Dwayne Caines Appointed Acting Director Of DCI

August 16, 2011

The Cabinet Office announced today that Police Media Manager Dwayne Caines has been appointed Acting Director of the Department of Communication and Information Services for a three-month period with effect from September 1, 2011.

Mr. Caines has fifteen years experience in media and communications including seven years in a managerial capacity. Mr. Caines will oversee all aspects of the department’s operations including public affairs, creative services and the CITV television station.

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Comments (71)

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  1. Bulla Bulla says:

    Congrats! Well deserved Dwayne!

  2. Pleasantly surprised! says:

    Good for Dwayne and good for DCI and CITV!! The past “person” was not very well liked for a great number of reasons and definitely did not have the expertise Caines has!! This is great news!!

  3. Liars says:

    wasnt that job formerly run by N Butterfeild? if, so thank you PLP now we have someone that is REAL.

    wonder what that cost you?

  4. Totally Disgusted says:

    Congrats to you!

  5. David Minors says:

    Well deserved indeed! This appointment is a wonderful opportunity for not only Dwayne but for Bermuda as well. He is the right person for the job. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the post, and I know that he will undoubtedly be successful, and hence our community will reap the benefits. Congrats again Caines!

    • PEPPER says:

      But we alL know the Caines family support the P,L,P.

      • David Minors says:

        @PEPPER: what does that have to do with anything? are u saying that his appointment is due to party politics? if that’s the case, you don’t know Dwayne and therefore, you don’t need to comment on this blog – period.

      • Scott says:

        perhaps… but at least he’s hyper qualified for the position.. that makes the party support a lot less of an issue.

  6. Nik says:

    Congrats Dwayne, you have worked hard and deserve this opportunity. Wish you all the best.

  7. John M says:

    Congrats to you Dwayne, well done!

  8. School Teacher says:

    Finally the PLP (or Public Services Commission) have the common sense to put an experienced professional in a position that they are actually qualified for.

    Hopefully we see more hiring like this and not more ridiculous appointments where the match between the role and the candidate, are we allowed to ask why it is only a 3 month appointment?

  9. Politricks says:

    This guy Caines is a good guy and will excel if allowed to work without a “we are govt and can only talk but not do” lecture on his first day on the job………….I wonder if they are setting him up, as the PLP leadership and long time/old time Civil Servants dont like bright young capable stars who can perform for Bermuda.

    • skywalker says:

      You hit it on the head politricks. There is a massive powerstruggle between the entrenched and the young. Caines is tough though.

  10. #445 says:

    I think this is a great idea to assign Mr. Caines to this postion. I know that with his knowledge and people skills he is sure to do an excellent job. This is a great opportunity for change in the right direction. CITV will surely be more appealing to all. Congrats and all the best!

  11. Teresa says:

    Well done and so deserved. All the best.

  12. Scott says:

    Cool stuff! congrats

    • Scott says:

      so after 3 months, who is returning to the position (since he’s appointed as Acting Director)?

      • PEPPER says:

        What Caines brother was involved with Doctor Brown ? I think as his press secretary…? remember he wore all of the sporty suits and hats…is this the man that we should respect ?

        • Sweet T says:

          No Caines brother was involved with the former Premier. Wayne Caines was appointed Chief of Staff and a seat in the Senate (during Dr. Browns tenure)until such time as he persued his endeavours in the private sector. Dwayne Caines has been the face of the Bermuda Police Service for the last decade.

          In case you just crawled out from under your rock. They are twins! There is even a third and all are very well known for their flare for style.(how this is relevant, I don’t know), however you only need to see the multitude of accolades, that precedes your inaccurate spew of absurdity, to realize that they got this appointment right without a doubt. I challenge you to not ask the question ‘should you respect him’, answer the question why you should not???

        • iceberg says:

          He should be respected because he is qualified for the position. His brother working for Dr. Brown isn’t even relevant in the least!

