ah..never let the fatcs or explanation get in hte wya of your conspiracy theory.

            • Reality Check says:

              Yes vaccinations do cause autism!!! and please go do some reasearch b4 u start with foolish comments as I see from u on a regular cause SAND DOESN’T GROW “sandgrownan”

              • sandgrownan says:

                You’re Jenny McCarthy?!!

                The anti-vaccination crowd ought to be locked up for child cruelty. It’s one of the most widely debunked of all the idiotic conspiracy theories.

                • Reality Check says:

                  I’ll say it again lost soul!!! RESEARCH!!!!

                  • Black Jesus says:

                    Sandgrownan you are clueless! Everything you say is pretty ignorant. It’s time you wake up and start using your brain cells. Break free from your mental handicap – seriously.

                  • sandgrownan says:

                    OK, try this:


                    I’m very familiar with the Andrew Wakefiled stidy if you want to argue.

                    Here’s another article that attacks the myth from another angle:


                    This paragraph discounts the point made in the heavily biased “natrualnews” article:

                    “At the recent 12-day hearing into theories that vaccines cause autism, the link between the disorder and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine came across as shaky at best. As for the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal, which was used in other vaccines, witnesses showed that in all known cases of actual mercury poisoning (none of which caused autism), the dose was hundreds or thousands of times higher than what kids got during the 1990s. Powerful population studies showed no link to either MMR or thimerosal-containing shots.”

                    Don’t get me started on homepathy, ear-candling and any other wacky crap.

                  • Missy says:

                    The vaccinations that people are worried about that cause autism are the MMR vaccines and the doctor that did the research violated many ethical considerations and it was not approved by the national research ethics boards. Research has been done to test his theories are all come up inconclusive. So please use your wise, judgement and critical thinking skills and not go by just 1 or 2 articles. If this information was true children not receiving the MMR vaccine would not have autism but many times this is the case.

                    • sandgrownan says:

                      said doctor was struck off the medical register – and rightly so.

                • White Jesus says:

                  Actually the most widely debunked conspiracy theory is the bush administration’s caveman story. The conspiracy theory of a caveman defying the laws of physics and making a steel building collapse to the ground as fast as objects fall through the air turning into powder and shooting steel laterally leaving only small bone fragments has been debunked over and over. I suppose you still believe a caveman did all this. I suppose all the firefighters who were AT THE SCENE and explained all the explosions that brought the building down are all idiotic too. What are you eating for breakfast? Can I have some? because i’m tired of reality!

                  • sandgrownan says:

                    Or the plane hitting the Pentagon…another idiot conspiracy theory.

                  • Think about it says:

                    I agree with you white jesus, but people like sandgrownman like the kool-aid a little too much to believe anything that is said by someone not on the governments dime. I too have seen countless studies and documentaries that prove there is no way two planes could bring down the twin towers. I have seen footage of a building (the same size as the towers) in Japan that was hit by a plane. The building was on fire for 36 HOURS and it still didn’t collapse.

                    Explain that Sandgrownretard

                    • White Jesus says:

                      or the fact that wtc 7 was imploded and no plane struck it. The most damning and incriminating piece of evidence is that third 42 story building they brought down on 911. They want us to forget that it was THREE buildings NOT two. Rub it in their face. And tub in the fact that Larry Silverstein is on video saying that they decided to implode the building that day. It takes months to plan and plant explosives in a building, how could they do that on the same day? Sandgrownan has his/her head in the sand i’m afraid

                    • sandgrownan says:

                      tee hee

                    • sandgrownan says:

                      Epic fail.

                • Geza Wolf says:

                  I agree with you here Sand man.

                • Think about it says:

                  Sandgrownman you’re a moron, everyone here thinks so. I didn’t post the link because I read about it a long time ago obviously, remember it was December 2001 that he was killed. So I’m sorry if I can’t remember the link.

                  I feel sorry for your children being raised by a moronic sheep such as yourself

                  • 32n64w says:

                    Think about it – why don’t you spend five minutes finding the link (if it exists) to a reputable news source instead of name calling?

                    • Think about it says:


                      Go find it yourself sheep.

                      I don’t see you asking Sandgrownman to post any links.

                    • 32n64w says:

                      Ok, so you’re either unwilling or unable to support your assertions, preferring instead to resort to name calling … and ironically have the temerity to call me a sheep. Too funny.

                    • Think about it says:

                      You are a sheep because you believe what you are told and don’t question it. I don’t need to show you any links because you’ve already made up your mind that you believe the government and what they tell you.

                      I have heard both sides of the story, and I choose to seek the real truth, therefore I am not a sheep

                    • 32n64w says:

                      “I have heard both sides of the story, and I choose to seek the real truth, therefore I am not a sheep”

                      Ok, but lower down on this thread you mention your “side” of the story is based on a singular (apparently independently unconfirmed) interview with one ‘senior’ member of the U.S. military while the other “side” is pretty much every single major western news source.

