Court: 16-Year-Old Charged With Burglary

May 16, 2012

16-year-old Daeshon Warner appeared in Magistrates Court this morning [May 16] facing a charge of burglary. He is accused of entering a property and stealing iPods, iPod chargers, jewelery, a beer mug, and currency in the form of Bermuda cash, US cash, Trinidadian cash, and cash from Abu Dhabi.

This was alleged to have happened on 1st May 2012, and the Prosecutor said that Police had apprehended Daeshon Warner on 15th May. Warner pleaded not guilty.

The Senior Magistrate ordered that Warner must re-appear for Mention on 30th May 2012 and ordered him kept in custody at the COED facility until that date.

Daeshon Warner’s mother was present in Court and he was not defended by legal counsel.

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Comments (19)

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  1. BDAStudent says:

    It’s such a same to see a Bermudian teen do this today, after all the positive news about Bermuda youth we herd about yesterday… SMH


    BDA student needs to learn how to spell-check! SMH.

  3. real says:

    BOSTON BAKED BEAN needs to learn how to be internet-tough-guy.

  4. Bermyman says:

    If convicted he should be sent up Warwick camp and sentenced to 3 years hard labor outside of a structured education program, eat and sleep up there on lock down. There is no rehabilitation for these guys at the COED.

    • Bda Nanny says:

      I totally agree with Bermyman….he does not need to be at the CoEd…..someone needs to assist this family and get this done…

  5. Frank says:

    His momma should be proud. NOT. This is just the beginning for this thug. Yes, he’s a thug. His actions speak volumes and yes, I have already pegged him as a lifelong menace to society. MY OPINION PEOPLE! I’m entitled to one.

    • Bda Nanny says:

      that is so sad…………good ppl make bad decisions, he is a young boy and yes he did wrong but we need to look at different ways to keep the youth out of jails…..

  6. Sad day in Bermuda says:

    Sometimes parents are the ones to blame, especially when they don’t face reality
    I hope he gets himself together he is still young so there may be some hope for him.

  7. RME says:

    And what on earth would someone do with the money from Abu-Dhabi. I bet the boy doesn’t even know where Abu-Dhabi is.

    What a waste.

    • jusayin says:

      I was thinking the same thing. He probably just saw money and took it.

  8. tricks are for kids says:

    This is what happens when you say: “NOT MY CHILD!”

  9. MUFC says:

    Alleged Burglary at 16!! Another lost soul who will, now and forever, lead a life of criminality.

  10. Furious says:

    Don’t you all have anything better to do? Commenting on what you think you know about the parent/parenting of this child. Point is he’s done wrong and he will face the consequence. And no his mother isn’t one of those that says “NOT MY CHILD”. She’s done an excellent job raising him.

    Hold ya head up FAM!

  11. Carla Rose Louise Wilkinson says:

    Yeah, she has done such an excellent job in raising him, that’s why he is in the predicament that he’s in now. And yes, most parents do say ” not my child”; but in most cases the parents can’t be with their children 24\7, so most oftentimes, it is “their child” doing illegal things. Some parents wear blinders like the horses. I cannot say whether this young man is in fact guilty or innocent, but he was picked up for committing the crime, and I am certain that that wouldn’t have occurred if he was innocent. Am I correct in stating that?

  12. Pure Madness!!!! says:

    @Furious, are you serious. His mother is just that the “NOT MY CHILD” type from the time he could walk, he did no wrong in her and some of her immediate families eyes. And once again he’s back in the news headlines, it’s obvious he hasn’t learned his lesson. He should have had his a$$ cut from the time he went nursey school. But who am I to judge, how you raise your children is definitely proven in how they end up in life (most times anyway).

  13. Algina!!!! says:

    For some of you that think you know so much about how i raised my son, if you feel your oponion is that valuable and can help, by all means come, sit, lets talk. But if not. Direct your comments to his actions not the way he was raised! Cause i can honestly say cut asses don’t work for everyone. So stop assuming you know!

  14. Julie Walker says:

    You know I’m really ashamed of my people, you are all so ready to throw this boy to the dogs. I wander how many of you, stole a candy from the corner store when you were younger,or took something from one of your friends and thought it was funny. That’s still stealing,when people found out didn’t they throw you to the dogs or label you a lifelong menace to society,or blame your parents,no they gave you a second chance. All of these comments,just show me how ignorent you all are. A child can be raised right, and still go out there and do the wrong thing just to fit in, becasue they want to fit in. All of you who think you know, and don’t that you don’t know,are really dangrous people you’ll get people killed. That’s why society is the way it is today, because of people like you. Algina keep your head up sister.

  15. Carla Rose Louise Wilkinson says:

    @Julie Walker: there is a big difference between stealing a candy bar from the corner store and burglarizing a place of residence. You do make some really valid points, though.

  16. Tricia says:
    Nope… this is why his name sounded familiar. Seems he likes to run away from home. mmmmm