17-Yr-Old Arrested After Handbag Snatch

July 8, 2011

Police responded to a handbag snatching yesterday [July 7] that occurred on North Shore Road near Coney Island. As a result of the attack, there was a collision between cycles involved.

The male visitor sustained minor injuries from the collision and was treated at King Edward Memorial Hospital, and a 17-year-old male was arrested in connection with this incident.

A Police spokesperson said, “Around 4:15 pm on Thursday July 7, Police attended a reported handbag snatch on North Shore Road in Hamilton Parish near the junction with Coney Island Road.”

“It appears that two visitors were riding separate rental cycles along North Shore Road when the male visitor was accosted by two unknown men on a motorcycle”.

“As a result, a collision occurred. One of the suspects managed to escape on foot with the visitor’s knapsack. The other suspect rode off. The male visitor sustained minor injuries from the collision and was treated at KEMH. The female visitor was not injured”.

“The suspects are described as two black males wearing silver helmets, one wearing a grey T-shirt. The pillion passenger is also described as 5ft 10 inches tall. A 17 year old male has been arrested in connection with this incident. Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with any information to contact DC Elesa Brown on 295-0011″.

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  1. Best Shot says:

    To the next person on a bike who gets approached by someone on another bike attempting to rob you: Lean into it and kick that bike as hard as you can. Once they deck out park and repeatedly kick them in the face and [edited]. These people are the scum of the earth and who ever raised these kids should be embharased.

    • Organic Bermudian says:


      • LaPersh says:

        I’d like to take time out to thank Paula Cox for that one, that child parable has
        tried and tried to get work an this was there way to get money there was a time when
        A kid that age could go to a local supper mart and get a lil job in produce NO MORE
        Every were I go I see non bermudian .working these jobs that our young people COULD do
        If lindos an Arnold’s would send 20 of these pp BACK home that will open about 100-200
        Jobs and let’s not talk about landscaping that all out of wack they have 1 Bermudas to 10
        Non bermudian workers that is so so said….. BERMUDA STAND UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Dunno says:

          @LaPersh….How do you expect that to work? Send 20 home and create 100-200 jobs? Did you mean send 200 home? If not that will never happen. From a business perspective the employer will now have to pay 100-200 ppl instead of 20. Also there are landscaping companies that had to cut contracts because of lack of workers. Bermudians just dont want to do those jobs. Believe it or not we need expats here to do the jobs Bermudians wont.

        • United says:

          How about when openings are posted and BERMUDIANS do not apply, what do you suggest?

        • Onion says:

          LaPersh, today’s young people don’t want to do that kind of work. Get real.

        • Listen Up says:

          The jobs you see foreigners working – are jobs that these little thugs think are beneath them. Do you really think these hoolagans are knocking on employers’ doors to perform those jobs held by foreigners – like cutting grass, packing shelves, late night shifts at restaurants, bussing tables, …. Oh Please!!! They think they are too good for all that. They think – Let someone else work hard for it – I’ll just take it from them when they are out enjoying themselves.
          Furthermore, if they are out stealing handbags, I doubt they have taken their education seriously enough, to work in a more professional environment… So all they have left are these jobs they they think are beneath them.
          They do it to themselves and they have no one to blame but themselves!!

          • Stop Pointing ya Fingers says:

            You fools really beleive all that stuff inna? To burst your bubble, there are plenty of these youths that apply for jobs and either get turned dow nbecause of their age, no experience, or becasue they are Bermudian. Just becuase you guys do not see it, does not mean it is not happening. I feel you on what you said above as there are many Bermudians that feel these types of jobs are beneathe them, but like I said, there are Bermudians being turned down simply because the yare Bermudian.

            Example, I have a firnd who has applied to the police force on numerous occasions and has been turned down everytime. She has no record what so ever and no affiliations but is always tunred down. The excuse she is given is either they are at max capacity or there is no response at all. Another example is of a 17 year old male, whom i know personally, has applied to a landscapping firm, hotel pot washer, cleaner, doorman, gardener, and any other hotel job you can think of and is always turned down. He too has no record or affiliations. Subsequently, even the gov’t jobs have turned him down.

            Neither of these two are out committing crimes and are to this very day still looking to be employed. So tell me, how did they do it to themselves???????

    • Take Back Bermuda says:


    • James says:

      I agree totally!!

