PLP: OBA Off To ‘Terrible Start’ With Consultants

January 10, 2013

“As a Government that campaigned on reducing government spending, the OBA is off to a terrible start,” Shadow Minister of Finance David Burt said.

Yesterday it was reported that Government hired former PLP Public Relations Officer Corey Butterfield as a consultant to the Minister of Tourism Development and Transport. Minister Crockwell declined to provide the costs of the consultancy.

Mr Burt said: “The first day of an OBA Government gave Bermuda a larger 13 member Cabinet. Today, we learn that any savings which may have been made by salary reductions have been wiped out as we learn that Government Ministers are now hiring personal consultants.

“As if that wasn’t bad enough, when Tourism Minister Shawn Crockwell was questioned by the media he refused to comment on the cost of his personal consultant and refused to disclose the details of his work,” continued Mr Burt.

“This is a concerning development, and as the Shadow Minister of Finance, I call on the Minister of Finance to let us know where these new funds are being found to hire personal consultants to Government Ministers, especially as he is on record during the campaign as saying that the OBA would, ‘Cut down on the use of consultants by Government.”

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  1. Vote for Me says:

    It will be interesting to see how the financial picture develops. Depending on the details of the proposed 10% cut for Ministerial pay, the fact that there are now 13 Ministers instead fo 12, the total pay for Members of Parliament may be more under OBA than PLP. The cost of Butterfield’s consultancy will be an extra cost for sure.

    It is also not known if Mr. Dodwell will be paid as the Tourism Authority Chair plus any other staff. We have not heard how the Authority will be funded but it will be dangerous if it is funded by government, for the benefit of private sector interests.

  2. concern says:

    I agree that the OBA needs to state why this consultant is hired, and what salary he is being paid.

    One must also ask how many consultants did the PLP Government hire? How much was spent in total on consultants during the PLP tenure?

    • Judge Dredd says:

      So we’re using PLP as the yard stick or should we be focused on spending relative to the economy? UBP/OBA are already proving to be the liars many of us knew they were.

      • Bermyman says:

        Where is the proof, one consultant? They never said they would not use consultants, did they?/ they said they would reduce costs and guess what, they will!

        In terms of unnecessary spending I would not use the term ‘yard stick’ to describe the PLP benchmark. In comparison to a yard the PLP’s spending plans would most likely look like a ‘mile stick’.

        Just by getting Rolf of the payroll, the government could easily afford another cabinet minister let alone 1 consultant.

      • JAWS says:

        We must have someone better then Corey Butterfield? This serpent has the spine of a jellyfish. Minister Crockwell I trust that you mean well, this is not SEAL APPROVE.

      • fanciy face says:

        First of all you are obviously PL.P.. You have a nerve to call OBA out as liars as the PLP not only lied to the people for 14 years they stole, bought our island to it’s knees, wasted a whole lot off money on themselves instead of the island. Remember the million dollar contract for the education officer who did nothing for our education system: :( who then left US for personal reason and a half million dollars richer along the education system left screwed up, and the new Cambridge system which the UK is abandoning I believe next year. Don’t be so quick to criticize what the OBA idoing because they are just trying to clean uo you all’s (PLP) mess. How many consultants that were not even Bermuda that the PLP wasted money on. PLEASE!!!! Also remember you have some ex UBP in your party too. SO before labeling you should know you party is PLS/UBP TOO. NO BRAIN THAT’S WHY YOU LOST: :;)

        • Staying focus says:

          @ Fanciy Face………………………….

          Guess your blind as they come, as the OBAUBP wasted more money than the PLP did in their short 14 years. Just because the PLP did not reward you, your now on a personal trip of attempting to attack them.

          The reality is this, the OBA are now the government of the day, and they will be held accountable. Like it or not, this is the role of the Opposition, and the people of Bermuda. The OBA ran on a record of transparency and fairness and openess, and so far they have failed. They tooted their own horns, saying they will do it much better than the PLP, and on day 2 they have fail to show just how much better. So I think you need to reflect and stop defending the OBA. What have you been promised from their “Family and Friends Plan?”

          So far the OBA have not lived up to their record upon which they promised the people. They said they would do business differently, and there would be change. So far we have yet to see the change they preached about.

        • Judge Dredd says:

          Sounds like you prefer not to hold the party you voted for accountable. PLP may have lost an election but OBA voters are fixing to lose a hell of a lot with that sheep attitude you just displayed. The PLP are the opposition and are doing their job, which is also to protect the interests of people who voted for them. Now mature up and demand the transparency your new government promised you.

          • Judge Dredd says:

            People who voted for them meaning people who voted for OBA.

          • Mad Dawg says:

            The PLP has no idea how to ‘protect the interests’ of anyone but themselves.

            When the PLP spent hundreds of millions of dollars on useless consultants, that was fine with you. When the OBA hires one consultant, suddenly all consultants are a ‘waste of money’.

            You can’t think for yourself. You are nothing but a PLP lackey.

  3. PLP Supporter says:

    Dear All,

    I support the PLP and must say that this statement from Senator Burt is not constructive, as it will take more than 13 Ministers and 100 Consultants to undo the mess the PLP have created.

    Also it is highly embarrasing for the PLP that someone with the depth and talents of Corey Butterfield has been hired by the OBA and will potentially do very well for himself with the OBA when its quite obvious he was largely ignored by the PLP over the past 8+ years.

    Senator Burt you should invest some time building real relationships with people who can help you and the PLP become relvant again not this silly sound bite bickering about a larger Cabinet and short term expenditure to clean up the PLP’s long term debt.

    Bernews please do not sensor my comment as it is high time we get away from the sensorship and gag order behaviour created under the last party leader.

    PLP Supporter

    • Bermudian says:

      @PLP Supporter,

      This is from a person who does not belong to any party. All the PLP are doing is being the opposition, and highlighting the promises that were made by the OBA. This is call politics. This is what he was elected to do.

      • fanciy face says:

        They are hire to be the opposition but they seem like all they do is criticize everything the OBA is trying to fix. Working together is what the people want. So opposition party not surprise with your action or behavior, that’s why you are no longer the leader.

