Lunchtime Purse Snatching On Reid Street

June 22, 2011

bermuda police reid street[Updated] At approximately 12 noon today [June 22] a woman had her purse snatched in the vicinity of the Bank of Butterfield on Reid Street.

Due to the lunchtime hour, there were numerous people on the street when the incident occurred, and many expressed disgust that someone was so brazen to commit the act in broad daylight in such a busy area.

Bystanders told Bernews that the female victim appeared to have just exited the area of the bank, and as she came out there was a man standing there wearing a helmet.

According to bystanders, the helmet-wearing suspect proceeded to snatch the victims’ purse and then rushed away, jumped on the back of an awaiting motorcycle as a pillion passenger and rode off.

As of 12:20pm, the Police are on scene and interviewing people. We will update with official information as able.

Update June 23 12:40pm: Police statement below:

Around 11:55am on Wednesday, police responded to a report of a theft outside the Bank of Butterfield on Reid Street in the City of Hamilton.

It appears that the victim, a 50 year old Warwick woman, was walking along Reid Street when an unknown man grabbed the white duffle bag she was carrying and ran off.

Despite the efforts of at least one member of the public in the area, the thief made good his escape with the bag as the pillion passenger of a waiting motorcycle. The victim was not injured. The duffle bag contained a quantity of cash and personal items.

The main suspect is described as a 6’ tall male of slim build, wearing a white helmet with a dark coloured visor and black clothing. The second suspect (motorcycle rider) is described as also wearing black clothing and riding a dark coloured motorcycle.

Inquiries into this incident are underway. Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any information to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011 and commend those members of the public who came to the assistance of the victim in this matter.

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Comments (122)

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  1. Think about it says:

    You mean to tell me, as busy as that street is, not one person stopped that fool? I would have laid his @ss out, or at least tripped him.

    • Ganja mon says:

      yea! sure you would have Michael!^^

      I applaud them for there professionalism as this had to be a premeditated robbery. Its ridiculous as this is a well known BUSY street in town.

      Government/ Police need to realize the core of these issues and create a solution other then Prison. Locking people up only makes them Bigger, smarter (more time to think), and more dependent on crime as an avenue then before they went in.

      Follow America and admit the “War on Drugs” is a failure and it was rather a “War on People” !!!!!!!!

      • Say what ? ? says:

        So are you suggesting that we just reward all this bad out of control behavior by not punishing these pooor little guys ? Give them a few social programmes to attend ?

        They had a chance to learn for free when they were in school and blew it …
        If there is an alternative to locking them up until they learn to live like normal people , then I will agree if it is to chop their hands off. It sure seems to work over in the Far East ..along with that flogging in Thailand !

        And don’t tell me this might hvae been a crime to feed themselves .. !

      • Notorious says:

        LMAO! Ganja Mon you need to lay off the ganja who said his name was Michael? You still gunning to find out who he really is like the lame you are.

      • White Christ says:

        Even if the guy’s name was michael WHY would you try to use someone’s real name if they’re using a screen-name?? Why?! Flip man! That’s just vindictive and evil i’m sorry! Shows what kind of person you are!

        • Notorious says:

          Because he’s a coward and wants vengeance over some petty back and forth arguing he had with “think about it”. That’s the mentality of some people here, and we wonder why retaliatory violent crimes are high. People want payback over stupid small situations. Over a simple comment on bernews he wants to ATTEMPT and blast his real name to get back at him. It is evil and it is vindictive. BUT he needs to be careful, he has no idea who “think about it” is or who he knows. He might not want to get in over his head.

          • Think about it says:


            Actually, it was not an argument that I was having with @Ganja mon. In order for it to have been an argument/debate, he would have to make a valid point. However, due to his lack of intelligence, he couldn’t. He could not defend himself. From an intellectual standpoint, Ganja mon vs. Think about it is like a baby vs. Mike Tyson.

            His real name is probably Tyrone or Jakwandae or T-a(ta-dash-a) or some other ignorant name. He probably sits on a wall all day mooching off of his mother (or baby mother) and does absolutely nothing but come on Bernews all day and make himself look incredibly unintelligent.

            With that being said, yes, I would have at least tripped the guy. I’m not afraid of anyone that would prey on a defenseless woman and any ‘man’ in the area that didn’t do anything is just as much a coward as the perp.

            • people talk says:

              @think about it,its so easy for some1 to say “oh i’ll do this or I’ll do that” which case an point none of us really would now what to do other then speak on the obvious. an its people like you that think there super showing there big ass on there chest, the loudest on in the room is always the weakest on in the room. an as for all we now you could be some jack in the box yahself, to stereotype on what his name is you sound an possible are, well not possible you are a jack ass n ya name could be tyrone or jakwandae its people like you that stick there noises in the air so you dont have to smell this sh@$ that comes out yah mouth

              • Think about it says:

                @People talk

                Thank you for being a true blue Bermudian by sticking your nose in someone elses business. You know nothing about the “argument” Ganja mon and myself had, so why comment on his behalf? Notorious and a few other Bernews regulars know exactly what Ganja mon is about (or isn’t in most cases) and how much of an idiot he really is. Perfect example: Because he was getting upset at how much of a fool I was making him look, he tried to air out my real name ON BERNEWS, but was stopped by the moderator. So my question to you is: Why would you throw your hat into the ring with someone who would do something so stupid?