                  • sandgrownan says:

                    Ah…the only reliable tool of a conspiracy theorist…the lack of reliable memory

                  • Wens says:

                    here’s one link from fox news

                    • sandgrownan says:

                      Clearly false. There have been numerous verifiable “sighting” of OBL since then.

                      I do like the “unamed Pakistani source….” however.

                    • 32n64w says:

                      That’s hilarious Wens … the source is a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader … and you believe(d) him?

                      “When asked where bin Laden was buried, the source said, “I am sure that like other places in Tora Bora, that particular place too must have vanished.”

                      Please keep ‘em coming … I need the laugh!

                  • Lissa says:

                    @think about it – calm down, just because you have difficulty proving a point doesnt mean you have to resort to name calling and dragging peoples children into this…

            • Nicole says:

              OMG think about it you are sooooo right! This is such BS and I cant believe people believe this. We agree on a lot of things. Please IGNORE sandgrownan. He/she is bitter and miserable and thinks they know all without ever backing up their statements. All they do is troll bernews comment section to leave smartass replies to people.

              The U.S. is full of it and of course the Americans are eating it right up.

              • sandgrownan says:

                Who’s trolling? I’m pointing out the idiocy of conspiracy theorists.

                • Nicole says:

                  But you haven’t though….that’s the point. Why does it matter to you if people believe in conspiracy theories or not anyway? I guess you believe everything the government tells you huh? Sorry that some people try to think outside the box. So they tell us he’s dead so it MUST be true and we HAVE to believe it?

                  • sandgrownan says:

                    It matters because essentially folks are giving up on their critical faculities.

                    While the details of bin laden’s demise may be up for debate, you need to think a little deeper about motive for and against “making this up”.

                    With vaccinations, the problem is that diseases that were virtually eradicated are making a comeback and children are being put at risk. And why? Because of a lack of critical thought.

                    • Nicole says:

                      Andddddddd you still aren’t saying anything.

                • Scott says:

                  to be honest sandgrownan… at this point there is no idiocy in believing anything. its too soon, with too limited info.

            • Just Curious says:

              Do you believe there was moon landing!

              • Scott says:

                the moon landing was 40 years ago, and invovled a LOT more people..this is all word of mouth so far… and has been less the 24hrs

                i dont think anyone can knock someone else’s believe until at least a bit more time has passed.

            • Just saying says:

              Muslims do not get autopsy

          • Can you handle this says:

            Whatever!! Propaganda is what it is..They record and document everything else!!! They could just be saying anything!!! They’ve said that they have killed Osama, he’s dead, and we’ve buried him at sea??? and your fine with that? no pictures, no proof just their word…wow! sounds like you believe anything!!! at least there are pictures to prove men have landed on the moon.!!!!!!

            • sandgrownan says:

              You sure it wasn’t just a NASA sound stage?

              • Scott says:

                just because you dont necessarily believe one thing doesnt mean you dont believe everything.

                The amount of people invovled for the moon to be a conspiracy is phenomenally large… the amount of people that are needed for this, assuming it is a consipracy or story, is small… a SEAL team sworn to secrecy, a few of their military leaders, and some forensics guys… other then that, its all be word of mouth from the president on down to the media.

                now im not saying its true, but you cant really compare the doubters of this to the doubters of the moon landing, especially since it hasnt even been 24 hours for people to look at the facts… the moon landing 40 years ago…

                • sandgrownan says:

                  Equal amounts of ….ah never mind…I never thought the frothing masses could be so easily wound up!

          • White Jesus says:

            Sandgrownan……….WMD’s ???? any comments wiseass?

            • Geza Wolf says:

              That was Iraq.

              • White Jesus says:

                It was a conspiracy theory propagated by the US government, that’s my point! Leave issues that don’t concern you. I’m sure sandgrownan understands my comment, that’s why he/she has declined to respond at this juncture.

                • Geza Wolf says:

                  i wasn’t being rude brah but i wouldnt expect white jesus to be respectful anyway.

                  • White Jesus says:

                    Well let me surprise you by saying, “my bad”

            • sandgrownan says:

              There were no WMD’s, even Hans Blick said so prior to Bush & Co going to war, I include Bliar and the “dogy dossier”.

              That said, the argument for and against war in Iraq is a complex one. Saddam H did use WMD’s agaisnt the Kurds in the North and the marsh peole in the Southy East. No reason to sugest he wouldn’t do it again if the opportunity arose. While Bush & Blaie lied abotu WMD’s and the threat to the “West”, Saddam was still a twat. It’s up to you to decide if it was worth it.

              And it’s not an analogous argument.

              • Think about it says:

                But the point is idiot, that the U.S. government lied. That’s what I’ve been trying to get into your thick skull.

                • sandgrownan says:

                  Yes they did, and their motives were clear. Think about this one, and the motives of the Obama adminstration.