        • TWithheld says:

          Thats Funny, consultants were ok when they were using them.,.

          • Let me get this str8 says:

            Over use of consultants was the criticism…but keep on deflecting…

        • Bermudian says:

          @ fanciy face

          So what the hell did the OBA do before they got in? Were they not being the opposition like the PLP are doing? (criticizing) The only change is that the shoe is on the other foot, thats all!

        • Staying focus says:

          @ Fanciy Face………….OBA also critize everything the PLP did while they were the government. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, your having some challenges with it. The PLP will hold the OBA accountable,and so will the people of Bermuda. Get used to it. You did it before the election, now take some of your medicine, and swallow it hard, as the OBA will be on a tight role of accountablity and transparency. Get it Fanciy Face. If not look in the mirror and see if OBA are indeed carrying out their promises to Bermuda.

        • Um jus sayin.... says:

          FYI…this is what an Opposition does…OBA did it…every minute complained about this and that! Get over it! It is what it is…every move will be questioned, regardless if good or bad. Geesh!!!

    • Yng Black Mind says:

      @PLP Supporter:

      To your statement:

      “Also it is highly embarrassing for the PLP that someone with the depth and talents of Corey Butterfield has been hired by the OBA and will potentially do very well for himself with the OBA when its quite obvious he was largely ignored by the PLP over the past 8+ years.”

      I will simply indicate that statement is a bit of a stretch, as Mr. Butterfield was a part of the previous PLP administrative team as he served a public relations officer of the party from 1998 to 2001. It is because of apparent issues/troubles between his then employer and the government which caused his removal. The relationship went sour after that point – and that cannot be put soley on the PLP leadership as a relationship takes two parties.

      Regarding the statement by the Shadow Minister – - it is not designed to be constructive – it is designed to point out to the country that the OBA is not holding to their promises – nothing more.

      Apparently you and others believe that just because the election is over, that party politics was suppose to magically disappear – that’s a silly belief.

      To be angry at the previous government for the debt is fine – they should be held accountable; however, the OBA did indicate that they would “do things differently” and we haven’t seen it yet – - so Shadow Minister Burt (not a Senator) simply reminded us, the people, of that fact. (Oh by the way, that’s his job as Shadow Minister of Finance)

      Yng Black Mind
      (those who know understand)

      • observer says:

        How about you give them a chance, not everything can happen with the snap of a finger. It hasnt even been a month and they are being attacked. Not gonna be easy to clean up what has been created.

        • Yng Black Mind says:


          I agree with you – - but they ran a campaign on change – - my point to PLP was simply that the Shadow Minister was doign what the opposition is suppose to do – question the government – plain and simple.

          I don’t expect the OBA to be “saviours” and “puff – all the problems are gone” – but they should be held to their promises and if people believe that they aren’t, those people should have the right to say so – that’s all.

          Yng Black Mind

          • fanciy face says:

            yahoo however you are not even giving them a chance to do what they intend to do. they just got into power you cannot make change over nite. It takes time. In 1998 Pivoted for change and all I got was a big fat nothing even though i’ve been waiting for 14 gears and still nothing. Maybe offering free nursery, free buses was a change however it is doing nothing but putting g US in more debt. I

            • Yng Black Mind says:

              @fanciy face:

              Like most of my OBA supporters, you are missing the point.

              I haven’t stated that the OBA should be “drawn and quartered” because they hired a consultant – not at all. I stated that the opposition has a right to question the appointment – plain and simple.

              How is it fair that the OBA can question but the new opposition can’t?

              You simply did exactly what most do – you cite the “14 yrs of nothing”, “free nursery, free buses as change” – - I am ok with you having issues with the PLP and their tenure in Government – -
              What is the problem = your lack of willingness for others to have the same courtesy – - even if it’s a start.

              Agreed – their time has been short, but it’s one thing to say “change”, but it’s different to live it.

              Yng Black Mind

              • Mad Dawg says:

                Were you as inquisitive when the PLP was spending $100m a year on overseas “consultants” who were friends of Wanda? And who did nothing for us?
                As I recall it questions about them were “plantation” questions.

                It’s obvious what we need help with. Fixing the damn mess the country is in, thanks to 14 years of PLP incompetence.

                • Yng Black Mind says:

                  @Mad Dawg:

                  I did question when the PLP were government – - needed help and telling us that you were going to do it alone (as promised in your campaign) are two different things – simple.

                  Why when we say that people got back to talk about the PLP and their 14 years? This is simple – it is about their promise and their back tracking from that position.

                  Yng Black Mind

                  • Mad Dawg says:

                    I didn’t make any promises.

                    The OBA didn’t promise to avoid hiring any consultants. Another re-writing of history, you bkack mind?

                    • Yng Black Mind says:

                      @Mad Dawg:

                      The reference to “you” in my previous post is not you as an individual, but the OBA as a party. And I am sorry, but you are incorrect – the OBA did promise to cut useless spending and Mr. ET Bob Richards, in several press statements, indicated that one area where cuts could be made was consultants – this is a fact.

                      I don’t re-write history, my friend. I simply remind those who wish to forget.

                      Yng Black Mind

                  • Zombie Apocalypse says:

                    YBM, promising to reduce unnecessary spending on consultants, which was rife during the PLP years, is not the same as promising to never hire a consultant.

                    I think even the most die-hard PLP person must be able to understand that, particularly someone as intellectual as you.

                    No-one has ‘back-tracked’ from anything, and it’s disingenuous to suggest it.

                    • Yng Black Mind says:


                      Mr. Richards indicated in previous press statements that the OBA would cut spending in several ways – one of which was to “do away with consultants.”

                      I didn’t say that – he did.

                      I am not being dishonest and I am simply provided the facts – - it is simple.

                      Yng Black Mind

                    • Mad Dawg says:

                      I see you’re changing you story now. Link to the exact quote for context, or it didn’t happen.

                • Hmmmmm says:

                  Who’s friend is David Dodwell? If that doesn’t matter then stfu about a man’s wife.

        • DarkSideOfTheMoon says:

          They hired a consultant with the snap of a finger……….