                Please think about it….

                • Think about it says:

                  Oh and @People talk

                  Forgot to ask: do you meet any of the criteria that I accused Ganja mon of? I think so, that’s why you’re so mad right? Lol

                • Notorious says:

                  Exactly. “People talk” is clueless as to the situation and what we are even talking about. Nothing they said in those long run on sentences made any sense. “ganja mon” made himself out to be a stereotype by the way he types and the things he says. He is an idiot and an even bigger idiot for trying to air someones real name on bernews like a petty teenage girl would do.

              • Ganja mon says:

                Lol Michael is MADD. It’s ok. I already know your a closet racist dreaming to show your true colors. But after you think about it you know it’s a losing battle. Either way you sound real stupid with the names. Just like a racist would sound. Loser!

                • Think about it says:

                  What names? What names did I call you? I did not CALL you stupid, I SAID you’re unintelligent. Do you even know the difference?

                  You’re really funny calling me a closet racist, when I’ve mentioned many times to you and others that I am not white Lol. You think it’s racism for me calling out the faults that most black Bermudians share? It’s not racism if it’s true. Even sensible black Bermudians think that these names people are giving their children are silly as hell. So you think I am a racist for talking about it on bernews? Please. Ask any black Bermudian over 40 if they like the names that their grandchildren have. You’d be surprised to hear the answer Lol

                • White Christ says:

                  You have a ThC degree in stupidity!

  2. Disgusted says:

    This is disgusting! I hate the Bermuda we have become. My family is outta here as soon as I can afford it!

    • Think about it says:

      Same here. Just waiting on the passports to arrive

    • andre says:

      And were are you going?

      • Gone already says:

        I’ve already gone. To Canada, where you don’t have to be afraid of being assaulted or have your house invaded all of the time, and people smile at you even though you don’t look the same as them, and where the cost of a box of milk is half the price of milk in Bermuda, where health care is free, and a decent education for your kids is free. Need more reasons?

        • the truth says:

          How’d you get to Canada? ( hopefully not being too intrusive, I’ve been wanting to go there with my family so our child can get a good education without paying an arm and a leg.)

        • randy says:


        • randy says:

          To Gone: So why are Canadians so eager to come here and hate like the dickens to leave?

          Sounds like you should be gone already!! Get crackin!!!

          • In reality says:

            Oh don’t worry .. once they break through the veneer that is Bermuda they can’t wait to get out of here fast enough …

            Believe me , it’s a myth that everyone who visits our shores comes from a crime ridden, filthy place where the beaches are all mud and rocks and the locals are evil and hostile.

          • Reality says:

            Who says Canadians are so eager? I’m a Canadian who’s been transferred here as part of my contract but it wasn’t the top of my list of places to work (especially when our dollar value is higher). After 2 home burglary’s in one year (something I never worried about in T.O. even for Riverdale), I’ve already told my company I won’t be renewing.

            • Vigil Auntie says:

              I told them I was not renewing as well. We come to bermuda thinking they are modern and advanced and up to date with every day functions and efficiency….that darn beach tricks you in……..After getting hit twice by cars on my bike, followed home by strange men and unwanted physical advances, a shooting in my neighborhood, people ripping me off, getting my property stolen, going into debt because of the price of rent and food, the rudeness I experience on a daily basis from my coworkers, to the taxi driver to the server to the bus driver, to sales people, to being accused of taking jobs (I don’t see any bermudians applying) to The reaction to any ideas or suggestions to benefit the company/clients was rejected with defence like I was sent by the British army, simply because I came up with it…. this is why we leave, not about any money…Bermuda is the spoiled younger stepchild of North America.

              yes, the grass can be greener and it’s called everywhere else. sorry.

              • Notorious says:

                Oh boo hoo @vigil auntie! You foreigners kill me. I’ve lived here since birth and none of that stuff has ever happened to me. If you dislike Bermuda so much leave. As if America is any better. With such notorious people as Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and countless other murderers, thieves, rapists, and pedophiles. You all are always in our newspapers, on our websites complaining about Bermuda and disrespecting our country but dare someone do it to yours and you all would be highly pissed off. Why didn’t you report all of those things? You don’t think those things happen to Bermudians elsewhere? You know how many times it’s happened to me? I don’t go complain and go on American websites and say how terrible the place is because of it. You all are entitled morons who need a sign to tell you to do every little thing and complain nonstop when you don’t get your way. If we are the spoiled younger stepchild of North America you are the spoiled bratty teenager who wants their own way and thinks they know it all. If you are a Canadian that’s even worse. You all come here and think you run things. I’ve worked with plenty of you.

                • Vigil Auntie says:

                  i do dislike it and I AM leaving.
                  the exact attitude of people like you is the biggest reason.
                  Ever think foreigners might have some pretty good sugegstions to make you catch up with the rest of the world and make it better? Oh no, because you would rather puff your feathers out and have an attitude about it. Have fun living in the world I lived in 20 yrs ago.