    • LaPersh says:

      To all of you that keep pulling ALL young people down that’s the way its going to be
      please just give some of them a chance I am in my 30′s I was there at one point
      some one gave me a chance now I work day and night plus working on my GED taking a class at
      The collage an raising a 2yr old don’t say we don’t want to work I know many young
      people like myself that really do want to work and be a productive member of this island
      I also know MANY that just want to do nothing
      all I am saying is don’t give up on all of them ………..
      An to the person that said we can’t get 100-200 look around you Sir
      Landscaping ,Arnould and Lindo’s alone can make that happen just by sending Home half
      Of there non bermudian staff

      • Dunno says:

        Gov’t basically did that by not renewing many work permits. The problem is now these companies cannot find bermudians to fill these spots…and like I said before they have had to cut contracts because they simply do not have enough workers.

        On a side note, good job on workin on getting your GED and working at the same time, while raising a kid. That alone shows how hard of a worker you are. You are on the right path, keep it up. Hopefully you can convince those MANY Bermudians you know who want to just sit off to do the same.

        • Stop Pointing ya Fingers says:

          Yeah right!! they just dont wanna hire the Bermudians. The yhave these non-bermudians working the managerial jobs at Arnolds and Bermudians working the register. FUNNY!! Several Bermudians have complanied that they should get the managers jobs becuase they have the experience and have been there for several years, but in the end are told no becasue they have someone else in mind who just happens to speak limited english. And I have see nit for myself where the cashier has had to tell the non-Bermudian manager that what he was doing was wrong.
          Also, my brother worked at a grocery store with his friend and were both laid off due to the recissional period as advised by their boss. Now you g oto that same shop and there are to Asian’s working their former jobs!!

          All I am saying is that there are enough Bermudians who can fill these jobs. Its a matter of these owners nad bosses paying the adequate amount of cash required for living conditions.

          I was in a shop once and heard a local man say that he preffered to hire foriegners becasue they accepted pennies for a bucket load of work, so why should he hire Bermudians when he can get the foreigners to do it for less than a 3rd of the pay. We had words abou this, but the end result was that he would not hire Bermudians.

  2. Oh no says:

    Gosh – Thought it was just a bike accident on my way home. Police should have stopped cars letting them know just in case we saw anyone fitting that description on our way home. Glad they were not hurt badly but I know their lasting impression of their vacation will be. Hope they just got sunblock and towels and change of clothes in the knapsack.

  3. CAT says:

    Na this bullshit needs to stop!!!!!!

  4. SL says:

    Pitiful!! How horrible for our visitors once again. So glad they caught one of the assailants and hopefully he will say who the other one was. Lock them up.

  5. Too Much Madness!!!!! says:

    This crap has to stop…. I was watching a video clip on the computer of how other countries treat thieves and the like, they do not take theft lightly and literally give good cut A$$es. I believe if similar action was to take place in this country and the persons who got beat shared their story of their A$$ing, this kind of crap would stop…Lets get serious people, stop the madness…

  6. US Observer says:

    I can’t wait to come to Bermuda for Cup Match!!!

  7. United says:

    I know at least six families that used to love to go to Bermuda to vacation. Two of those families used to go twice a year spring and Thanksgiving for at least four weeks. They did this for years. Two years ago they stopped because of an incident with some of their kids going to a nightclub. SIX families!

    Bermuda get in front of this problem now or else the tourist industry which is hurting now may never come back.

    Bye the way, those families now travel down to Florida but they really miss Bermuda, her people her friendliness and cleanliness.

    • Necromonger says:

      They’ll be back…! The clubs in Florida are far worse than Bermuda’s.

      • Take Back Bermuda says:

        But more fun and cheaper pal..

        • Bermudian in Mexico says:

          When they get tired of Florida, they’ll head to Cancun.

  8. Kim Smith says:

    I sincerely hope that these abuse victims receive a direct phonecall from our esteemed Premier to apologise to them for the disgusting crime against them!

    • Necromonger says:

      Do you think Obama calls every tourist who gets mugged in D.C. I don’t so…

      • Kim Smith says:

        I don’t give a toss what anyone else does or doesn’t do… Bermuda is awfully close to the brink of disaster and so I would imagine a little gesture of empathy may go a long way… unless of course we don’t give a damn any more.