      • Bermyman says:

        The independent tourism authority, the cutting of the GP fleet of cars and the ministerial pay cut is already a sign that things are being done differently. Are the government not allowed to have at least one consultant that adds real value? But in relation to hiring the likes of Rolf to spread racial hatred at a quarter of a mill a year, I think it is safe to say that the costs of Government have already been decreased in less than a month with him off the payroll.

        Spending wisely on talent is not bad, but spending recklessly on people who fail to add value is.

        The country is not going to turn around without hiring the right people.

        • Yng Black Mind says:


          Your statement rings hollow, sir.

          You are basically saying that consultants are ok as long as they are the right ones? That’s a bit biased view of things, don’t you think?

          And just to let you know, Rolf is still being paid by government – just this thime – he is an MP.

          My point as stated above is that the Shadow Minister has every right to question the appointment/hiring of Mr. Butterfield as the OBA was big on cutting consultants in their election platform – he is simply asking the question. It is us, the people, who react and demonize each other.

          Mr. Burt is doing his job – the one that he was elected to do – - PLP supporter’s statement appears to be simply “cries over spilled milk.”

          Yng Black Mind

          • Triangle Drifter says:

            ROTFLMAO! You are kidding right??? Whenever anyone questioned the PLP they were being negative & should shut up.

            Love it.

            • Yng Black Mind says:

              @Triangle Drifter:

              You made my point for me, thanks!

              Yng Black Mind

          • Bermyman says:

            Sorry, yes you are right. There should be no consultants hired because they are a potential benefit to the Government and the Island. Unless of course we balance it out and waste money on bad ones at the same time, just to keep it unbiased.

            By Burt saying that the OBA are off to a ‘terrible start’, that is not really questioning anything is it, more like criticizing something that has barely even happened yet. Over exaggerating the hiring of 1 consultant, yes 1!! So the OBA’s plan to reduce the number of consultants still rings true if the total cost of consultants is still less than the previous administration, does it not? Which I am sure it will be, just give it more than 1 month. How about 1 accounting year??

            So not only is Burt’s argument weak it is really just picking at straws, it shows a distinct lack of intellectual depth.

            • Argosy says:

              What else do you expect from Burt?

              • hehe says:

                after the spectacle of the “secret plan,” what would you expect from him?

                Constructive critcism and Burt dont mix.

          • de ja vodoo says:

            Yng b mind. Let’s rehire Rene Webb in her “international counsultant” postion @$2000 wk.and have her live in Paris! Oh wait the plp already did that!!!!

            • Yng Black Mind says:

              @de ja vodoo:

              Please go back and actually read my posts – - you are a bit late in this thread so I will try to get you up to speed – -

              The discussion was focused on the OBA’s stance pre-election of “no consultants” to their change to this particular hire of “a consultant”.

              If you are going to discuss the previous government’s consultants, then that’s a mute point as I have already explained that I did not think the previous government needed their number of consultants – - I actually wrote to the Premier to that effect.

              So please let’s try to stay focus – - the tired argument about “they did it” is getting a little old for the OBA support base. (as it was for the PLP when they were government – referring to the UBP)

              Yng Black Mind

              • Mad Dawg says:

                But the OBA did not have a pre-election stance of “no consultants”.

                Spendng less on them, which is what they talked about, is not the same as having no consultants.

                So you’ve wasted your tme on your 25 or so posts which are based on something that didn’t happen.

                Oh well, nothing new. The facts and truth are generally inconvenient for the PLP.

        • Bermudian says:


          Just so we are clear, you do know that the Tourism Authority will be funded by GOV (Mr. Crockwell said it on the news last week). This means these professionals will be getting paid, and the Tourism Board was not paid (more debt).

          2nd, I know we are in a bad state when people think taking GP cars off the road will save our economy (lmao). Ask works and engineering to do a cost analysis on what it will cost the public to maintain the GP cars, versus maintaining the new MP’s personal cars. I bet some might be suprised to know what would cost more.

          • Bermyman says:

            So you are saying because the tourism authority is funded by government that it means more debt?? How do you know that? If the tourism authority works then what is the cost v benefit. What was the cost v benefit of the previous Tourism plan where we spent millions on marketing schemes and reaped very little reward in comparison? As a tax payer I would rather pay for a tourism board that benefits the island because it does not seek to trick the public into thinking that hotel developments are happening but they are actually not! This was commonplace under the PLP. How many hotels were promised and actually built?? 0.

            You are deluded if you think that people believe cutting GP cars will save the economy, no one has ever said that but since most of your arguments tend to be weak, your defense mechanism is to put words in people’s mouths. It is the principal that counts, not having to use tax payers money to provide ones self with a status symbol in the form of a shiny new car to parade around in. Something the PLP never really understood, so I don’t expect you to do the same.

            • Bermudian says:

              @ Bermyman,

              I know this means more debt because it’s called spending. Theses same people you speak of were on the Tourism Board (Mr Dodwell), and I don’t remember seeing his name in the paper crying down the marketing of Tourism while he was sitting on the board.

              With regard to the benefits for our island, you nor do I know what or if it will benefit the island, so you are speaking from opinion, not fact. So your argument.

              No one kept the GP cars in the media? Are you kidding me (didn’t you mention GP cars in your first post? So who isn’t talking about GP cars?). What planet have you been living on. All the OBA candidates and supporters having been saying this for a long time. Check the blogs on Bernews if you don’t believe me. Lmao, put words in people’s mouth, you have a very short memory.

              IF you want to talk about principle, then politics is the wrong place to be looking for it mate lol. I can get more truth out of a 5 year old then a politian.

              See the difference between me and you is that I know none of these parties will solve my problems, I will. Politians do what politians do. The game does not change, only the players do.

              • Eastern says:

                @ Bermyman & Bermudian

                The two of you are both throwing rocks. Why don’t you two just exchange phone numbers and save the rest of us from having to read your personal drivel.

                Meanwhile, back at the ranch; it makes sense to put people in charge of tourism that have a an interest in tourism being successful.

                I just hope they put represnetatives from the airlines, tour operators and hoteliers on the Tourism authority as their success will become our success.

                You wouldn’t hire a carpenter to work on your car engine or a hairstylist to paint your roof would you? Get real people…..