                • Vigil Auntie says:

                  none of this happened to you…i take it you are not a woman who lives in fear, who does not go for a walk alone, the beach alone, or is a safe driver that nearly gets knocked off her bike anytime someone barely leaves you space when they overtake you at 100km/h, or felt victimized and bullied by your coworkers because of what the cover of your passport says, and not by the content of your character. hmmmm Perhaps you would see this once you take the blinders off and see things from a 360′ angle and not just as far as the tip of your nose.

                  • Vigil Auntie says:

                    also love how opinions, ideas and suggestions are filed under complaining. when there is one finger pointing at me, there are 4 more pointed right back at you !

                    • Think about it says:

                      @vigil auntie

                      You are complaining, how do you not realize it? What you said was not an opinion, it was 100% complaint. I agree with Notorious, you act as if that stuff doesn’t happen elsewhere in the world. You mean to tell me that you feel safe walking somewhere alone at night in other countries, or that accidents don’t happen (at far faster speeds) elsewhere in the world? Give me a break. If you hate it here so much, as Bermudians say, “Make it!”

                    • Vigil Auntie says:

                      I felt safe walking at night in 4 of the 5 countries I lived in YES absolutely !!!
                      as far as travel, I did not feel comfortable walking at night in Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, Athens during the riots, parts of Bangkok and Bermuda.

                      I am complaining now after being 3 yrs putting up with this place, but i did not arrive here this way….hate breeds, and /i have your people to thank.

                    • Vigil Auntie says:

                      “Think about it” needs to think a bit harder, seems the cloud of hot air being expelled is clouding his broad view of the world, this country to even my posts. :)

                    • Vigil Auntie says:

                      my one way ticket out of here has been booked, no worry, y’all don’t need us here anyway, just a big headache and we just complain. good luck being taken care of with high asian standards of care when you get sick :) not my problem anymore xox

                    • Think about it says:

                      I’m just laughing at you at this point. I, am not blowing hot air for one. Two, if you know anything about me or have read my other posts from the past you would know that I am quick to call Bermuda and its people out on it’s flaws. I also constantly talk about how I am ready to leave and cannot wait to do so. HOWEVER I still keep it real. For one, I don’t know what country you come from, but I’m willing to bet that wherever it is, you wouldn’t the making the wage there that you are here. You’re also not as likely to be raped, murdered or kidnapped here. Say what you want, but the things like that that happen here (more specifically murder) it’s because the person was involved in gang life.

                      Im sorry that you happened to have started working here in a particular time when Bermuda is going through a rough spot if you will, but you really need to chill out. If you really have that much of an issue, send me your details and I can have someone in immigration revoke your work permit and send you packing early.

                      Have fun with your high unemployment rate, low wages, murder and earthquakes.

                    • Vigil Auntie says:

                      wow , your credibility just sky rocketed with that comment, but proves my point entirely, and your comments make my decision to leave a satisfying one. if you had read anything I posted, you would have read that You don’t have to worry about immigration my friend, my permit has been handed in already :) :):) I hear alot of the pot calling the kettle here….and as expected you have worn me out as well…… but I don;t remember the last earthquake we had in Canada, I think we had a little one in the 80′s that put a crack in the ice at the arena? oh, i’m shaking in my snow boots!! my future employer had 10 positions to fill, and they signed me up with a hefty signing bonus and maximum pay scale (only about 3.5$/hour less than bermuda), and my rent is a quarter of what it is here. It sounds like you have never even set foot in Canada before… Life is good, life is great once again, the sun has risen and I shall too.

                    • Think about it says:

                      Sorry if I didn’t take the time to read all of your posts, including the one where you said that you are Canadian. Obviously I wouldn’t have made the statements that I did had I known. I actually love Canada, and would like to live there one day, however, it’s not a utopia by any means and I am sure I can find some faults that they have and Bermuda doesn’t.

                      Also, I know full well what YOU said about your permit being handed in. What I SAID was that if you would like, I can expedite your departure from this horrible hell we call Bermuda. Just say the word.

                    • FridayGirl says:

                      WOW there you go again Bermuda making yourself look silly. I guess until you are in a position were you have to hire and fire people and deal with their shit everyday you would never understand why overseas workers are brought here. Bermudians are spoiled and it shows in all these comments. your quick to hack on a “blue color” worker but here you are doing the same thing as them. Packing up and going to live somewhere else. At least he had enough respect to leave his family where it was and serve his time here then leave name one bermudian you know thats has left Bermuda to work and came back to live here and get another job!!! You all complain about overseas works coming here and taking jobs that Bermudians can do but none of you actually look at the people that may apply for these jobs or that fact that no bermudians apply. It shames me as a Bermudian to know that some of us are so selfish and shallow minded

                  • Notorious says:

                    GOOD! I’m sure we are a people and country will mourn the loss of you, not.

                    I don’t live in fear. I also don’t walk around in unknown places alone or at night. That’s common sense. Especially as a female. Stop playing the victim role. I’m sure you aren’t unicorns and rainbows to work with and it had nothing to do with your passport but like you said in actual fact the content of you character. Perhaps you should take off your blinders and stop labeling a whole country based off a few bad examples. You think I’m wrong? Go on ANY American website that reviews anything from restaurants to hotels and see how silly and annoying you all are complaining about any and everything! Maybe you didn’t feel safe walking here alone is because most people here are BLACK! I bet you clutch your purse when walking past a black male. Shame.