        • Donna Ventura says:

          It seems to me that you dont have a clue about what you are talking about.
          The Caines Family are a very respected and proud group of well educated people. Congratulatins Dwayne I wish you all the best
          Pepper get a hobby

  13. Spikes says:

    Congrats Dwayne,

    You have shown to the community that you specialize in excellence. All of the projects that you have participated in have proven to be successful. I am positive that the quality of your performance will continue with this recent assignment. All the best and God Bless you.

  14. Former Supporter says:

    Didnt know the PLP was capable of matching skills to candidate and role.

    If they keep up this kind of hiring and selection criteria for a few months they might actually win the Election, particularly if they apply a similar skills matching with their aged tired MPs.

  15. Purdy P says:

    The perfect person for the job and well-deserving! Dwayne will do an awesome job in this post. What a wonderful platform to show how gifted and talented he is. Congratulations Dwayne!

  16. Good news says:

    Mr Caines,

    Congrats on your appointment you have the skill set and the integrity again well done.

  17. OBA Supporter says:

    OK help me out.

    Right Candidate for Job.

    But only for 3 months? so you can replace him in 3 months with the person who he is going to now be Acting for, this is the kind of nonsense only the PLP can pull off so well.

    Why would you only bring this guy Caines onside for 3 months when Bermuda clearly needs him in this position for the long haul, particularly when OBA win the election.

    Dont worry Caines, when OBA win we will make you Permanent in this role, not Acting.

    And to think our UBP Cousins are the bad guys who disenfrancished a generation including. PLP seem confused.

  18. liars says:

    Do you see, Chris Furbert, how people respect you so much more when they speak proper English and conduct themselves respectably?……lm sorry, l just has to through that in there.

    • Maddog says:

      You better check your grammar first, look what you wrote in your last paragraph:

      I’m sorry, I just has to throught that in there.

      Has in the sentence don’t make proper grammar

      God does not sleep.

      • star man says:

        Blogs & Comments are not about using proper English and good grammar, they’re about Communication. Did you understand what s/he posted…? Well, that’s all that matters.

      • Scott says:

        was another sentence, not a paragraph!! :P i think… hell even i’m getting confused lately..

        lol grammar has def been on the top of people’s minds lately!! thanks furbert!!! hehe

  19. Proud says:

    It is a GREAT day to see a well educated black man in our community get this kind of recognition. After ALL that Mr. Caines has done for our community from a young man until now he deserves this position. He is well qualified and remains humble. May God continue you bless you Mr. Caines. You are a great role model not only to your family but to every young boy/man in Bermuda. After all the bad that goes on in this country it is like a breath of fresh air to see this. WELL DONE Mr. Caines. Hats off to you.

  20. Wonderful says:

    Congrats Dwayne


    • tradition says:

      Forget party politics, why not go greek. EEEEEEEEEEEE YIPPPPPPPPPP

  21. global village says:

    Finally the PLP made a sensible appointment.

    As always Cog confuses us, a 3 month appointment. Why is he only hired for 3 months?

    I guess its like Senator Furberts appointment, the Premier has a plan.

    This guy Caines has moral authority, hopefully he is not prohibited from doing this job by the useless Civil Servants who continue to clog up Cog’s wheels.

  22. Power says:

    Cog you finally made a sound decision.

    You may still actually be able to reset the dial after all.

    Good appointment!

  23. Truth be Told (Regularly) says:

    Congrats Caines you deserve this job and I support you all the way. You are a person who relates to so many people and the level of respect people have for you is shown in these comments as people who often disagree are in agreement of your appointment.
    Well done.

  24. Shaking the Head says:

    Agreed Dwayne is the perfect person for this position, but it is clear he is there to help the PLP win the election. 3 months, then “well Dwayne great job, thanks for eveything but I’m sure you’ll understand that you have to go”.

    • Cleancut says:

      You hit the nail on the head, congrats, proud, good luck, good appointment! lovely guy, well done, etc,etc,etc. The PLP Just made themselves a few hundred votes, Good one!