                • Bermudian says:

                  @ Eastern,

                  If you don’t like what I have to say, then don’t read it Ranch Boy!

                  Maybe you need to do some research before you make comments. Do you even know who was on the Tourism Board? There were leading professionals on the board already, so what point are you making.

                  I’m not sure who you have conversations with on a daily basis, but logical people know you don’t hire a carpenter to do a mechanic’s work. Being that was said, what Tourism experience does Mr.Butterfield bring?

                  Go back to your cave if you do not want to read people opinions.

          • Pastor Syl Hayward says:

            @ Bermudian: “Ask works and engineering to do a cost analysis on what it will cost the public to maintain the GP cars, versus maintaining the new MP’s personal cars. I bet some might be suprised to know what would cost more.”

            Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I am almost positive maintenance on MP’s personal cars will be the responsibility of the individual MP’s NOT Works and Engineering.
            I recognize that previously, some MPs did get work that was done on their personal cars placed on the Government’s tab, but I am hoping that with tighter controls, and hopefully more ethical behaviour on the part of both the MPs and Works and Engineering staff, this kind of burden on the taxpayer purse will cease.

        • fanciy face says:

          you couldn’t have put it any clearer then that. I agree. So Plp give US a break.

      • Staying focus says:

        @Youing Black Minds, I agree with the latter part of your comment only, The fact that folks believe political party owes them something, must stop. This is why our political system is in such a mess at times. Folks should go into politics to provide public service to their country and nothing more. Folks should expect little in return, except to see someone has benefitted in our society.

        “Politics” is and should be about service to the people of Bermuda. The PLP has nothing to be highly embarrassed about in regards to Corey Butterfield hired by the OBA. They should be concerned about the Tax payers money only. Cory is not so brillant, I think he has failed to pass the Bar Exam so far. He has not demonstrated his ability to do much,except push forward his own agenda. Sorry, but I believe folks should work on their own merit and not expect the government to provide them with anything. We must stop this mentality of rewarding some folks with in the political circles.

      • shannon says:

        Well said Yng Black Mind

      • Um jus sayin.... says:


      • keep it real says:

        @youngblackmind…. Well spoken glad to see you have your head on straight

    • haha says:

      Oh puhlease – u are hardly a PLP supporter. Take a break.

  4. Concerned Citizen says:

    You are not a PLP supporter, so stop lying. Maybe you are Corey! Depth and talent,? Lol

    • Staying focus says:

      @Concerned Citizen, you are correct that person is not a PLP supporter. The fact that folks believe political party owes them something, must stop. This is why our political system is in such a mess at times. Folks should go into politics to provide public service to their country and nothing more. Folks should expect little in return, except to see someone has benefitted in our society.

      “Politics” is and should be about service to the people of Bermuda. The PLP has nothing to be highly embarrassed about in regards to Corey Butterfield hired by the OBA. They should be concerned about the Tax payers money only. Cory is not so brillant, I think he has failed to pass the Bar Exam so far. He has not demonstrated his ability to do much,except push forward his own agenda. Sorry, but I believe folks should work on their own merit and not expect the government to provide them with anything. We must stop this mentality of rewarding some folks with in the political circles.

      • frank says:

        corey butterfields appointment is just round one of the oba’s political favors corey has a few smarts but remains a stupid young and bitter man .does any one remmember hardel

  5. LORD HAVE MERCY says:

    ummmmm why dont you state what mess has to be undone..please tell us since your so well informed

    • concern says:

      @Lord Have Mercy, let’s start with the 1.5 billion deficit!

  6. bermudian boy says:

    Who cares what the PLP think. I don’t !!!!!!

  7. Vote for Me says:

    @ PLP supporter
    The statemetn by MP Burt is entirely constructive. The OBA campaigned largely on the narrative that the PLP were not competent managers of the economy with excessive expenditure – mostly untrue but that was their narrative. They are now in government and 2 of their first actions – Ministerial appointments and the proposed Tourism authority indicate that they are not following up on their own promises.

    More important than all of that is the fact that Minister Crockwell refuses to indicate the cost of the consultannce to the public purse.

    Another publication is also indicating concern from former Leader Barritt that he was not aware of changes in rules to how the OBA Leader is chosen. These are all small (or not so small) indications that all is not well with OBA.

    • Bermyman says:

      The PLP’s economic and spending record speaks for itself. High unemployment and high national debt being the clear indicators. Not to mention the failed hotel projects that proved to be the proverbial ‘pie in the sky’ from the previous government.

      Bermuda voted the PLP out largely based on economic performance. Are you so blinded by your parties own spin that you are not even convinced by the actions of the common voter that your party did a poor job? If so then you and your party still are out of touch with your people. Denial is a terrible thing, you should learn to deal with it.

      The last 5 years of PLP rule were a failure and Bermudians indicated that at the polls.

      Wait till the forensic accountants have audited the governments finances, then the dirty laundry really will be aired.

  8. eyeinthesky says:

    Smart people know that like we need guest workers, this island will need consultants. The question is, do we we get bang for our buck in regards to consultants. The OBA will have to reduce but not completely get rid off! These consultant are more than likely under contract and will have their contracts reviewed in due course. New Boss In, New people in, the ones they know that can get the job done. The question is, and hopefully it works like this, for every new consultant or retained one, we don’t renew 3 exsisting ones.

  9. The only comment I can make is that I would think that the positive side to this is the fact that the O.B.A has hired a local I will have to ask is Mr Burts comments sincere or just taking the opportunity to take a wipe at the O.B.A

    Mr Butterfield is widely known for his expertise in his field and we should be grateful that the O.B.A is not bias on the fact that Mr Butterfield served as the P.L.P public relations to Mr Butterfield may you serve well as the Island should and hopefully will benefit from the services you render.

    • haha says:

      Under the PLP many consultants were in fact Bermudian. It is inaccurate when folks say that all the consultants were foreign.

      I find it very difficult to see how Corey Butterfield is more qualified than any of the existing staff at the Dept of Tourism. Nothing in his resume shows any Tourism experience.

      This is quite simply a payback for services rendered in the election campaign.

      The Bermuda public voted for change – well this is what you got.