                    • Think about it says:

                      @Notorious- Lol. Thank you. I agree. Where in the world can a female walk alone and night and be 100% safe. Not even in Canada can you do that (which vigil auntie is from) so why would you assume that you can here? I’m guessing she probly dated a black male while she was here and had her lily white heart broken, and now she’s a woman scorned Lol

            • Organic Bermudian says:

              BYE!! I could arrange for the gombeys to escort you to the airport!!

              • Vigil Auntie says:

                thanks for your consistent and predictable hospitality.

                • Jamudian says:

                  What do you expect if you Talk trash and constantly complain about the coutry/ island like that. Get a friggin life. I live in Canada right now; alot happens here. More than you know too because your media isn’t as forthcoming with what really goes down. The little town I live in of 55,000 people and since the two months i’ve lived here two women and two men gave gone missing,. While police looking for the bodies; they find other missing bodies. get a clue!!! Stop disrespecting peoples countries…especially so blatant and open. We all love our respective countries. Your right it is time for you to leave!!! No doubt you were that ignorant before you came here. Believe me I’ve met alot of ignorant Canadians in Canada. Every other country is third world a less than yours. Geeeese, its people like you that give expats a bad name. Maybe your co-workers saw right through you. But you didnt think you did anything wrong cause you never said what you were thinking infront of them. But they read you like a book…or maybe through your ignorance you said something that someone over heard.

              • Notorious says:

                LMAO at Organic Bermudian! And thank you @ Jamudian. She’s trying to play a victim when in actual fact she probably was that way before she even got here. I’m sure her co-workers did see through the B.S. How is that Bermudians are known as the nicest people in the world yet she wants to claim we are consistent with our lack of hospitality. Gee I wonder why we would be so offended at someone disrespecting our homeland.

          • Think about it says:

            They come here to make money and leave. Just like the filipinos, jamaicans, sri lankens etc. etc.

            • Vigil Auntie says:

              I hate to break it to you, I am a canadian &3 years into it, and where is this money I am supposed to have saved?? certainly not in my bank account! certainly not in my rusty scooter, or my pest infested studio apartment!

              To top it off, landlords charge expats more for rent , thinking we have all this exaggerated amount of money, and have to fly home more often.

              Sorry, I haven’t gained a cent, and am gladly going back to winter and taxes because it is much better than dealing with the social issues that poison this country and even trickle down and affect us on a daily basis. I love how people think expats are practically living in shagri-la during our stay. we have to pay the same bills, with the same salary as you. open your eyes!

              • Truth says:

                Amen to that – you said a mouthful and I agree 100%! We all have the same bills my friends!!! Same bills!!

              • Organic Bermudian says:

                I will have the gombeys escort you also love!

                • Vigil Auntie says:

                  the gombeys love me. hope their wives never find out.

                  • Notorious says:

                    You wonder why your co-workers didn’t like you? I mean you are such a lady, sleeping with married men and PROUD of it. Such great morals despite the fact that I don’t believe you. You probably look like Precious with down syndrome.

                    • Think about it says:

                      LMAO @Notorious. A little rude, but funny.

              • Think about it says:

                @Vigil auntie

                Yeah, you might be struggling, but majority of expats here make ridiculous(as in high) salaries compared to Bermudians, so a lot of them do end up leaving having saved a bunch of money. Most expats have their rent paid for them by the companies that they work for. Go to Port o call or LV’s or any of those places and you’ll see them living it up

                • Vigil Auntie says:

                  if you watch closely, and if they are truly a “T.A.C”, they are nursing that 10$ drink for 3 hours! lol If you see them drinking excessively, the reason is what happens from Monday to friday!! guilty! forgive us if we let loose from putting up with the b.s. that goes on at the workplace…

                  I have many expat friends who have not been paid in 2 months because their employer is struggling….they were at Port o Call last friday…things are not always what they seem…

                  • Vigil Auntie says:

                    If you want to know why North American & UK expats don’t always leave like we want to, or as quickly as we came, it is because coming to Bermuda is virtual career suicide for an expat and is a huge risk to a career to come here. you don’t get the promotions you could get elsewhere because of your nationality, or colour of your skin thanks to affirmative action policies, and your superiors shun you from teams where you have potential in, because it might make them look bad. it’s all about how many people they can rally behind them to agree with their poor ideas to gang up against yours. So when you try to look for work abroad (economy not great anywhere), they see you “haven’t done much” and you become less competitive in the market, and you sort of become stuck here for 3-5 yrs with no where to go but to take a demotion or part time work like you did out of college, and start over again. I’m sorry but I don’t know one canadian or american here who says they love it here. it’s just a place we put up with… “but the beach is nice”.

              • Jamudian says:

                That is not correct about the same bills and same salary!!! Not true. What are your qualifications? what did you do? What will you do in Canada??? Maybe if you saved instead of drinking it all away you would have some coin.

