2012 Bermuda Labour Market Indicators

May 30, 2012

The Department of Statistics released the 2012 Bermuda Labour Market Indicators [LMI] today. The LMI is based on the results from the annual Employment Survey data collected between 2008 and 2011 with information on employments trends that relate to hours at work, employment income, job holder age, and occupation by Bermudian status.

The data shows that in 2008 there were 40,213 job holders in total, which went down to 37,399 in 2011. There were 10,367 “Other Non-Bermudians” in the local workforce in 2008, which dropped to 8,374 in 2011. In 2008 there were 27,180 Bermudian job holders, which decreased to 26,187 by 2011.

Complimentary hard copies of LMI are available at the Department of Statistics located in the Cedar Park Centre Building, 48 Cedar Avenue, Hamilton.

The full report is below [PDF here] click ‘Fullscreen’ for greater clarity:

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Comments (14)

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  1. PH says:

    I am skeptical of this document. Page#7 highlights my main concern. Bermuda has more races then Black and White/Other. Why weren’t the race broken down into proper race descriptions?
    It is also intersting to note how many jobs are actually held by Bermudains, from all the governoment talk you would think it was opposite.

  2. Concerned says:

    Did they have other people check these statistics, we know there have been problems with reporting figures correctly.

    Question: Median Age of Job Holder (Years)
    and so on. What does the ‘r’ represent in these columns?

    • so-n-so says:

      typical you know. if you read the entire document, it states on the first page what the ‘r’ stands for… revised data

      i was always told to start reading from top to bottom

  3. Bewildered says:

    There is a lot of confusing/missing data. For example, Government employs over 5,000 people – why is there no reference to “Public Sector” in the job categories?
    This REport does not appear to provide any meaningful or useful data, so why publish it?

  4. Tommy Chong says:

    These stats are as inconsistent & full of it as the government ministers are. How can someone compare the 265 non Bermudian waiters to how many Bermudian ones there are when the number for the total waiters is not there? There are a bunch of other examples like this throughout.

    Thanks for spending our money on something useless as usual BDA Government. Now we have yet one more reason out of the other hundreds to not vote for your party.

  5. James says:

    So if the expats in jobs have dropped by 2000 and the Bermudians in jobs dropped by 1000 then I guess it shows that every expat causes 2 Bermudians to have a job?
    The simple answer would be to get them back!

    • Moojun says:

      I think you might want to check your maths on that… it’s an entirely unscientific assertion to begin with of course, but, following your logic, it would actually mean that every expat causes half of a Bermudian to have a job.

  6. James says:

    According to that there are only 235 Police officers. It is double that as far as I know. If they got that wrong which is well documented how many other figures are wrong? Very questionable report.

  7. James says:

    Oh I see now, that is just the male police officers.

  8. joe says:

    And the private sector believes that the number of jobs lost is closer to 6000. I believe the latter figure. Don’t forget, this survey took a few years to actually complete, during which time jobs were going. Someone surveyed in 2008 or 2009 could well have lost their job by 2010, and it would not be covered.
    So, at best this is an indication that things are bad and getting worse.

  9. Shaking the Head says:

    This appears to be a classic case of too many people employed with not enough to do, so produce something to let the public see we are doing something. The data really is no use to anyone. For example between 2008 and 2010 the median age of employees increased. Well hello! That is a span of 2 years so of course the age will increase unless those in 2008 left and new younger people were employed in 2010.

  10. Cox must go says:

    listen for the complex speech from Cox where we will receive a lecture on NEGATIVE GROWTH and HECKANOMICS

    by the way, Cox must go.