      • Mad Dawg says:

        Not all the PLP consultants were foreign, but the big contracts went to overseas consultants. Hundreds of millions of dollars. For nothing.

    • You cant be serious says:

      I would ask you Mr. Santucci what exactly qualifies this man to be a tourism consultant? It is fine and dandy to hire a consultant but the O.B.A ran on reducing the number of consultants and making sure the ones they do hire are worth it. It should be said that Mr.Butterfield helped to run the O.B.A Election campaign and that this would appear to be a reward for his work in getting them elected.. True or False?

      • Hmmmmm says:

        Like they wrote 900 times about Andre Curtis. Fair is fair.

        • Zombie Apocalypse says:

          You’re comparing this with Andre Curtis? Mr Andre “mock up a contract and give him thirty grand” Curtis? The guy who is back in jail? Who hears angels telling him he was in on the Uighurs?

          And you wonder why no-one takes you seriously.

      • Mad Dawg says:

        And what about the millions if dollars paid to friends of Wanda?

  10. Eyes wide open. says:

    @ bermudian boy
    You obviously do care. Commenting alone proves that!

    @ PLP Supporter
    You are no more a PLP supporter than I am an OBA supporter and there’s no chance in hell that will ever happen.

    I don’t think there is a real issue with the use of consultants from a PLP standpoint. We didn’t say that that we WOULD NOT BE acquiring the services of consultants, that was the OBA’s pitch. Now, as the ‘Oppostion,’ we have EVERY right to question the government for going outside of the promises and commitments that they made when vying for the post. If you don’t like your government being picked on, tell them to stick to the script. We had to take that crap for the past 14yrs, we’re only on day 24 so toughen up cupcake!

    a REAL PLP Supporter

    • Mad Dawg says:

      Again, the OBA did not say it would hire “no consultants”.

      You’re really scraping the barrel looking for things to complain about. Pathetic, really.

  11. PLP Supporter says:

    @ All Above,

    Using the famous quote from Col. David Burch, former PLP Minister:

    ………”I dont care what you think, I’m tired of listening to people who look like you”

    Will circulate the precise reference and date of his comments shortly……….after I complete my CV for the 1,998 jobs that are left after David Dodwell and Corey Butterfield were hired, YES both have DEPTH and TALENT

    Another quote:

    From the infamous prince of Hamilton parish…….” I am UBP”

    PLP Supporter
    (those who knows, know, yous feels me bredrens)

  12. PLP Supporter says:

    By the way, I am a PLP Supporter and will not be voting for any of you wannabee profilers pretending to be exec on 17 January 2013 at Dev Rec.

    supporting the PLP means challenging the assenine statements made by our Parliamentarians if wed done that during the past 5 years more often we wouldnt have been bi*&%* slapped in the media for the past 5 years under Dr and Cog (sorry our former Leader) and kicked in the testicular fortitudes 24 days ago

    eat them their cupcakes at Restaurant Week, yes at Paradiso!

    I am UBP

    • Yng Black Mind says:

      @PLP Supporter:

      You just don’t get it.

      I agree that we should question our Parliamentarians – OF COURSE!
      I agree that the PLP took licks from the media over the last 5 years due to a less than aggressive stance – OF COURSE!

      However, this is where we disagree:

      All parliamentarians should be open to questions from us, the general public – including the Minister and his hiring of any consultant. This isn’t a PLP, OBA thing – - it’s a “it’s my damn money” thing – as a taxpayer in Bermuda.

      Like I said above, it is quite apparent that you have an issue with the former leadership of the PLP – you seem quite angry and I hope you can resolve it somehow – it is not healthy, trust me.

      The new leader of your party (as I am not a member) appears to be looking forward with a new mandate to rebuild the party – why not take solace in that?

      Tearing down your own party does not seem to be a very – how did you put it? Oh yes – “constructive” way to move forward in 2013.

      Yng Black Mind
      (those who know understand – - but those who don’t, oh well?)

      • PLP Supporter says:

        @ Yng Black Mind,

        yes I am quite angry at the former leadership of the PLP i cannot resolve it as you guys spent up all the cash taking trips to conferences that didnt give us jobs and now we are broke so yes I am angry and wondering why Senator Burt didnt show this level of initiative when he as Junior Minister of Finance………………..actually its alot like the initiative that Premier Cox showed when she was writing the checks for the PLPs expenditure and largesse on capital projects

        and no i am not angry that i was never given a blue toyota corolla

        but i am also angry that the UBP isnt around as we would be in surplus and i would be a happy _____ on the plantation with 6 trips a year to jersey and 3 jobs

        yes i am angry

        the PLP did a great job as government remember

        14 years of black empowerment and Greenspan style fiscal management

        (those who know understand, and me thinks you have drank too much green koolaid, try cherry or strawberry served at vasco de gama, Corey and David D recommend it)

        1,998 jobs to go and i want mine too

        I am UBP

        PLP Supporter

        • Yng Black Mind says:

          @PLP Supporter:

          It is obvious to me that you are too far gone to have an intellectual conversation on the issue – the hiring of a consultant by a party which “vehemently” ran against on this specific topic during the election.

          I know this as I stated earlier that I am not a party supporter of the PLP nor am I an OBA party member/supporter – - I do what I believe is best for my country, Bermuda.

          I don’t drink green kool-aid (which in itself is a racist comment) nor will I drink whatever others served at Vasco De Gama on Dec 17, 2012 – - I will drink the pure, fresh water that falls on my roof – that GOD GIVEN LIQUID that will sustain me and my family even after ignorant people on both sides of the political area are dead and buried.

          Let’s hope he has mercy on you – since you appear to have none.

          Yng Black Mind

          • factuals says:

            The origins and meaning of the term ‘kool aid drinker ‘ have been explained a thousand times ad nauseum here and elsewhere.

            If you , in your ‘poorly read world’, still think it’s a racist term then you need to change out your stupid ditty line that you end every message with as it seems you don’t know jack !

            Just take that from some who does know .. mmkay ?

            • Mad Dawg says:

              Everything is a racist comment to him. Even his name indicates he identifies everything by race. Pathetic.