                • Vigil Auntie says:

                  oh please, no one said about drinking our money away, get with the program. If you read correctly, We are talking about using the same drink and not being able to afford a second. I have one drink about every 3 months . again another stereotype, misconception , assumption, hot air with no meat. Jamudian needs to keep up, oh sorry, too late, it’s over :)

                  • Vigil Auntie says:

                    Jamujan, I work with Bermudians, and from all over, etc and we are paid the same wage for the same job. My qualifications include 3 degrees in 15 years of study in health…. of which i did one by one, out of my own pocket, while working full time…and sacrificing (my money went to my education and not alcohol as we liek to point the finger) The irony is , expats “complain” to advocate better care for the people of Bermuda, even if our own future won;t reap the benefits, but our help is not wanted sadly, so we shall go where we can do our intended jobs…to care… it self sabotage a simple attitude adjustment could help, this island would be a better place if people were more accepting. …alas we must carry on so we can ‘chill out” because that makes soooo much more sense..- am sorry I won’t be able to see any replies since I have a plane to catch in the morning :)

                    • Think about it says:

                      @ Vigil auntie

                      Ok, ok, ok. So you work in health care is that it? That would explain why you work with rude Bermudians and make the same salary. When myself and others on this site were talking about expats making a lot of money and more than Bermudians, we are referring to those that work in the international business sector. Not you. Was that not clear? Did I not give it away when I commented about those people that hang out at LV’s and Port O’ Call? Of course if you’re a nurse or whatever you don’t make that type of money to be at those places on the regular, but the majority of your fellow expatriates that are there, work at ACE or AIG or whatever and are probably make twice to three times your salary. Those are the people that we are talking about, not you.

                      And f.y.i. if you work in the hospital or health care in general, it’s probably Jamaicans that are giving you a hard time, considering they dominate that field or work in Bermuda, not Bermudians.

                    • IB Agreein' says:

                      I work in IB sector and would definitely agree with you on many points. I was told this year that bonuses were getting cut and even though I was told I did an excellent job taking on the work of 2 other positions that left last year in addition to my existing workload. I later found out that there were bonuses but they were reserved for the bermudians in my department because they were trying prevent further bermudians leaving knowing that it’s easier for a skilled bermudian to get a job elsewhere if they are dissatisfied than for an expat. You don’t see me hanging out at bars unless I’m entertaining clients (which is a required part of my job) because I’d rather be home with my family and I might get allowances to offset the shock of high cost of living here but without it, I wouldn’t have considered coming here to work. Especially when my wife had to leave her job to move here and is unable to work in this country and we still have a mortgage to consider for the day we intend to leave bda (which I’m happy to say is very soon).

      • Think about it says:


        Canada or the UK. I would prefer Canada as I love it there and it’s already my second home.

  3. US Observer says:

    Sounds like the gun violence have people in fear and turning the other way…Reid Street during lunch? Wow..there must be quite a few people in that general area. I will be in Bermuda during Cup Match and bringing a plane load of black americans with me…Try It!!

    • White Christ says:

      Hope they do try it and Hope they get the hell stomped outta them!

  4. True Dat says:

    OMG!!! I am so angry at this!! WTF!!!

  5. shawn says:

    u see the problem? nobody gonna stop no fool like dat in public in broad daylight,they afraid to b arrested for doin whats right like that guy defended his woman in middle town. criminals win! yay police–good work!?!

  6. SMDH LOL says:

    What the heck is really going on? why the hell didnt somebody snatch his a$$ or something cause things are to tight to be letting these fools get away with something like this. I dont understand how it be all those people out on the street and nobody helped this lady. so pissed off about this.

    • the truth says:

      Probably because if someone on the street stuck out their leg, and the person who took the handbag tripped, hit the pavement and knocked their teeth out, the Police would come arresting you……

  7. White Christ says:

    I’d like to cut his ‘purse’ off!

  8. Terry says:

    Because they have the upper hand. You’ve no idea if they have a weapon. It was planned. Not some old lady comming out after making a deposit…………

    The atmosphere is telling as can be seen by peoples reaction. Desperate times…….

  9. Organic Bermudian says:

    How could he escape a city during the lunch rush??

    • Let's think about this... says:

      It all happened in a matter of seconds. There is so much chaos you don’t know how to react. What could a passerby have done to stop him? You don’t expect somone to snatch a bag and hop on a bike right in front of you. You hear a lady screaming then see someone running… you don’t have time to react. Someone did go running down the middle of Reid St chasing the bike on foot…

      • The Rock says:

        just wondering, was there a plate number on the bike?

  10. Oh yes they did... says:

    FYI, there were several people who tried to stop this. One person tried to block the get-away cycle’s path with his car and one person tried to tackle the thief. Even the woman herself tried to snatch her purse back. Unfortunately, to no avail. hmmm – maybe people are starting to get fed up. Maybe.

  11. cocoa says:

    This is very sad. I recall one day I was going to the drive in bank to use the ATM. In front of me there was another car, we both must have sensed the same thing. Near the entrance there was a guy on his bike with his helmet on still sitting on his bike, alone. The car in front of me drove past the ATM and drove out, I followed suit and did the same thing…. left. It was my thinking that this guy was perhaps waiting for someone to go to the ATM machine to perhaps rob them, as this was on a quiet Sunday afternoon when it was not busy. Very scary to think what if.