                  • Think about it says:

                    THIER MOTIVE WAS TO WRAP UP BUSH’S MESS. That’s more than enough reason for them to lie.

                • 32n64w says:

                  But I thought you were trying to prove OBL was killed ten years ago?

                  • Think about it says:

                    Pay attention to all my post sheep. The underlying point is that the U.S. government lies on a regular basis and that they are good at it. Sheeple like you and Sandgrownman just eat it all up. It makes you feel safe at night because you know the good guys have won and they will always win and will always protect you. But guess what? Those “Good guys” aren’t as good as you want or believe them to be.

                    • 32n64w says:

                      @Think about it: I’m just asking you to reference legitimate news sources regarding OBL’s demise 10 years ago. No need to name call unless your ‘facts’ prove to be otherwise.

                    • Think about it says:


                      I have said numerous times that it was an old article and I cannot find it. Another thing, it was not widely publicized. The article was from an interview of a high ranking offical in the army. He stated that it was kept a secret because George Bush had other interests in Afghanistan other than Bin Laden, so he wasn’t ready to vacate the country yet, which he would have had to do had it gone public that he was dead. The U.S. have concluded whatever business they had in Afghanistan, so what better way to wrap things up than with the death of Osama Bin Laden?

                    • 32n64w says:

                      Ok, but further up this thread you said:

                      “I have heard both sides of the story, and I choose to seek the real truth, therefore I am not a sheep”

                      Therefore it would seem you are basing your “side” of the story on a single article (that you are unable to reference) which in turn relies on the singular observations of a sole army official?

                      Your entire POV is defined by the views of one person’s opinion while the other “side” of the story is widely supported by most western media sources?

                      I don’t doubt Governments can be ‘economical’ with the truth for a variety of reasons, either for matters of National Security or sheer stupidity (one need look no further than the last 12 years of the PLP for irrefutable evidence of that), but to hang your hat on the passing remarks of one person seems a little bit of a stretch … at least to me.

                    • Geza Wolf says:

                      Haha you call people sheep and expect to be taken seriously.

    • Scott says:

      sadly at the moment i’m not entirely believing this story either. seems a bit too sudden, and coincidentally its exactly 8 years after bush’s mission accomplished speech?

      dunno if he’s been dead for 10 years but i def dont think he was killed just recently. Maybe captured and being hidden? who knows…

      • sandgrownan says:

        Another expert.

        • Think about it says:

          Why do you keep making smart *ss comments but don’t offer any proof that he is dead. Unless you were there and saw for yourself, how would you know?

          • sandgrownan says:

            I don’t need to offer proof he’s dead.

            Apparently, it’s not “a bit sudden” since the US were watching him since August

            • White Jesus says:

              There you have it! He doesn’t need proof!
              I’ll bet sandgrownan believes there were weapons of mass destruction too. Or that Saddam Hussein was behind 911 also.

              • sandgrownan says:

                Er no. Read up the thread.

                The 9/11 – Iraq linkup myth has been disproved, not that anyone really thought it true (beyond Bush apologists).

                • Scott says:

                  but that’s the point of conspiracy theories.. they are never really “disproved” to the people that believe them, they just have some questions answered, lied too, or ask different questions.

                  i wouldnt say this is a consipracy theory yet.. just dont think people can absolutely say its true at the moment either.

                • White Jesus says:

                  I like how you use the word ‘conspiracy theory’ for those you disagree with but you use ‘myth’ to describe the government’s conspiracy theories. The only reason you don’t believe it is because someone told you how and what to think. Try researching the difference between education and propaganda.
                  And remember something is only a theory until it becomes a probability and then evidence makes it clear that it is a REALITY! You just keep on hittin those shrooms!

                  • Nicole says:

                    Bwahahaha! I tell you sandgrownan is a real piece of work.

                  • sandgrownan says:

                    Hook. Line. Sinker.

        • Scott says:

          lol not an expert..i just dont buy it entirely yet..

          i dont believe in god either but im not gonna try to prove he doesnt exist.. i just dont buy the stories.. thats it.

          • sandgrownan says:

            You can’t prove soemthing doesn’t exist – logically and philosophically impossible.

            • Scott says:

              exactly.. and until i see this man dead… i/we cant prove its true either.. we can only go on what other people are telling until more facts come out, i’m holding onto my suspicions.

              • sandgrownan says:

                It appears there are a number of facts “out there” already, and I’m sure more will be revealed over the coming days.

                • sorry.. says:

                  yup and when there are i’ll be willing to revise my belief in the matter.

                • Scott says:

         more letting other people on my computer… >.< damn name change

    • Just Curious says:

      who care i just love the official confirmation!

  7. wow says:

    I agree with you guys, Bin Laden is not dead…. seems a bit off…

  8. Geza Wolf says:

    No way, SandGrownan is a Genius do not argue with his assertions that we are feeble minded for he is wise and all knowing. HAIL SANDGROWNAN EMPEROR OF BERNEWS COMMENT SECTION.