              • Yng Black Mind says:

                @Mad Dawg:

                Why so mad? I identify myself for those who wish to define who they believe me to be – -( I will let you comprehend that for a minute) – - – - – - – - – — – - – —- – - – - – - – - – a little more? Ok – - – - – - — – — — – — —— – - – - – OK – I’m sure you got it now.

                If you and others wish to engage in intellectual conversations which create an environment where we all learn something – agree to disagree, sometimes of course – - but we should learn – - I am open to that discourse.

                However, do not believe that you can or will ever be able to censor who and what I say with your drivel – - I feel for you – I do. Sad poor dawggy – - sit! Go boy!

                Yng Black Mind

                • Mad Dawg says:

                  Your usual tactic. “”You’re not intellectual enough to understand me”.

                  • Yng Black Mind says:

                    @Mad Dawg:

                    If that’s the only retort you have after my last post, I believe I’ve made my point.

                    Everyone can understand what I post – you and certain others simply don’t wannt to – or maybe, you just refuse to. Either way – I enjoy conversations that enlighten and evoke thought.

                    Yng Black Mind

                    • Mad Dawg says:

                      Well, you’re the one attempting to re-write history. Not very “intellectual”.

                      What do you do to deserve that label, by the way? A couple of F Grades in GCSEs? I know that’s how Jennifer Smith defined it.

            • Yng Black Mind says:


              Personal attacks are utterly wasted energy with me. Have you heard of the term, “euphemism”? It is substituting one term for another. Additionally, it is about perception as well – - meaning that if I feel that something is blatantly utilized in a negative, disrespectful, racist way – - well, guess what? It is.

              Now, please try to refrain from engaging in intellectual conversation as it takes a calm, educated mind who is willing to hear, respect and understand the opposite view to be effective and efficient – got that – - – Mr. Garrison?! (got that South Park reference?!)

              Yng Black Mind

      • shannon says:

        Get em Young Black Mind.

  13. truth be told says:

    PLP…Before you go saying “terrible start” why dont you show the math anto back that statement up…Here is an example to prove you wrong…

    Say each member was paid $100,000/yr. At 12 members that’s 1.2Million/yr. With a 10% pay cut that is $90,000/member totaling 1.08Million for the 12 members. Add an additional member at $90,000/yr (13 members total) the new total is $1.17Mil/yr. Hire a consultant for $30,000/yr and add that to the $1.17Mil/yr for members you are back at $1.2Mil

    What did this 10% pay cut do? It allowed OBA to hire a new consultant and add a 13th member of parliament without spending a penny more…Simple math.

    Whether this is how they justified it or not who knows…

    • Vote for Me says:

      @ truth be told
      Your math may be suspect. Average Ministerial salary is probabaly $150k. PLP total = 12 x $150k = $1.8m
      OBA total = 13 X 150k = $1.95m less 10% = $1.75m
      OBA needs to show if Butterfield is earning less than $50k as a consultant.
      If you are aware of consultant rates, I suspect his annual fee is at least $10k per month or $120k per year.
      … we will wait to see when Minister Crockwell (or Moreno) provides details.

      • truth be told says:

        Im proving a point….not stating a fact.

        and thats less than $45K they could spend on a consultant…not $50K…but who’s counting anyways.

      • Mad Dawg says:

        How about the $1m of cars we don’t need any more?

    • Bermudian says:

      @ Truth be told

      Are you sure MP’s get $100,000 or $160,000? I thought it was $160,000, but please correct me if I am wrong please.

      • truth be told says:

        I’m simply proving a point that the governing party could hire a consultant while adding a memeber without spending more than what was previously spent…

        I have no idea how much they make. I used $100,000 for simplistic reasons since I did not have a calculator handy. However, if they make more than $100,000/yr then they have even more money to pay a consultant (if they were to match the pre cut total).

  14. Rockfish#2 says:

    The OBA government should not allow themselves to become distracted by every criticism emanating from the likes of David Burt. He certainly has a lot to answer for!! (do your homework folks)

    Their honeymoon period will not last long, and the electorate will soon become restless and demanding. Having said that, what most people are interested in is, did the PLP government handle the public purse in a honest and efficient manner? Minister Richards probably needs an outside expert/consultant who knows how to handle a shovel, as there is much digging to do.

  15. Bobmarlin says:

    The difference between the PLP consultants and the OBA consultants is one is held to account and works,the other was on the friends and family plan,did no work and was accountable to no one!

    • Deliverance says:

      you got that right! Renee Webb is a agood exmple of THAT

      • You cant be serious says:


        Your statement just shows how little you know about politics in Bermuda. Your new tourism consultant was a key member of the election campaign for the upb/oba…. Friends and Family??????? No tourism experience what so ever…..
        Sounds like a Friends and Family scheme to me.

        Do a little research befor you comment next time please and thankyou.

        • Mad Dawg says:

          “no tourism experience what so ever (sic)”?

          Think again. Get some basic facts, at least.

  16. Let me get this str8 says:

    How did you guys feel about the fact that the Mrs. Freddy Wade was being paid over $11k a month by the previous administration?

  17. Hmmmmm says:

    What an interesting few weeks. Folks, the reason this is an issue is because the OBA and its media backers MADE THIS AN ISSUE while they were in opposition. Real issues never mattered, everything was nasty and personal. No clear difference between the Parties and so now we have this come back to bite the OBA in government. And so it should be. It is disingenuous at best for all of you OBA supporters to say “give them a chance”; “they need some help in cleaning up the mess” or “Ministers should be able to hire whoever they think they’ll need”. Your constant refrain for several years under both of your logos was clear:

    - all consultants are bad – evidence the hundreds of Parliamentary Questions on them
    - all travel is bad – hundreds more Questions on them
    - all GP cars are bad

    Well, you made these ridiculous assertions “real issues” and so what do you expect people to focus on ?! You made your bed so now lie in it. Consultants have started, travel will be next and at some stage you’ll all get tired of running out to move your cars in the middle of meetings so GPs will follow. Your campaign and the change you promised was shallow and so the opposition you’re now facing is equally as shallow. You reap what you sow.

