Video Goes Viral: “2011 In Paradise”

January 17, 2012

A new video highlighting Bermuda as a Rest & Relaxation destination was posted on the video sharing website Vimeo on Friday [Jan. 13] and has achieved more than 10,000 views in less than a week.

Set to music, the video shows various clips of Bermuda beaches, boating scenes, cricket, road races, rugby and more, with the scenes intermingled with party scenes.

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Comments (56)

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  1. PwndDwg says:

    This is fine as a personal video compilation but I am amazed that people think that this should be widely publicized for the sake of promoting BDA. The recent Tourism video has better quality and slightly less emphasis on bouncing bikinis and not very attractive drunks. Even the lowest value tourists appreciate aesthetics.

    • Finally left! says:

      LOL get with it mate… thats NOT a bermuda tourism video… thats a video just like the one on this article but with a BDOT watermark

      doesnt seem odd that the whole video is of three main events, all of which are at end of summer and basically consisted of roughly the same people??

  2. mixitup says:

    Cheezy video :(

  3. J Starling says:

    On the one hand I can see it’s utility, especially if our plan is to rival Cancun for Spring Breakers. It’s good, I don’t deny that.

    On the other hand I think it sheds some interesting insight into the hypersexed and alcohol fixated perceptions of ‘a good time’.

    So, depends what one wants to use it for (I’m speaking in the sense of using this for tourism purposes).

    • sandgrownan says:

      “On the other hand I think it sheds some interesting insight into the hypersexed and alcohol fixated perceptions of ‘a good time’.”

      You sound fat.

  4. Togetherness says:

    And, it has a great sound track/song with it as well!!! Love this video!!!

  5. Togetherness says:

    I hear you Pwng Dwg and you are right as far as a professional video is concerned, this does not do it. However, the fun times and enjoyment are very obvious and it’s great for this reason. I think we should all try and make fun videos to post to the WORLD – to encourage the WORLD to come play in Bermuda and fall in love with the Island and become a Bermuda returning every year for R&R&R!! Rest, relaxation and recreation!! Yes I !!!!

  6. Beachcomber #1 says:

    Not the sort of “promotion” Bermuda needs. Looks like the effort of a college freshman. No thanks.

  7. Spooky says:

    Nice!! Not the real Bermuda though!!! What happened to cricket, football cup match, Bermuda’s hospitable people…..just to name a few missing pieces!

    • sandgrownan says:

      Hospitable people? Like bus drivers when you need help?

  8. tisk tisk says:

    Is 10k views viral now-a-days? Call me at 10million.

  9. Soooo says:

    Bet it gets more hits that the DOT’s ads and costs us nothing…. Any advertising is better than none!!!!

    • Way to Go says:

      Agree, DOT has 400o hits so far and has been up for a while now, this has 10 k after 1 week. Perhaps DOT should ask these people to promote their video.
      This is all free and is appealling to certain people. Congrats to whoever did it. Will be great on a resume if you are going into advertizing, just hope u Bermudian

  10. Spooky says:

    ……….our famous Bermuda shorts, beautiful caves, those police officers in the “funny lookin’” hats talking to tourists, cruise ships, glass bottom boat tours…..

  11. Railway says:

    Gotta agree that the drunken behaviour shown in this clip is not my idea of good promotion for the Island. There is so much more to us than that! I was especially turned off by the scene of one bikini clad bimbo grinding her backside against the guy behind her. C’mon, really!!! I have no problem with fun party scenes being included in promotional videos, but lets show a little class and leave out the bumping and grinding and all too obvious drunks.

  12. Young Demographic says:

    This video is fine for the younger party set. It is about time someone came up with a video that is directed at a potential visitor who has given Bermuda a Pass because there is nothing to do. Time the old foggies at the department of Tourism pulled their heads out of the sand and took some pointers from this video. I agree with Sooo says this will get more action than the DOT’s adverts.

  13. 1DER says:

    Like the video…looks like i need a boat and bottle of rum to join in…great aerial shots of the island though.

  14. Liars says:

    WOW! l did not know there were so many people in Bermuda that don’t remember how to have a good time?

    Why are they all white anyhow?

    • tisk tisk says:

      I think it’s because they probably had two white parents, just a guess though. Or it could be a conspiracy, no real way to tell. I’ll do some investigating and get back to you.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Wow! It took 3 hours before somebody had to drag race into the topic.

    • Media says:

      They are not all white. Watch again and you will see.

    • Let's Think About This... says:

      Well, since these videos are people’s personal footage shot while they were in Bermuda, the people shown are the people they hung out with. If they happen to be majority white, then they happen to be majority white. Who cares?

  15. Fire the Mongrels says:

    goes viral with 10,000. Are you having a laugh. That does not constitute viral

  16. Lmao!!!! says:

    If I was white & had a boat I will be having a good time to, oh well back to my pot washing job.

    • united says:

      Til February right?

    • Mike Auxard says:

      you just show up on time , work hard , pay attention , and one day you will have a boat too .

  17. Andrew says:

    Great video, well done guys!