  12. Not Surprised says:

    This is trully pathetic. These idiots need to be STOMPED OUT and taught a lesson. Let the A$$ whoopings ensue so we can show these fools we mean business and will not put up with the BS!!

  13. (sigh) says:

    Wow, with heavy police presence in town this guy must have been feeling pretty invincable. Are there camaras in the area? I hope the lady is okay I know I would be devestated if something like this happened to me.

  14. Bring back the Bobby's on foot says:

    This is crazy, thieves are are opportunists, they knew that the Police Station has moved to Court Stret, and the likelihood of Police on foot patrol was slim; since they no longer have to go get lunch in the Mall. Bring back the Police on foot patrol, not just harbour night, how is it that we have cockaroches dealing drugs on court street, and the Police station is a stone throw away; and public flogging when catch these fools.

    • White Christ says:

      Don’t insult cockroaches like that! I’ve never seen a cockroach do the dirt that these low-lives do to other people. At least cockroaches have dignity in their own way, they clean up people’s trash. These losers ARE trash.

  15. smh says:

    This issue shed so much light on the situation

    1. People are fed up and desperate. Years ago something like this would of never happened in Bermuda, but it is now occuring more often than not. People are unemployed, uneducated and lacking the skills to survive. Government needs to take a hard and sure look at this, as they have created some of the problems.

    Lets look at the Bermuda Music Festival the year that Beyonce was here. Millions was spent, and Thousands was made. At some point the Finance Minister or other members of Cabinet should of put the breaks on that festival.

    Charities are now being forced to close down, financial support for unemployed are being cut, but the prices of everything else is going up. There is a certin level of unrest on this island which is apparent every day. Those millions could of been used to help the citizens of Bermuda now instead of paying for a show that did not bring in many tourist, and didnt make any real money to off set costs much less make any profit.

    2. Police are so busy setting speed traps, and arresting ppl who do not deserve to be arrested, that their resouces are not being used smartly. In NY (Manhattan) every corner there is an officer, why not here, we have a hell of a lot less corners in town, and a huge police force. Will it take a tourist being robbed in this fashion, for proper policing to happen.

    3. 5 years ago, ppl may have stepped in to assist, but not with the fear of guns, ppl being shot in broad daylight, most fear for their own personal safety and will just step aside and let it happen.

    Until the Government, and us as a ppl unite during these hard economic and social times, unfortunetely incidents like this will continue and probably happen more often. These are some serious times

    • Notorious says:

      I agree and especially with #2. Let is happen on Front Street and see what happens. Harbor Nights you see police out to control things with *cough* the “tourists” out and about but areas with lots of *cough* “locals” you don’t see them.

  16. Anywhere but Bermuda says:

    Tourists have left, next it is IB, then the few remaining expats. Then the Bermudians that are able to will leave also – then the rest of you will have it to yourselves.

    Bermuda is headed for 3rd world status. Ten years MAX. Perhaps even less.

    • Tired and frustrated says:

      I give it 6 months to a year before this country falls apart. I have seen so many people leave by choice over the past 6 months and they were people who used to love Bermuda. People regardless of citizenship are sick and tired of the BS that is going on and don’t see any solutions being made by either people in government or residents. Everyone is blaming everyone and no one is helping fix the real problem. Get your heads out of your a** people and start to come together instead of blaming everyone under the sun. It takes one person to make a difference but hundreds to make a change.

      • Pastor Syl says:

        If you love Bermuda, don’t leave it to the cockroaches and scavengers! Stay! Change the current paradigm and create/recreate an island we can be proud of.

        If you care about what is happening to the most vulnerable in our community, don’t wait for Government to do something. They won’t. They can’t afford to because they aren’t willing to do what really needs to be done (which is another conversation). Pick a charity and tithe/donate to it, eg Sunshine League. Lets’ say they needed $1000 a week to stay open, then if 100 people decided to band together as “Friends of the League” and committed to $10 a week, the League could stay open and functioning.
        I tithe to the Coalition, to help feed children who don’t get breakfast and families who use their Food Bank. There are a myriad of other grass root charities that are doing something concrete to help our most vulnerable.
        We can make a difference. We can make technology work for us and for the island by connecting in new ways. We don’t have to have a “leader” . We just have to have the will and some imagination.

  17. Anywhere but Bermuda says:

    In addition, when everyone has left you can go independent and get that freedom you always wanted.

    No shackles, no money, no problem.

    • Think about it says:

      I know this is going to cause a stir, but this is all thanks to the PLP. You can say it wasn’t, but 13 years is plenty of time to ruin a country. Thats at least four generations of kids going through middle and highschool which is where most of the antisocial behaviour is learned and first practiced.

      • Truth says:

        No stir caused – I agree with you totally. We should send the PLP a big Thank You note for all of their “accomplishments.” They should be REALLY proud of themselves for the mess they’ve created.

      • Arikah says:

        A stir? I doubt that statement will cause so much as a ripple. Everyone knows the PLP have messed up and even their most die hard supporters probably struggle trying to defend them.