    Maybe this spell in government will help you and your supporters to grow up and recognize that there are some things that are just a part of governing. Then we can all focus on issues and do the best for Bermuda. In the meantime, expect to be held accountable over the stupid things you and your supporters convinced us matter.

    And by the way, for all you OBA supporters from the Tea Party wing of your Party, if you think the recipe for re-election is constant investigations into the past, then we will happily watch you make that mistake. You’d better govern and govern quick with your razor thin majority because the voters who bought your promises are waiting……2,000 jobs if you please.

    • Staying focus says:

      Well said Hmmmmmmm…..keep talking you make real good sense so far…

  18. Vote for Me says:

    According to another news source, Pamplin Gordon is a part time Minister since she has retained her job at Everest Re. Thus the Ministerial calculations may need to be revised.

    It appears that the needs for Health and Seniors does not need a fulltime Minister.

    • Um jus sayin.... says:

      Not sure how this will be done but we’ll see!

  19. Eyes wide open. says:

    Friends – Corey Butterfield
    Family – David Dodwell

    @ Truth be told – go onto the website ( and give us the actual amounts for Ministers, MP, Speaker, etc salaries. I hope the below helps with accurate mathematics minus the 10% cut that was promised by the OBA:

    Members of the House of Assembly:


    Speaker, House of Assembly


    Deputy Speaker, House of Assembly




    Deputy Premier as (F/T) Minister


    Minister in the House of Assembly (F/T)


    Opposition Leader


    Junior Ministers in the House of Assembly


    Party Whips



    Annual Salary



    President of Senate


    Vice – President of Senate


    Full- time Minister in the Senate


    Part – time Ministers in the Senate


    Junior Ministers in Senate


    I may have forgotten your point by now!

    • truth be told says:

      According to your figures, the MP’s get $160K/yr. If you follow the simple math above this would result in the OBA being allowed to spend $50,000/yr on a consultant…more than I previously stated.

      Again im simply proving a point that it CAN be done…not saying this is WHAT was done…

      For someone to come right out and say they are “off to a terrible start” without ANY supporting evidence is simply pre-mature and an amature move.

  20. Oh Please says:

    Are you serious is this all this PLP guy has to go on is he slow or something? Of course your gonna still need consultants but not and the magnitude that the former Government was spending $ on that’s what the OBA meant by cutting back on consultants. OMG!! Even a 5 year old can understand that. Give me a break people.

    • Mad Dawg says:

      A 5 year old can get it but apparently not the “intellectuals” who write on here.

  21. Costs too much says:

    I think we can all agree anyone making that kind of money should not need a consultant to do the job they were hired to do. It just goes to show you the best man or woman for the job was not selected or available. You just don’t have enough qualified people to select from. Maybe the Queen should send someone to help you? Someone who has a proven track record, experience and education?

    The PLP shouldn’t be talking about where the money went. We all know they spent enough during their embarrassing so called leadership. When a guy who was pumping gas yesterday is now the leader of the country doesn’t that tell you something? Is it any surprise the others need consultants.

  22. Eyes wide open. says:

    @ Oh Please

    Here’s an idea; when you write, don’t be selfish. Let everyone else understand what you are trying to say. Where’s the 5yr old that understands what you just blogged???

    • Oh Please says:

      I’m sorry I cannot provide the 5 year old that can help you understand what I have written Maybe you should take a course at the Bermuda collage. I don’t see any voice option on this site so I can only write my thoughts. Sorry Charlie ☹

  23. backbush says:

    for oba to complain about plp having to much consultants they have started all ready not even been month in the door bermuda hold on for ride of your lives we got a beating comming are way that wont wait a sec

    • sonso says:

      this ride that you speak of cannot be any worse than the last 14 year ride we just got off

  24. Bobmarlin says:

    What is Rolf and Renee doing now?

  25. Joonya says:

    “Terrible start”… really? Better than the “terrible finish” you lot left us with, especially your track record with consultants. All of a sudden you have a conservative eye.. Sneeze Cough and….FFFF..

    • shannon says:

      Ok grow up! Lets have ADULT dialog plz.

    • Um jus sayin.... says:

      I thought we were moving forward with change, yet so quick to relive the past! All I keep saying is stay tuned… The promises promises promises…were they just a ploy?

  26. Staying focus says:

    The OBA’s “Friends and Family” Plan has gone into full swing, wait to read the listing of government board names. Oh how dear we’Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”

    • Let me get this str8 says:

      special girl is back…missed you babes!

    • Yo Rhonda says:

      Hello Rhonda, well still miss you on BIAW forums, please come back, it was fun while it lasted.

  27. street wise says:

    We voted for CHANGE!… not seeing much of that yet.

    Seems like the same ol’ same ol’- à la plp!

  28. jt says:

    OBA – do what you feel is necessary to get us out of this mess. In 5 years the electorate will decide if you have made good progress.

  29. audacityRB says:

    burt you got some NERVES,SHAMELESS and DISGRACEFUL..when your party of destruction spent MILLIONS with NOT ONE TOURIST ADDED from the last govt UBP and now you now Vocal of this govt is doing?shut up or pack up ..all you ever done for BERMUDA is fatten your pockets and left us with INSANE bill to pay..

  30. audacityRB says:

    btw Bermuda was strong for 400 yrs and it took your party plp and you burt and ‘your party of DEATH’ to destroy it in 14 yres..THAT’s a bomber!!

  31. Roger says:

    So nice of the PLP to assist in a smooth hand-over and transition for the good of our country.

    One would assume that the only hand-over provided is through third parties. Please could somebody tell me that I am wrong and that an outgoing governing party does not simply ‘wash its hands’ in a change such as this with no summaries of where things are at?

    If it is a ‘here today / gone tomorrow, now it’s your problem and don’t call me’ with not even a handshake, it is a total waste of time and massively inefficient to get up to speed.

  32. Hi says:

    Point Blank, they are providing jobs. They didn’t raise their individual paychecks, instead they provided jobs. “What is the point of this article?”

  33. Victor says:

    I imagine a few of those Consultants are in fact Forensic Auditors tasked with getting OUR money back.

    So for now Burt, STFU.