    • sandgrownan says:

      That’s better. You’re learning…

      • Todd says:

        So if the Government says it, you need proof, but if you find it on the internet, its the gospel? lol…
        I’m with you Sandy…

        • Geza Wolf says:

          Who found what on the internet? I was making fun of an arrogant individual who hides behind a pseudonym.

          • sandgrownan says:

            Who’s being arrogant? I’m merely pointing out the idiocy of conspiracy theories.

            • Geza Wolf says:

              Oh really? you might aswell go point out all the white roofing on the island.

              And you come off as arrogant becasue you are condescending.

        • Think about it says:

          You’re just as dumb as sandgrownman in my view. Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s gospel, BUT what is on the internet cannot be controlled by the government PERIOD. SO you’re more likely to find the truth on the internet than from a press release from the government.

          • Think about it says:

            The above comment was towards geza wolf

            • Think about it says:

              Sorry, not geza wolf, it was directed to todd.

              Just getting back to my desk and I’m a little discombobulated

  9. Terry says:

    I cannot comment on this as I am un-authorized.

    • sandgrownan says:

      Doesn’t normally stop you!! bbwwahahahaha

  10. White Jesus says:

    A caveman was able to bring two steel buildings down with jet fuel and a third building with nothing at all. He was able to do this without damaging surrounding structures and making each building fall into its own footprint perfectly. He was also able to fly a 747 into the pentagon with no bodies, engine, fuselage or passenger seats found. He was also able to ensure that there would be no footage of the crash for the public to see.
    A caveman did it!

      • sandgrownan says:

        thank you, saved me a job.

      • White Jesus says:

        Popular mechanics is basically bought by the orchestrators of 9/11. Their conspiracy theory of a steel building collapsing on itself is nonsense. Ask and Implosion expert what happened on 9/11 and you’ll get the truth. The biggest mistake the bush administration made was trying to get people to believe that jet fuel blew two buildings up and destroyed a third one without touching it. Ask popular mechanics to explain how tower #7 collapsed without a plane crashing into it??? LOL you are a JOKE!

        • sandgrownan says:

          So much fail in one place. I bet you’re a hoot a dinner parties.

        • Think about it says:

          I’m with you W.J.

          The concept of these publications being paid off seems too unbelievable for them. There is no way that jet fuel which has a 1500 degree MAXIMUM burning temp. lead to steel with a MELTING TEMP. of 2500 degrees breaking and having that building crumble to the ground. At the most the top of the building would have fallen off to the side and the remainder of the building would have been left standing.

          Also, keep in mind that over 80% of the jet fuel exploded on impact. So that doesn’t leave much to spread enough to ALL the steel in the building.

          • Scott says:

            well.. i dont believe 9/11 went this far..

            but with regards to the melting temp, steel would not have to reach melting temp to lose its structural integrity. 1500deg is more then i enough to soften the steel enough to limit is weight capacity.

            wouldnt need just jet fuel though.. anything flammable in there would have contributed to the fire. just because a paper flame isnt too hot with one sheet, when you end up with a whole host of objects, ie carpets, foam tile, plastics, etc.. you can dfinitely have an infero.

            • Think about it says:

              Ok, I understand that, and it’s a point that keeps being brought up constantly. But how do you explain the entire building collapsing? There have been other building that have been aflame for more that 2 or 3 days and still didn’t fall. The towers were on fire for 3 or 4 hours and fell

            • White Jesus says:

              FAIL! The fire was on the upper floors NOT in the whole building! #2 it was not an INFERNO it was freaking smoke! #3 the buildings collapsed in aproximately 10 seconds, that means all the steel that was NOT TOUCHED by fire had to give way simultaneously to allow the building to fall directly into its own basement. #3 WTC tower 7 was NOT hit by planes so EXPLAIN THAT!! See your conspiracy theory falls apart when we add the third tower into the equation. WHAT HAPPENED TO TOWER 7???? You FAIL!!

              • Scott says:

                guys im not getting into a pissing contest over 9/11. for every point the authorities/govt makes, the theorists have some “but but” comment, and then ask some other question, yet the same thing happens vice versa. it was 10 yrs ago.. and im not that fussed.

                i dont think it happened.. i just disproved a point regarding temps needed, and you asked “what about this other thing?”.. .it will go back n forth for as long as we keep posting.

                • White Jesus says:

                  No it wont! You effectively abandoned the discussion when i asked what happened to trade tower 7 the third tower to ‘collapse’ which wasn’t hit by any plane. This is not going back and forth. This is you flip flopping after having all your conspiracy theories debunked every step along the way. A court of law would look at the evidence. Your attempt to portray the discussion as a stalemate is yet another FAIL! You support the official story so dont tell us you’re “not that fussed”. You simply realized that you can’t piss as far or long as the truth can. Wipe the seat as you leave Scott

                  • Think about it says:

                    Lol @ white jesus

                    I agree mate. He thinks it’s a stalemate simply because he has no other excuses to issue as to how or why the towers fell.