        • Think about it says:

          I assumed it would cause a stir because normally when I put the PLP on blast, all their supporters seem to attack me all at once and blame the UBP, Like Ganja mon is doing Lol

      • Ganja mon says:

        Your a fool to not realize these “high schools” your talking about was created by the UBP. Plp built the new Berkeley because the old one was garbage. This was a gang culture created by the old government for the new government to have to deal with.

        You only see the PLP side of it and I know why. Your too young to know what the UBP done before they were voted out. You better ask somebody!

        • Think about it says:

          Here we go again. Ganja mon, please be quiet, please. How is it the UBP’s fault because they built the school? That’s like saying it’s the car manufacturers fault that someone got drunk and got in an accident in the car they made. Don’t be stupid. The fact is, the PLP was in charge of the education department during the formulative years that these current criminals grew up during. Everyone here knows that and agrees.

  18. Kat says:

    A crying shame. Somebody had to be near by to witness a bike number

    • smarter den det says:

      These guys always make sure the plate is covered or not even on the bike ..

      or maybe ‘accidently covered up with their crypto lock’ or deliberately filthy license plate that you can’t read ..

      ‘course the cops never notice these things either

  19. Unreal! says:

    Why don’t we see more police presence out there in Hamilton? What will it take for them to show themselves? This is a serious slap in the face for police. What next? Bermuda is in deep trouble and sinking more everyday… Sad days ahead.

  20. VoT!!! says:

    Poor economy coupled with drug abuse = INCREASE IN BRAZEN CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.

    More to come.

  21. Vigil Auntie says:

    if this was on bank property, could this be bank robbery?

    • half truths says:

      what difference would it make? they still got away…

      • Vigil Auntie says:

        bigger punishment if they get caught. oh wait..

  22. Down 'n' Dirty says:

    What rotten , low down , stinking sons of b.tchs . Karma would have it that they will need at least ten times the amount they thought they got away with . CCT CAMERAS need to be checked .

  23. WOW. says:

    What is happening… seems like ppl are getting more desperate and thus more brazen… Lord have mercy!

  24. Heading Home says:

    This counrty is in huge trouble and it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.As expats, my wife and I had great visions of a stable and secure country with fresh sea air and pure natural beauty.Now we see the real Bermuda with daylight robbery,child abuse and murder.We’re cutting our time short and returning to North America where it’s illegal to drink on the streets and where young boys and girls fighting openly in public are dragged home to their parents and immediately expelled from school.Bermuda,you need to understand that you are one major CNN headline “Tourist Robbed and Murdered in Bermuda”,away from the end of your tourism business.
    Oh,and by the way Big Business is already dead and the moving trucks are at the gate.Very sad.

    • Vigil Auntie says:

      sooner or later, the rose coloured glasses fall off. contrary to the popular defence, it is very different than MOST places in North America (population 530 million). If this activity happened in a city of 65,000 , the national guard would come in, and people moving out! see you at the airport carrying my one way ticket.

      • Jamudian says:

        LOL your wrong about the national gaurd blondi….Stop exagerating!!

        • Vigil Auntie says:

          it’s called humour, you’ll learn one day :)

  25. OH WELL says:

    Aint no WORK! Aint no JOBS! Still got BILLS though!

  26. Um juss sane says:

    Times are hard, people are trying to survive… Some people are in better positions then others… I just pray that things get better or else this will be the norm…

    • Vigil Auntie says:

      no excuse. many people survive honestly.

    • Onion Soup says:

      News flash…it HAS become the norm! As for saying that “times are hard, people are trying to survive”, sounds to me like you’re making excuses for people who are victimizing others by stealing their property. Wishing and hoping (synonymous with prayer, folks!) doesn’t do squat except make the person praying feel good about him/herself…action, and lots of it from everyone, is required for things to be turned around in Bermuda.

  27. Just an idea says:

    Crime crime and more crime

  28. James S says:

    Actually handbag snatches have always been a fact of life in Bermuda. Usually along Pitts Bay Road towards the Princess. It was not a robbery unless violence was used.

    • Onion Soup says:

      Actually, James, there need only be the threat of violence or putting the victim in fear of violence for a purse snatching to be considered a robbery. The wrinkle insofar as the law is concerned, is establishing that a threat was indeed made or implied and/or that the victim was suffiently fearful to satisfy the court’s requirements for a robbery indictment. A lady friend, a senior, had her purse snatched at Devonshire post office a few years ago and was pushed to the ground when she resisted. She struck her head on the kerb and never regained consciousness before she died some several weeks later. Her assailant was never apprehended. The little &^*%er is probably still out there grabbing handbags from vulnerable ladies…perhaps he’s the same one who pulled this one off(?). I hope someone comes forward with a clear enough description of the perps (the robber and his accomplice on the bike) and a license number (though it’s probably a stolen bike) to bring them to justice. I weep for Bermuda…it’s going down the crapper at such a clip, it’s hard to imagine how it can be turned around quickly enough to stave off complete ruin in the not-too-distant future.