  34. backbush says:

    lets just face it they said there going to create 2000 jobs they are creating one job at time i hope people that was voted for oba just on the fact that they think oba going help them with jobs

  35. Yang white mind says:

    Why don’t the blk mind rest for now, and let the what mind think!!!

    • keep it real says:

      oooh hellllllll noooo!! i cant believe this comment was allowed! And racism doesnt exist!… I would love to meet who ever posted this…

      • Come Correct says:

        And teach them English?

      • Hmmmmm says:

        Welcome to Bermuda in 2013, where with one voice they tell you to “get over it” because it doesn’t exist; while under a pen name they tell you what they really think.

      • Yng Black Mind says:

        @Keep it real:

        Relax mate – - he was trying to say something clever in reference to my name – - #fail.

        Yng Black Mind

  36. Pilot001 says:

    OBA won’t be around for long. Another election will be called and ALL the PLP supporters will come out in full force next time. Watch.

    • Vulpes says:

      Pilot, if the likes of Kim Wilson, Michael Weeks, etc were at the helm, yes the OBA would likely lose next time out which will likely be sooner rather than later – but not against Bean and his backers Burgess and Chris Furbert.

  37. People Who Live in Glass Houses says:

    I directly challenge David Burt to refute the following. I also challenge the media to investigate fairly and objectively as it is relevant and newsworthy.

    David Burt….are you not the same David Burt who was a Director of Burt Construction which has not paid and still owes hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Bermuda Government for Social Insurance payments for staff and payroll taxes all having gone unpaid? In fact, I understand that Burt Construction deducted the money from their staff’s paycheques and both that portion and the company’s portion remains unpaid. That is reprehensible and should preclude you from discussing any financial matters whatsoever to do with either the PLP or the OBA governments. How dare you lecture when you have been so irresponsible.
    How sad for your staff.

    • Let me get this str8 says:

      Glass houses indeed…no wonder they didn’t go through with the proposal to name and shame such tax cheats…

    • Not really says:

      Would be nice if you got your facts straight. David Burt did own Burt Construction that went under and has unpaid tax bills. David Burt Sr that is. David Burt Jr, the MP who this article discusses, owns GMD website design and pays his tax bills. He may have sat on the board of his father’s company, but it was his father’s company. Pretty unclassy to slam the guy for his father’s business.

      • Mad Dawg says:

        So he had nothing at all to do with the family business then. Riiiiight.

        I guess there’s no problem with the AG going after the evil capitalist owners then, who apparently kept funds that were supposed to go to the government.

      • Rick Rock says:

        Burt’s family business was taking the worker’s contributions and keeping them?

        That’s criminal, isn’t it?

        Would we ever have heard about this if the PLP had got back in? I doubt it.

  38. Building a better Bermuda says:

    This is indeed a development worth watching, however the PLP’s statement reeks of bitterness over the election loss. At no point did the OBA say they would not use consultants, just that they would be reviewing the use and reducing where possible. The question that remains is whether this is the start of the old PLP trend to give friends jobs needlessly, however, given Mr. Butterfield’s experience and background I believe he will make a valuable contribution to the tourism team and trust that the public will be kept informed of his productivity.
    For their talk of change, this PLP statement has all the hallmarks of their old practice to distort a story to recreate it into a spin they can use to bad mouth others.
    The OBA ran on a promise to cut spending, so far they have cut minister pay by 10%, this salary cut actually does allow them to add an extra minister. They were going to cut consultant spending, thus far they have hired 1, what they need to do is come clean about how many consultant contracts there were at the time of their election, how many they inherited, and how many they intend to drop. They still have work to do to sort out what they took over, so I do not expect to see the result right away, but I hope they can give the people some answers when Parliment convenes.

    • M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

      Don’t hold your breath . Can’t wait to hear the Premier speak , they say silence is golden . So as long as he is silent , the OBA can enjoy its golden moments . But as soon as he opens his mouth …

  39. Reality Check says:

    Can David Burt please take the time to compare apples with apples. Let’s look at just how many consultants the PLP Government had in 2012 and list their salaries so that we can then compare their spending on consultants with that of the new OBA Government as we move forweard.

    I don’t recollect the OBA platform stating that under its leadership the Government will have NO consultants, but they made it clear that they would spend less than the PLP Government. Let’s see if they keep their word.

  40. Familiar says:

    The Opposition will criticise, it’s what they do. It is, in fact, their job. Though I have to admit that I find it hard to take the opposition seriously in their comments simply given their past record as being the Government. I do remind myself, however, that it’s important for us to listen to them.

    In general I don’t have a problem with the hiring of consultations. There is nothing wrong with hiring someone who has more experience in a particular area and can offer specific insight that is not otherwise available.

    In the past there have been issues related to the hiring of consultants, but it was in part due to who was hired, why they were hired, and what was learned from them.

    This is an issue that bears keeping an eye on, but I do think that too many criticisms are coming in the first weeks of the OBA’s being in Government.

    Time is needed for them to ascertain exactly how bad things are, and figure out the best ways to go from there.

    As such, I will give them the benefit of early days and inexperience, just as I gave the same to the PLP when they began their time in control.

  41. didnt the former Premier have a consultant making $2500 A DAY in the procurement and project office working for 18 months!! Do the math.
    The PLP wrecked a thriving island so please will you all take a break for a while. But you are the opposition now so you are doing what you do best…i hope you remain the opposition for a long time. Thats what you are good at clearly.

    The plp didnt listen to Corey at all so if the oba want to take his advice, why are you hating. it isnt that you left the oba a thriving business to run for the next five years.

  42. paul says:

    the plp govt spent OBSCENE money on most of the time to their friends’friends companies ..where KICK BACKS were the expense of the survival of the island..they didnt long as they get their greedy and greasy hands fill up..

  43. Sour Onion says:

    can someone tell burt that his govt the plp did a BAD and ROTTEN job for 14yrs and the ppl all KNOW this…dont think OBA will get anyway close to the disastros mess of the plp did to Bermuda..

  44. judgemary. says:

    The funny thing about the plp is that they THINK they are still the ones who will call the shots in govt..Well burt you for one should put a lid on it..and think of the good ole days of PARTY,SPENDING and LAVISH LIVING are GONE down d’hill.