                    Face the facts mate, the story made up by u.s. officials is complete b.s. The so called “conspiracy theory” makes more sense than what the government wants you to believe.

                    • sandgrownan says:

                      If anyone thinks that 9/11 was anything other than Islamic fundamentalists flying planes into buildings, they need to be prevented from breeding. That would instantly multiply the collective IQ of the world’s population.

                  • Scott says:

                    look, when you call “just freaking smoke”, then i tend to just let you ramble.

                    there is no point arguing this. it has gone on for a decade already, with evidence, ideas, and explanations on both sides.

                    these things do go back and forth…one person mentions that you need a certain temp to melt steell.. another person says, no you dont, you need much lower temp to weaken it.. then the firs tperson says, well yeah that’s what everyone says, but what about this other thing..

                    and peoples directions just go back and forth, changing the point they were just trying to make..

                    . if you think its govt cover up then fine.. think its a cover up, and nothing will convince you otherwise. i dont think its a cover up, and nothing you say will convince me otherwise.. therefore it is a stalemate.. we cannot go any farther on a conversational level.

                    • sandgrownan says:

                      Every single conspiracy theory has been debunked regarding 9/11.

    • sandgrownan says:

      I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm or not (it was a 757 and there is footage – but never mind).

      • Think about it says:

        There was footage of the aftermath of the “crash” at the pentagon. There was no footage of the actual “crash” because there wasn’t one. So white jesus is right.

        • sandgrownan says:

          That is factually incorrect.

          • Think about it says:


            If there is, go online and post a link, go ahead. The only footage that exists is of an explosion, but it does not show what caused it.

            Can you please stop making comments with nothing to back it up. At this point I am seriously afraid for the people in your family to have someone like you around.

          • White Jesus says:

            See I get worried when you start telling blatant lies or inaccuracies that everyone knows are inaccurate. You could easily have typed into your search engine before making a fool out of yourself. If you had found footage of the so-called pentagon ‘crash’ you would have found what MILLIONS of others have failed miserably to do. You are one wise son of a gun to have pulled that off Rambo. Explain that there was only a sixteen foot diameter hole where this ’747′ supposedly squeezed through? Then explain that even after the wall collapsed on that side of the building making a wider gap (its on video) it was STILL not wide enough to have been made by a 747. EAT THAT!

            • Scott says:

              ..actually it was a 757, which has a fuselage width/height of about 12.5 ft…

              • Scott says:

                ..but yeah..there is no footage of the actual plane or whatever people think it was .. just the explosion

              • White Jesus says:

                So what you are telling us now is that the 16 foot diameter hole was caused by a boeing 747 jetliner??????/????? LOL LMAO ROFL oh my GOD my ribs ache. Maybe in your little dreamland 747′s dont have ENGINES or…check this…….WINGS, but in the real world they sure as hell do and will not create a neatly packed 16 ft diameter hole in walls three feet thick on after the other. But check this……….MISSILES DO!!!!
                Keep enjoying those shrooms bie you must be loving life!

                • Scott says:

                  lol.. what? no YOU said a 747 couldnt fit into a 16ft hole… i just told you that it wasn’t a 747, it was a 757, and that could very easily fit… ? do you read?

                  • White Jesus says:

                    And I just exposed how you are stupid enough to create a plane in your own mind that does not have 1)wings, 2) engines, or 3) a tail. Did you forget that part? By your logic a 757 can land on a road only 16ft wide because the fuselage can fit. HELLOOO, earth to scott, PLANES HAVE WINGS!!!! Furthermore, lets just enter scott’s world and pretend that planes fly without engines or wings, a fuselage cannot and never will be able to penetrate a wall by creating a neat 16ft diameter hole in not one but THREE walls without leaving a stitch of debris on the outside of the building………….. BUT A MISSLE CAN! Why am I even arguing with someone under the influence of mushrooms??

  11. White Jesus says:

    This is no different than scripting-in a character’s death on a soap opera when they are no longer needed on the show. Just eat popcorn and enjoy the show sheeple.

  12. milli says:

    the major of us on muslim countries is noooot fair!!!. it insists person into a religious view. so is it nice ??? u
    us? will ask beside allay!!!!

  13. Nicole says:

    I love how the Americans are celebrating like this is the end. I love how the story is that he used a woman as a human shield. LOL sounds straight out of a movie, they could have came up with a better story. Sheeple eat it up though.

    • CanadianLuv says:

      I love how US military has kills SO many children and women not to mention the countless RAPES that have been kept from the media! * VERY SCARSTIC*

  14. Geza Wolf says:

    Sheeple belive in god.

    • Think about it says:

      Sheeple believe whatever you tell them to believe

    • White Jesus says:

      Sheeple take anything or anyone other than GOD as their god and think they are free all the while enslaved by their passions and whims.