  25. Working Hard says:

    Congratulations, Dwayne. Your record of hard work and service in the community has prepared you for this post. This is an amazing opportunity for you, and I know you will give it 100%. I look forward to the role being made permanent. Congratulations again!

  26. Truth (Original) says:

    All the best to you Dwayne. I am proud of you guys and wish for you, the richest of God’s blessings.

  27. Truth be Told (Regularly) says:

    At Shaking the Head you will only seem to be correct if the election is called and healed within the 3 months he holds the post. If he does not continue on for whatever reason (might be his terms) then how would that help the PLP win the election particularly if the public doesn’t agree with who follows him?

    Not trying to debate you just being rational. I think this is a topic that should not be spoiled by negative debate based on assumptions.

  28. skywalker says:

    This makes sense. The entrenched old guard of civil servants beware. There is a generation of ethical, energetic, and innovative group ready to move your tired ideas and process out the way.

  29. Diallo V. Rabain says:

    This is wonderful news. Dwayne I know you will do great in this position as we know you to be a man who can “…keep your head when all about you, are losing theirs and blaming it on you…”

    Your wealth of knowledge in the PR field and your uncanny ability to say what needs to be said while still appealing to all those around you will serve our country well.

  30. Time! says:

    I have worked with this young man in the Bermuda police service. He is energetic, innovative and creative. The entire bps has felt confident with your leadership and With you being the voice and the face of the bps. You have brought a new dynamic spirit to the bps with your use of technology and innovative thinking. We are sad to see you go but proud to see that Bermuda government is the beneficiary. Congrats, your colleague

  31. star man says:

    Dwayne Caines may have an opportunity to do some good for our Country – IF – he can work with a slow, inefficient, entrenched, old school Civil Service with attitude. Good luck dude.

  32. Law abiding citizen says:

    Congrats Dwayne,with your expertise I’m sure you will do well. This island could use many more Dwayne & Wayne Caines. Your parents must be very proud of you two. I’ve never seen a set of twins where both of them do excellent.

    Well done good and faithful servants.

  33. Relieved Civil Servant says:

    I am sooooo excited about this cause I’m tired of those 1 month projects that turn into 12 at DCI…there was no accountability in the department and unless you were high on the totem pole you were low on their priority. I can honestly say that the photographers and our new officer is good but other parts of the department are simply dredful! Mr. Caines can performance surveys be added for the overall departments as they do provide support to the rest of government! Anticipating new quicker efficient outcomes!

  34. Able says:

    It is your time, Dwayne God has prepared you “for such a time as this”. Your time at the BBC, BTC, Bermuda Dept of Tourism in New York and your role with the Bda Police Service has prepared you for this the next assignment from God in Service to him and to your community.

    Be humble, put God first, never compromise your principles, family is important get the balance right. Your staff want you to lead, LEAD ! Your staff want and need to be held accountable.

    Ask for help when you need it ! Remember, you have to crack and egg to make an omelette.


    Your womb roomate

    • Still Trying to get it Right says:

      Love this advice. Congratulations Dwayne…as your womb roomate states, God has prepared you “for such a time as this”.

    • Jazzy says:

      What a beautiful message of support, has truly touched me. God bless.

  35. UBP Fan says:

    I do not support the PLP Administration.

    But on this occassion they got it right.

    He will have a difficult time working in this part of the civil service but for Bermuda’s sake I can only hope that the time has finally come for talented professionals to be embraced by OBA, PLP, Public Sector and the Private Sector.

    Its full time to move away from rejecting anyone who brings new ideas and energy to a role. As the global financial crisis and recent stock market volatility proved, we actually do need brave people who can do things differently, not just an Army of yes men who refuse to go against the grain and simply worship the latest import from the UK, US or Canada who has come to Bermuda for a second shot at a career.

    Good luck young man as you will need it. In a few months hopefully both Political Parties will be injected with similar talent as Bermuda’s future cannot be left to the architects and administrators of the current status quo.

    Hopefully an XL, ACE or a similarly relevant IB Company will take you out of the Civil Service permanently if they decide to make your 3 month term unbearable.