      • James S says:

        Thanks for the clarification, I understand, my point is that every time someone has their house broken into or something stolen the press frequently report it as a robbery. Very often it is not a robbery at all. Most people (especially Bermuda’s media) don’t understand that you cannot ‘rob’ an empty house for example. I do not believe it will turn around. Can you imagine how word of mouth spreads around a cruise ship and then each passengers relatives and friends when they return home after they have heard of the crime in Bermuda? Or been a victim of it? Winston Churchill said “a secret is only a secret to the number of people you tell times ten times ten times ten times ten…….”

  29. Carse Yer Wote (Original) says:

    Nobody see dis? A crowded lonch are in the middle a Tarn? What de F is wrong wiff people? Nobody get a bike nomber? Were too was de Man? Whatabout de securty at Not Too Bright Benk?

  30. People's Poet says:

    Grabbed a bag by de bank on Reid Street
    Not even a cop on the beat
    Took a left darn de heel
    Then to Trimingham Hill
    Should we stop darn to Ice Queen discreet?

  31. trooper says:

    we can’t be discreet,
    De cop not on de beat
    he at Ice queen havin’ a treat!

  32. trooper says:

    THINK ABOUT IT…you seem to be missing the point entirely. People do go on american sites and “complain”, because the US actions affect the world. They DO have a right to those opinions and to express them, no matter who or where they are. If you are not from the US, but living in the US, you would definitely have an opinion about it, and free to voice those opinions since they have just as much value wether you were born there or not. A large portion of North america is “foreign”, but as long as you live with us, you are one of us. Your rights are no different. what a concept! There is a new catchphrase going around the last 60 years, it’s called Globalization, you might want to look it up since you don’t even realize you are living in it.

  33. Um juss sane says:

    To all those that came to my home to to feed off my ancestors blood/sweat and tears, then when sh$# hit the fan are quick to run back home, good riddance. Bermuda is simply waaay too small for all these people. How many sardines can you pack in to one can anyway? Our government bears the responsibility for a lot of this mess going on. Letting anybody and their grandma come here to take food off our plates… Bermuda was bound to become overcrowded… and it is. How many Asians and are here anyway? They don’t even speak, and have an air about them as if they think they’re better than us… Now you’ve got bonafide Bermudians trying to leave their own home, sad. But not me, I’m married to my island and I’m here for better or for worse. I LOVE my island, and I AIN’T LEAVIN!! I hear comments on here all the time about how expats are wanting to leave… hurry up and go! leave us to our own misery and let us work it out.

    • Former expat... says:

      All of the expats or as you refer to them “people who steal food off our plates” could say the same for the countries we come from. The realisation is that expats live in every country in the world yet some (not all) Bermudians hate expats and do not welcome us there. Who is going to pay the rent when we all leave? Who is going to continue to support businesses like restaurants/bars, that only expats and tourists frequent, etc? We contribute to the economy and once we are all gone who will contribute in our place? I could go on and on but I think you get my point. The real issue is you think we are taking your jobs and yes we are but its only because we have the qualifications and expertise. If no one Bermudian applies for the job what is a company supposed to do? I know for a fact that most jobs that come up for renewal are not applied for by Bermudians so the companies have no choice but to re-hire the expat. If you want us all to leave, don’t worry its already happening and right behind us are all of the companies that employ us and also contribute to the economy by paying payroll tax, social insurance, insurance premiums, etc. Maybe people should stop being so angry and wake up and realise what is happening there. I think Bermuda is a great country and has great potential but people need to start working together instead of against each other.

  34. LX says:

    all those people who were watching could have done something to stop the perps. eg: running towards the parked bike and kicking the guy off the bike. do it hard enough and it can seriously damage the getaway bike. but instead the bermudian thing that was done was just standing and looking at the tragic event that happened and then call it disgusting…. FAIL!….

  35. John says:

    To these people complaining about crime in Bermuda you ain’t seen nothing yet. Bermuda is a great place to live and crime aint that bad. Yes in the past 5 years crime has risen, but it is still very isolated in Bermuda and very much gang related. The bag snatching, burglary etc you will find in every country. With Bermuda being so small you do feel it more, but please please stop ripping Bermuda off – it is a great & safe place (touch wood). As expats living in Bermuda, both me and my wife come from different countries where crime is a daily thing, where women get raped and they kill you for $10, so this is heavan for us.

  36. Original (Original) says:

    By far the best comment on this thread was from Notorious:

    “How is that Bermudians are known as the nicest people in the world yet she wants to claim we are consistent with our lack of hospitality.”

    It speaks volumes that Notorious actually believes this. The world is a big place and there are lots of friendly people. Only a typical self centered Bermudian would actually believe this is really true.

    For Notorious and other people in denial:

    Bermuda is NOT the friendliest place on earth.
    People are leaving in droves.
    Tourism is dead.
    We have no natural resources.
    We are headed for total disaster.

    Many Bermudians seem to be in denial –

    Probably because we’re the friendliest people and say good morning so it’ll all be OK.

    Very very sad that there is so much ignorance here.

  37. Cedar Beams (Original) says:

    It was reported this morning that the woman who was robbed was carrying $25,000. It was clearly not a random attack. It screams “inside job”.

  38. Thank you for being a true blue Bermudian by sticking your nose in someone elses business.