    To all the naysayers – videos like this only serve to promote Bermuda in both the short and long term. It will encourage the younger generation of potential tourists to visit, and these are the ones who may become lifelong return visitors in the long run. By definition you can’t have ‘lifelong’ or ‘long time’ visitors whose first visit is in their 60′s – do the math!

    This video was made for the enjoyment of the creators, let them be praised for their hard work! Should you have other suggestions on how to make a Bermuda video, make one yourself and let me know how many hits you get…

  18. Born Free says:

    They did a good job. Unless you make a better one for less, shut up! It shows the beauty of the island. To those complaining about the drunks and bikinis, you never had a drink. Go on a diet maybe you’ll get in one.
    And, yes I can fit in one.

  19. Marisa says:

    Haters gonna hate, we need the tourist so shut to the up.

    • united says:

      Hey Marisa, why is it that if someone does not agree with you he/she is automatically a hater? I mean because you don’t agree with me then YOU’RE a hater! See, I just assigned a name or description of you that is not fair or true. So, just disagree with a person respectfully without throwing these adjectives, that does not further the conversation but cuts it short and makes it rather confrontational. That is how fights start.

  20. Tony says:

    Do we forget that Bermudians love to drink. Not sure what the video was meant for or it’s intentions, but from what I saw that is Bermuda and what lil bit of culture we have left. Having a good time, drinking, fishing, jumping off the rocks, riding our mopeds, cup match, boating, chillin at the beach etc. I feel as if you didn’t like the video than to be honest you don’t like Bermuda because that’s what majority of us like to do in some way shape or form. it’s only paradise to visitors that come and go but to those that live here should realize that are true identity is based around images depicted in that video also single handedly alcohol. Or have we forgotten that “Bermudians love to drink song”. All in All I just want to say this, whether or not u like or dislike the video it has been good advertisement for our country and although some may see it as being unsatisfactory not everyone will view this video negatively. “just saying, seek to understand and accept before being negative and racial”

  21. Media says:

    This kind of video has its place in marketing. It is a single video and shows one small aspect of Bermuda and what is here. Other videos shot by different people will show whatever they want to show off about Bermuda. At this stage any advertising is good for Bermuda especialy if its free.

  22. Humble says:

    Where are the black Bermudians?? I only saw two. Great video, don’t think so… would’ve been better with some real Bermuda culture!

  23. united says:

    Although the video ahem “showcased” the lovely waters of the island I didn’t see the children in their school uniforms or for that matter many Bermudians. All I saw was a bunch of drunk, white kids having fun. So it does not show Bermuda as a vacation place but some sort of crazy college week place in the Caribbean or southern United States.

    • Let's Think About This... says:

      White people are Bermudian too!!!! And you know full well black kids do the same thing during the summer so don’t try and make white people look like the only drinkers.

      This isn’t one of those “show ALL the attributes of the country” commercials. This is a summer party aimed at those who party. That’s its target group. Another commercial with all the aerial shots, Front St, cahows, South Shore from a boat, etc has to be made to target the people who are looking for that kind of thing. But at least with this video, the world can see Bermuda isn’t just an easy-paced vacation spot. Families with older kids/teenagers/young adults can bring the whole lot, and everyone can find something to do.

  24. amen says:

    But I don’t see any drive by shootings in this video?

    This isn’t about Bermuda or it’s culture it’s about being young, white, rich and entitled. Seriously where the black people? You know the group who make up a majority of Bermuda? Other than that I liked it :)

  25. Umm just sayin says:

    Where are the black people in this video. Better yet the freakin locals

  26. Jim Bean says:

    look all the white people – probably white supremacists! (joke but i am surprised laverne has not raised this)

    • 1DER says:

      Like Swamp People on the History Channle those are white supremacists on boats. lol…sure like some gator with a side of fried possum tails

  27. S.T.F.U. says:

    Just a bunch of rich kids doing what they do best. This may well publicise Bermuda and it may well have broadcasts to 10,000 people plus, but I’d bet the creator his boat that most of them are either Bermudian, friends/family of Bermudians or the average college freshman with a hangover who clicked on the bikini. Been there, done that but those guys aren’t coming to spend money in Bermuda. And the regular well moneyed traveller is only going to be put off by it. Not all publicity is good publicity, especially when the output of good publicity is limited. Look no further than “Falling off the Rock”, those guys are onto something good. At least it shows realistic expectations of what a visitor can do. Unless you’re friends with this lot apparently…

  28. Seriously?! says:

    all this video shows is a bunch of over privileged white kids drinking and boating…I think it’s cheesy.

  29. Sparky says:

    What’s interesting about this clip (other than some beautiful scenery) is that nowhere in the film is Bermuda identified as being the location. If a person had never visited or lived here, they would have no way of knowing where it was. Kind of defeats the purpose if it was intended to tout Bermuda as a holiday destination. To me, it just looks like somebody’s filmed momento of a party weekend on daddy’s dime. Oh, and 10,000 hits does not a viral video make….

    • Daddy says:

      Sparky, the people in that video are all lawyers, underwriters and accountants in their 30s. I’m pretty sure they left “daddy’s dime” behind a long time ago.

  30. EMI says:

    What does Cold Play and EMI think about their music being used in this way?