  36. pebblebeach says:

    Why 3 months and why Acting….did he give up his position with the Police?…a little confused I am…

  37. Sunny says:


  38. Hip Hip says:

    Well done

  39. Rockfish says:

    Congrats Cuzzy – even though it’s a temporary post – I wish you much success in your new role.

  40. Fan of a Fan says:

    Congrats Dwayne!!! I wish you all the best in your new role.

  41. US Observer says:

    3 months = 90 days = let’s see if you can really hold this position (probation). If he is successful after the 90 days, and no one else is in line…you do the math.

  42. Imperfect Angel says:

    Congrats Mr Caines all the best in your future endeavor…you have the skills to move foward and accomplish this role…i know you’ll do a good job!!!

  43. 32n64w says:

    Congratulations Mr. Caines.

    So does this mean Ms. Lottimore (who had been doing this job remotely) is no longer required in D.C. at great expense to the taxpayer? If we’re already paying Ms. Webb a six figure consulting fee it seems reasonable to recall any unnecessary staff. More with less, etc.

    • Its time to STAND UP says:

      what do you mean by remotely, because if you mean from DC, then you are incorrect.

  44. OESIMONS says:

    Congratulations Dwayne! You’ve worked hard all these years and it has paid off. Well deserved and I’m confidant that you will do a GREAT job!

  45. Jonknee barns says:

    I don’t Caines personally, but like him. He has become a part of our lives over the last 10 years, with the news reports radio interviews and updates on serious matters. I trust his “voice”

    I wish him well in his new role

  46. Change when Resetting a Dial says:

    I really hope the Politicos and Bandwaggonists are reading these posts, since if they love their Leader they will start to advise her that visible prudent appointments like this one will be the only way that the PLP can even hope to get re-elected.

    Why cant this be done with the 20+ PLP MPs who are all now well passed their “Sell By – 31 Dec 2001″ date?

    After the Santucci and Webbe hiring backlash it will be interesting if people like this young man are now embraced, or still kept in the wilderness.

  47. Disenfranchised says:

    A Decision, finally!!!

    Who said the Premier couldnt make sound decisions, this is a shining example of what she hopefully has up her sleeve.

    Cabinet and Senior Civil Servants must be worried that the Leader will start to appoint real professionals across the board, like the ones she was used to interacting with when she successfully managed major responsibilities in the international business sector at ACE and the Bank.

    Time to reset the dial with high calibre talent, enough dumbing down with people who only highlight the rules and procedures and spend the rest of the time researching what conferences they can attend.

  48. Bermy says:

    Hey Bie Caines,

    You got a job, in a recession so good work. I met you one time and you gave me some advice after a 3 minute convo you have a presence and seem believable.

    Time will tell mate so good luck with that there.

  49. good luck says:

    I dont know this guy, but as a 25 year old white woman, I have been struck by his class and abliity to comfort Bermuda during our time of need. He seems to be a class act and a down to earth guy (kinda cute too) reading all of these post I am expecting him to walk on water anytime soon lol. All the best and I hope that your replacement can walk in your big shoes

  50. Confidential says:

    Ordinarily people posting on Bernews use the anonymity to say unkind things about the actors who are the subject of any article.

    Its refreshing to see minimal punches below the belt for this young man, with hope maybe we can believe again in where Bermuda is going and that productive young people like this man actually exist in our island. Are we allowed to be proud of a home grown talent like this?

    Hopefully these posts give him a welcome start to his latest responsibility i hope the staff support him, if they dont I can see us hiring a consultant from the developed world at much expense over $300,000 per year.

  51. Jazzy says:

    I think the Premier HAS set her sights on hiring a young, talented and gifted workforce, but this will take time. The dinosaurs are slowly dying.

    Although they haven’t been as high profile, there are now a number of up-and-coming stars of the future in Government. And although most of them are Bermudian, those that aren’t still appear to me to have the country’s best interests at heart. It warms my heart.

    Good luck Dwayne, you know you can make a difference, it’s why God put you on this earth.