  15. KMHBermuda says:

    Oh, boy…I see the tinfoil had brigade is out in force. Thansk for the laugh, dudes.

    • Think about it says:

      @ KHMBermuda

      Thanks for adding absolutely nothing to this discussion. Take your negative comments elsewhere please. It is not crazy to believe that governments have alterior motives, as it’s been shown all throughout history since their inception, that they have been behind some seriously shady stuff.

      • White Jesus says:

        Oh please Think about it! You know full well that the government are nothing but angels who always tell the truth no matter what!

        Any Jury would convict Sandgrownan and his like of attempted intellectual rape!

  16. devilzisland says:

    The lack of proof, beyond the words of US officials, should rightly give people pause as to whether or not this welcome news is true. I would have thought the Obama Aministration would have released some sort of visual confirmation to the public to avoid the inevitable allegations of a conspiracy (didn’t he learn anything from the Birthers?). It’s early days yet though. For my part, I think the story is true in a Rainbow Six kind of way.

    I do think that the reasons for the quick burial at sea make sense too. Politically, Obama would be sensitive to the impact OBL’s death would have on the muslim world, and by respecting muslim tradition (and why shouldn’t he?), he will no doubt hope that he can use this show of respect to indicate to the rest of the world, and particularly the Arab world, that the United States is fighting “terrorism” (whatever that means), not Islam. Same goes for the desire to avoid making any gravesite a shrine/rallying point for other groups with similar aspriations to Al Qaida. It’s politics: no more, no less.

    I think Obama is one of those unique politicians that plays the long game more often than he plays the short (universal healthcare is a good example), and considering the symbolism of this event, he is right to consider how best to exploit news of OBL’s death domestically and internationally. The international angle I have already mentioned. The domestic effect is obvious: this is a very catharctic moment for Americans given the impact 9/11 had on the country, and with the economy still in the tank and an election not far off, Obama’s going to be looking for anything he can point to that shows he’s a leader who gets results. It’s a bit cynical to think that Obama, who has consistently demonstrated his intentions (I won’t comment on success rates…) to do right by the American People, would try and gain points by floating a fake story about the death of one of the world’s most notorious murderers. It just doesn’t fit, in my view.

    As for the theory that OBL has been dead for ten years, I would say it is not very likely. Since 9/11 there have been a number of confirmed audio and visual recordings of Bin Laden which relate to specific events post 9/11 which would suggest that he was alive enough to make those statements (I doubt Al Qaida has the necessary sophistication or equipment to digitally or otherwise resurrect a dead Bin Laden to denounce US actions).

    On a seperate note, and not singling any one out, sarcasm and insults hardly make for constructive or useful discussion. Surely it is better to at least consider a different point of view and then refute it with reasoning, rather than just dismiss someone out of hand because they don’t share your opinion? If we didn’t listen to other people’s opinions and compare them against our own, how would we grow as people?

    Anyway, those are my thoughts, for what they’re worth.

    • sandgrownan says:

      Well said, apart from the bit about sarcasm. It is the lowest form of wit.

    • 32n64w says:

      Great post devilzisland.

    • Nicole says:

      Why would the United States give a damn about the religious wishes of a terrorist? A mass murderer?

      It’d upset the Muslims? Not all Muslims support Osama Bin Laden, and not all Muslims are extremists who would retaliate for not burying a terrorist according to his religious beliefs.

      It amazes me how people can watch movies and realize how REAL they can make things look but when it comes to “reality” things change. Especially when it involves governments with money and power.

      • sandgrownan says:

        They don’t give a damn about the religious wishes of a terrorist. But they do need to do “the right thing” by Islam to demonstrate the “war against terror” is exactly that, not a war against Islam.

        It’s clever politics, good planning and appropriate. They also took the body so they could perform proper ID and take tissues samples for DNA analysis for future confirmation.

      • Southampton says:

        According to the news reports, no country would agree to have him buried in their courntry. Just think if Doctor Ewart Brown was still Premier, he might offer to accept him to be buried in Bermuda.
        May he rot in hell forever.


        • sandgrownan says:

          More to do with avoiding the possibility of a “shrine” or place of pilgrimage or someone digging him up presumably.

        • CanadianLuv says:

          That’s a BLATENT lie!
          Its like if someone killed the pope! Rome and Catholics would have their knickers in a TIGHT knot.
          Same concept follows thru with this! They wanted his body; his family wants his body as well! Saudi, Afghanistan and Pakistan would bury him THE USA is scared that someone would try and DIG him up to CONFIRM that the US LIED!

          • sandgrownan says:

            Au contraire. The last thing the US wants or needs are conspiracy theorists, such as some of the clowns on here, claiming it’s an elaborate hoax. Look how we have the 9/11 deniers, look how the birthers dragged that one out.

            So, they have to do two things, they need to verify the “kill”, easily done with DNA analysis, photographic analaysis etc., and to do so they need to take the body. That’s why they didn’t bomb the place.