  9. Come down hard on 'em says:

    Yet another few million of our tourism budget flushed down the crapper. Little doubt negative word of mouth has been accumulating for the last 20 years and has been affecting us for a long time …Now here’s another couple that’ll spread the bad word.

    As for the suggestion of leaning into them and kicking the bike … LOL …If all of our bike renters were pro motorcross riders or Harley riders that might happen but as we all know ,few of them have even the basic skills to just ride on the left side of the road.

  10. PAS says:

    I met the guy who was attacked. Major road rash, been to hospital multiple times. All his holiday money paying for medical bills. Here for his birthday. Doubt if he or anyone he knows will return.

  11. PAS says:

    We have a Motor Insurance Fund (MIF) here for people hurt by univalves drivers. You pay into it every time you insure your vehicle. Perhaps it’s time to create a Tourist Insurance Fund (TIF) as part of the landing fee to help out our tourist victims.

  12. PAS says:

    Univalves = uninsured. Damn auto spellcheck

  13. Face the Nation says:

    Seriously though ; Someone needs to Break their friggin foot off in these miscreants Backsides !!!!!!

  14. In Mark's opinion says:

    All of us need to keep a look out for each other . Record these crimes with your cell phones. We don’t want Bermuda getting any worse than this .

  15. deep says:

    so when are the rental shops going to start getting the covered baskets or bikes that have storage under the seats and when are they going to let tourists know of the dangers of having personal items exposed while riding? seriously….i know there’s plenty that can be done to stop these losers but we have to take into account every possibility.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      I disagree. Visitors should not have to worry about belongings being stolen from open baskets while riding. I blame the courts. Too many times all they get is a meaningless conditional discharge. At a minimum compensation should be paid to the victim for loss of vacation time, stress caused by the perp, medical bills. In other words…Pay for your crime.

      Bermuda is increasingly a third world island. The years of being a safe premium destination are passed.

      In the past few years I have done some extensive RV travel in the US & Canada. In campgrounds often people do not put things away & lockup while they are away for the day. People who are camping in tents simply leave EVERYTHING out. They have no choice. Generally theft is of no concern. The further from a major city the safer.

      You can’t even leave your home open while at home anymore in Bermuda.

      • 5boro says:

        You’re correct, nobody should have to worry about theft. But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

  16. Honestly says:

    “Deep” I so agree with the rental companies being held responsible for replacing the open baskets for closed (locked) baskets. If they have a problem with replacing them…close the dang business down! There have been many ocassions when I tell tourist to remove their items from the basket. This gives the hoodlums a target. SICK OF THE VIOLENCE!!!! ALL OF IT! THEIR PARENTS NEED PARENTING CLASSES OR BETTER STILL LET THE PRISON TEACH THEM HOW TO IMPROVE THEIR VIOLENT ATTACKS! SO SICK OF THIS CRAP!

    • Old fashioned parent says:

      Friends of ours visiting several years ago had their stuff licked under the seat of their bike. They nipped into a store to get a soda and some dirtbag popped the seat and stole their stuff in less than 5 minutes.
      Like everywhere else you go – keep it with you.
      The penalty for any crime against a visitor should be treated as treason as it hurts the whole country.

  17. Brazil says:

    It was a beautiful sight to see the police on patrol up Cedar Hill today…they need to make it a half n hour rotation.

    There are really some hopeless parents out there…allowing their kids to rack neighborhoods!

    • Tired!!! says:

      Well remember we don’t have old school parents like we use to, parents now days are hanging out with their kids and doing the same ignorance their kids are doing.

      • Bermudian in Mexico says:

        Nowadays they are working together to spread terror!

  18. Excuses says:

    Posted an ad for a job a Bermudian can do and part of their application would be to be drug tested and have a criminal background check. Did not get one response. We would prefer to have a Bermudian; more economical for small business. Don’t have to pay Immigration costs, return tickets etc. etc. The issues we have had with the majority or workers we had was attitude to boss and customers, lateness, frequently absent, did not want to work overtime, drank and smoked (not cigarettes) on the job, damage to business van, stolen business van, stole money, always on the phone or just never showed up anymore. We had young school age for summer hustles, drug rehabilitation persons to help them get on feet and others. Just could not afford to operate that way. Our young men would rather ride around and steal easier job for them.