Upcoming: PLP Rally

October 15, 2011

The PLP is inviting the public to a rally at Elliott Primary School on Wednesday, October 19. The rally will feature an address by Premier and Party Leader Paula Cox on the conference theme “Real Hope, Real Solutions, Real Progress for These Times”. Constituency 12 Devonshire South Central bye-election candidate Anthony Richardson will also be a featured speaker.

“Our members are all looking forward to the traditional opening night of our conference. This year, it gives us a chance to exhale given the times we are living in and just prior to starting the very busy upcoming Parliamentary session. The PLP has always found it helpful to end one Party year that has been very busy and eventful with this type of activity. The upcoming Party banquet on October 29 will also be a key date and event that no one will wish to miss,” said Premier Cox.

Live entertainment and food vendors will be on hand for the event which starts at 7:00 p.m

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  1. Rick Rock says:

    “real hope, real progress, real solutions”?

    Is next Wednesday “Opposite Day”?

  2. Seen it all before - says:

    Why is it that the old expression about bread and circuses comes to mind ..

    It’s about to start all over again .

  3. observer says:

    Under the leadership of Ms Smith and Mr Scott thing ran great. They had done a great job with the average man and IB. Since then we have turn from being an envy of the world to the laughing stock. You Ms Cox aloud Mr Brown to do what he did, and now we are reaping what the cabinet under Mr Brown put forth. That cabinet made foreiners feel alianated and second class, take it or leave it mentallity. The voices of Mr Commision and Mr D Burch voices were loud, strong and very wrong and they were aloud to speak in behalf of the party against persons that create jobs and wealth in Bermuda, by paying rent, groceries, private schools, restaurants, spas, airlaine travel, taxi, cleaning ladies, gardeners etc…… lots of money stayed in the community for persons like myself that doesn’t have a formal education to live a good life. They are leaving, you know it, my ex employer loved Bermuda, just couldn’t take it no more, took his company back to Philidelphia because of you and your policies that Mr Brown was aloud to impliment and Mr Burch reemphasied loud and clear many times. But what blows my mind is that your are allowing them to run in the next election [ Mr Burch and Mr Commiosion]knowing how they have damaged Bermuda reputation. How can my concience allow me to come to any more of your reallies and vote for further demise of what use to be the envy of the world.

  4. What ! says:

    Maybe someone can find out why the promised tourism plan deadline has been missed again and why we are now looking to hire a consultant to do it.