            Secondly, they have to be sensitive to Muslim sensibilities and treat the body with respect (hard to do if you’re an American given the history of this sack of sh*t). THey also have to make sure a grave site doesn’t become a shrine. Burial at sea ticks all the boxes.

            What’s so hard to udnerstand?

          • sandgrownan says:

            Just a question…are you equating the Pope and his relationship with Roman Catholics to Bin Ladin and his relationship to Islam? thats retty dumb if you are.

            For the record, Saudi Arabia already refused the body, as did Afghanistan.

            • devilzisland says:

              I notice that the Obama Administration is hesitant to release photographic/video evidence of the body due to the disturbing nature of the images. That’s understandable, I suppose, but either way it will be a futile exercise. Conspiracy theorists will always find reasons to doubt evidence, and the fact is that those doubts are legitimate in our modern technological age. Any photo released by the US would be denounced as “doctored” and any video “staged”. The moon landing is a perfect example. Despite the fact that they brought back moon rocks, took some of the most breathtaking pictures of Earth from space (“Earthrise” anyone?), increased the world’s wealth of scientific knowledge about space, the planets and all the other studies they conducted up there, there are still people who refuse to believe it happened. Another example, as someone mentioned above, is the continued existence of the Flat Earth Society. Then there’s the “Birther” movement.

              There will never be any proof good enough to prove without a shadow of a doubt that OBL is dead, short of the conspiracy theorists being ushered into the morgue and invited to prod his body. As this would have been unlikely to have happened in any event, and considering that any proof put forward would be questioned anyway, why not just bury him at sea and have done with it? Release the photos. Burn OBL’s beard in Central Park. The bottom line is that OBL is dead. So why not just be happy about it?

              Of course, I do not mean to say that the actions of governments are always altruistic. Bermudians know better than anyone else that ain’t so. But in this case, what is the value of a conspiracy theory to the US Government? What is the value to them of lying on such a grand scale? What if he isn’t dead; they just can’t find him? The truth would come to the surface fast enough. And what if he was dead 10 years ago? Surely the Bush Administration would have jumped at the chance to announce that little nugget of good cheer? Any achievments gained as a result of that lie would be negatived, and probably so damaging to the US that it isn’t worth their consideration. Besides, there are enough smart people out there not working for the US Government who would expose it in a heart beat if they could. Mr. Wikileaks, Julian Assange, certainly wouldn’t have batted an eyelid.

              The value to the US of killing OBL and letting everyone know is in the actual achievment of that truth. If it was a lie, it’s an easy one to get caught in, and the damage that would result wouldn’t be worth it to a President already struggling to bring the US economy back from the brink while simultaneously ramping up his reelection campaign.

              Maybe we haven’t landed on the moon. Maybe JFK was shot by a second gunman on the grassy knoll. But in this case, there’s no point, no value in it. If OBL’s alive, he’ll say so soon enough.

    • Terry says:

      That you UE?

  17. Yup! says:

    Don’t no why you ppl are letting sand get under your skin. Lets take a vote SANDGROWNAN AND TERRY MUST BE GIRLFREIND/BOYFREIND GIRL/GIRL BOY/BOY or two space cadet marshans smoking some bubonic chronic!!! Sand ya extremely silly are you sure it’s not your 4 or 5 year old writing your posts. LOLOLOLOL SMH!!!!!

    • sandgrownan says:

      I’m flattered.

    • Terry says:

      Oh…You B%$ch….Yup …your rite……Me and Sandy have been together for years……..He won’t admiot it…… yah………..

  18. Terry says:

    Can’t mention any names but no 2 is next.

  19. Scott says:

    Since people keep saying to those who questing osama’s recent death must not believe in moon landing, and 9/11 etc.. just throwing this out there

    i dont believe 9/11 was a govt conspiracy
    i do believe the moon landign was real

    i am neither believing, nor disbelieving recent bin Laden news until there is more public evidence than just the word of the president and media.

  20. Just Curious says:

    To Scott and Others!



    • Terry says:

      Try calling the Pentagon. (unlisted number re – Deaths due to …)

    • CanadianLuv says:

      They didn’t have time to so all that .. lol they had to throw his body into the ocean as soon as possible to abide by Islamic customs lol * VERY SARCASTIC*

      • sandgrownan says:

        Apparently, it was in accordance with Islamic ritual. Until you know otherwise, you really shouldn’t comment.

        I expect some release of footage in the next few days.

        • GlobalCitizen says:

          Are you a US Media/ Damage control rep? because you sound like it!

  21. sandgrownan says:

    A perhaps more interesting angle is how “The West” views Pakistan going forward. Osama was essentially living under the noses of the Pakistani military, as Chris Hitchen’s commented in “The Slate”:

    “There’s some minor triumph, also, in the confirmation that our old enemy was not a heroic guerrilla fighter but the pampered client of a corrupt and vicious oligarchy that runs a failed and rogue state.”

