Advisory For Norwegian Breakaway Arrival

May 14, 2013

Access to King and Heritage Wharfs will be restricted on Wednesday [May 15] to officials and public transportation vehicles in light of the inaugural visit of the Norwegian Breakaway. Ministry officials also said that there will be limited parking available in the area.

A Ministry spokesperson said, “In light of public interest in the arrival of the Breakaway tomorrow morning, we are advising the public that access to the North Arm (King & Heritage Wharfs) will be restricted to officials and public transportation vehicles and there will be limited parking available in the area.

“Members of the public are reminded that the vessel will be in Dockyard until Friday, May 17th and they are encouraged to take the opportunity to see the vessel after its initial arrival on Wednesday morning.”

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  1. 2013 says:

    Island needs to give the best service ever!

  2. feelsorry says:

    Bermuda needs to revamp its tourism industry. I feel sorry for when people come here. They are so disappointed with the lack of everything.

    • Time Shall Tell says:

      So true, our dated tourism product has been surpassed by so many other countries yet we still price our selves as the must go to destination. This may work for a certain generation of tourist but it turns the back on so many other potential tourist thus limits our income potential. We price ourselves as high end but how many 5 star hotels or restaurants do we have? What high end 5 star entertainment do we provide? However we feel that’s the range we should be charging our tourist..

      On another note I do remember a few years ago the tourism department of the day being criticized for focusing on the cruise ship tourist. It was then said that it was the air tourist that should be focused on since it was them who filled the beds & spend the money. Yet I find it interesting that the critics are now clamoring over the arrival of this ship like it’s the best thing since sliced bread with sliced cheese & butter in between.

      My point there was to bring up the fact that Bermuda is too short sighted, rather then mixing the tourist product for various incomes. We always hear a single specific target group getting all the attention at any given time, we need to learn the diversify ourselves & to actually deliver an actual product that is uniquely Bermudian (which then touches on other touchy subjects).

  3. tired of the petty people says:

    There will be over 7,000 tourists arriving at Dockyard tomorrow … 2 cruise ships. Who planned that one, and what the hell will all they do down there, as they sure won;t be able to get into the rest of the island !!

    Bring more smaller ships into Hamilton and St Georges.

  4. SoMuchMore says:

    yes, let’s pull together. this is our time to shine.

  5. Pandora says:

    Saw the line for the bus in Dockyard on Monday stretching from in front of the craft market almost all the way to the corner just before Bonefish restaurant. Seriously. Dockyard, public transportation, and our infrastructure will be severely tested, and will buckle at times.

    We are a small, A+ destination catering to 4000 D- tastes.

    Beggars cannot be choosers however.

  6. DreamCatcher says:

    Very fed up with the analytics not in place to handle the influx of guests to the island. Considering the guests are here for a short stint we should have public and alternate transport flowing smoothly and consistently.

    Even if these passengers don’t expect first class service we should provide fluid transport to other destinations island wide. No one will enjoy August heat waiting for buses that aren’t coming. And many of these tourists are seniors and need to have special care.

    It’s a simple calculation of how many passengers to capacity on buses and ferries to figure out frequency of runs and returns. And no you can’t have 3 ferries going down to St. George’s and not expect all three loads of passengers to fit on the one last ferry returning. Plan is if YOU were the one going on vacation and what your thought patterns may be.

  7. Triangle Drifter says:

    Public transport will be tested enough without all of the ‘looky looks’ who have nothing better to do with their day getting in the way. These are the same people who get in the car & go riding around right after a storm. They have no useful intentions. They are just out being nosey.

    Take a look next week, or the week after, or the week after.

  8. Raymond Ray says:

    This is it! Today May 15th 2013 will go down in History without any doubt but, how will it go down is up to all here on Island…

  9. no need to panic says:

    Ain’t no fat lady singing yet – at least not the last verse. We can do this people.. Seems to be the same old issues … just a different day. Perhaps it is time for new thinkers at all levels to stand up and become the change need before that fat lady gets the last verse in. Unless they know something we don’t the Government of the day does not seem to have a clue. The current Opposition as is is just as bad!!! Know what? Perhaps politics is far more complex than those so called politicians think!! I am beginning to think that those who will get involved by a any means necessary do for other reasons …. get rich quick (palm greasing) or simply for the prestege attached. We need a breed of people who are sincere about the well being of Bermuda and all people who live here or who otherwise choose to grace our shores!