Photos: Counterfeit Bermuda Money

September 23, 2011

The police have issued a warning on counterfeit money and have released photos of the fake currency. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service Financial Crime Unit is continuing to advise the public to remain vigilant regarding counterfeit currency.”

Counterfeit Bermuda $50:

Counterfeit Bermuda $50

“The counterfeit Bermuda $100 notes currently making the rounds are the older notes – not the new ones. Merchants are reminded to ensure their employees are aware of the importance of taking a few seconds to examine the money they are taking in, especially the larger denominations. Please check all currency for common security features which include: Metallic security thread, Watermarks, Paper quality.”

Counterfeit Bermuda $100 & $50:

Counterfeit Bermuda $100 & $50

“In order to distinguish a genuine Bermuda note from a fake one, look for the tuna fish watermark (to the left of the note), the silver foil strip (just right of the tuna fish watermark) and the silver ship (to the right of the note).”

“Also, check to see if the ink ‘runs.’ Most counterfeit in circulation is being generated on ink jet printers, and the ink will ‘run’ if it gets wet. Genuine currency will not do this. Some fake U.S. cash is also being passed at local establishments.”

Counterfeit Bermuda & U.S. Cash:

Counterfeit Bermuda & U.S. Cash

“The public is reminded that it is a criminal offence to: pass to another, possess, make, reproduce, any counterfeit currency, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.”

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Category: All, Crime

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  1. bermudian says:

    Damn can’t tell one from the other.

  2. black male says:

    Talkin bout makin money! Lol

  3. X factor says:

    Can somebody introduce Bermuda to a marking pen! I can barely see as it is. Geesh!

  4. Emeka47 says:

    To BERNEWS: Talking about MONEY………. I am not sure where to write my question, but for the past two days we read on the RG about a Court Clerk pulling parking tickets for her family and friends, yetit has not been on this site? Is there any reason or did I miss something?

    • bernews says:

      The RG did very comprehensive coverage….they have the full story there, so its completely available for all interested persons.

      I don’t seek to copy existing media, but to carry our own stories, which we do daily. The other 10 or so online-only outlets that have attempted to start up in Bermuda basically copied existing media and their business model did not work as shown.

      The reason any stories are ever missed is logistics, as I am sure everyone can understand 1 person cannot do the work that 20 people can do. I can only be in one place at one time, and I cannot be in multiple court rooms, press conferences, update the site, answer the phone and moderate comments all at one time. So, I simply do the most I can each day, everyday. That’s my only option.

      Despite complaints and questions, I feel for a company with one full time person, and a freelance photog, we maintain a fairly competitive standing with the companies with dozens of staff.


      • Emeka47 says:

        Thanks for your detailed response…didn’t mean to upset anyone, neither do I know Bernews operations. You all do a very good job, which is different from RG. Often the RG and Bernews do run the same stories simultaneously but with a different twist. I was just wondering….. I like to read Bernews versions, that’s all. Peace!!

      • Pitbull says:

        And you do a good job with what ever you do on Bernews
        Much Praise to you Patricia <3

  5. Nomber Elewen says:

    If the BMA got off their behinds and worked a bit harder at printing real $$$ then nobody would have to make fake ones. In fact if they gave us all an allowance of say $2000 in fifties once a week then we’d be OK – everybody would be rich!!!

    Just run the printing press a bit faster and there’ll be no more recession.

    Why hasn’t Goverment thought of this??

  6. This needs to be distributed in all Government Offices indicating the fake. Help us to actually see what to look for. Years ago there were pens available to help detect fake money.