    • CanadianLuv says:

      They will prob find some reason to go to war with Pakistan now…

  22. ming says:

    Thats the one day i remember….very clearly. In Bermuda college on the top floor, looking at the news on tv, skipping class, and all of a sudden ..bam, plane in the tower. Live and Direct…. I will never forget, when i busted in my class telling people as I saw the first one, let alone there were 2 planes. At first they didnt believe me, but in 10 minutes,once i think the teacher realised it was true, she even cancelled the lecture. A historical moment.

  23. Thanks for nothing... says:

    I am dumber for having read all of these stupid comments.

  24. CanadianLuv says:

    First off the timing of all of this is WAY to close to Election time!
    Secondly NO IMAM (Islamic priest) agreed that Bin Laden’s sea “burial” abides to Islamic traditions, It actually was violated! <- Article from other sources of media NOT owned by the USA!
    The USA keeps trying to insult my intelligence! They fool Americans and use American propagandas (such as this SHAM) to win votes and MURDER & INVADE innocent people & countries. They use the Main stream media so well to BRAINWASH the West!
    They could have Blown up the twin towers themselves murdering several of their own citizens and blame a man who pissed of Bush Sr.!
    The USA’s source of income is WAR!
    I urge EVERYONE to do their own research!!!!

    • sandgrownan says:

      Islam provides for burial at sea.

    • Scott says:

      how is this too close to an election time.. its almost a year away… and if you think that because its an election year, then remember that 1/4 of all years are election years… something big is bound to happen in them…

      • sandgrownan says:


        • CanadianLuv says:

          @sandgrownan i did not mention sea.
          I was born in the Middle East ,Lived there for 13 years immersed in their culture and are YOU really trying to tell me about this?
          CNN and BBC are controlled sources of media, use an alternative media source and then i will take you seriously!
          Did u even read the link?
          “disregard for the standard Muslim practice of placing the body in a grave with the head pointed toward the holy city of Mecca.
          Sea burials can be allowed, they said, but only in special cases where the death occurred aboard a ship.
          Bin Laden’s burial at sea “runs contrary to the principles of Islamic laws, religious values and humanitarian customs,” said Sheik Ahmed al-Tayeb, the grand Imam of Cairo’s al-Azhar mosque, Sunni Islam’s highest seat of learning. ”

          @ Scott , Obamas current approval rating was in the popper and he needed a “win”, Especially with Trump lighting fires on his ass! just as it took “10″ years to “find” Osama it takes well over a year to win the election :)

          • sandgrownan says:

            An Iman in the UK said it was OK.

            What were they to do? Create a shrine for jihadists?

            It seems like a reasonable compromise to me. CNN and BBC in the same comment? Really?

    • BdaPapa says:

      The USA isn’t trying to insult your intelligence or what you may have left. Just don’t read or listen to US media. Simple. You are a far left loon who thinks the USA is the worst when actually it is THE BEST country in the world. I bet you frequently go there on shopping trips or enjoy vacations there don’t you???

  25. Rockfish says:

    The whole Bush Jr Era was a Conspiracy from start to finish. He violated so many people’s civil rights to steal not one but two elections just so he can control the Oil in Afganistan – as he is as well as his family well into the Texas Oil Industry. Ronald Regan and Sadaam Hussein were buddies – the US gave Sadaam training and weapons then turned around killed him off after he grew some ballz – I mean come on people – the Republicans are clearly out for themselves and their own personal agenda. I understand why other nations view America as the devil – they (the Republicans) make friends with all the nations that control the world (Oil and Precious stones and metal nations) then when they don’t get what they want – declare WAR – it’s just utter selfishness. I believe Obama just wants to get the troops out of Afghanistan and end the WAR – too much money is being spent unnecessarily on this Oil War – the US Economy needs to get back on it’s feet – but the current Oil prices aren’t helping the situation. I really think they got him – Bush could have had him all that time – but it was justifiable for him to keep up the goose chase to increase his confidence numbers as we all know he was a joke – he caused the US Economy to fail but walked away an even richer man after his two terms due to the War in Afganistan chasing both Osama and Sadaam.

    • sandgrownan says:

      That’s a poor analysis.

      • Terry says:

        You do remember the “40 Thieves”………and Aladin Bin Lattern don’t you?

        It’s the UBP’s fault. And their still in power. Look at the price of Platinum, Base Lands, Urinary Tract Infections.

        Backwards….still UBP.

        Take a good look @ the above photo…………and if you play golf….stay away from sand traps……..dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun………..

  26. Terry says:

    JNC oberdear on Bda Was Another World keeps comming up with all the answers but to quote him (yes I know this Gee from Ord Road)…”I don’t have time”.

    Anyone can copy paste with some semblance of conversation. MIT/PhD……more like a sh%t stirrer than anything else.

    I can asure you that he has no access to any info except what he reads on the net. Ego thats all.

    Now back to regular programing………