Man Denies Damage, False Fire Alarm Charges

June 19, 2013

In Magistrates Court this morning [June 19] Jerry Williams, 49, pleaded not guilty to  charges alleging that on June 16 he had unlawfully damaged police property and had caused a false alarm to go off.

It was alleged that he had been put in the police cells and, after that, he had taken his cigarette lighter from his back pocket and had used that to set off the fire alarm and sprinkler system by activating an alarm that was overhead in his cell. This was said to have caused over $3,000 damage to the new Court building.

The charges prompted Senior Magistrate Archie Warner to ask, if the allegation was true, who was responsible for designing the cells and searching persons who were put in the cells.

Williams was remanded in custody until his trial at 2:30pm on Friday [June 21].

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Comments (8)

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  1. Terry says:

    So mush for search.

  2. Did he do it? says:

    …… And the Police aren’t ashamed to even put this guy in court knowing that they should have searched him properly in the first place?

  3. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    WTF was he doing with a cigarette lighter on his person in the cells!

    someone’s head needs to roll!

  4. Django unchained says:

    You people are sadistic in every sense of the word. Really calling for the officers head. Go get a life. Google it, this happens around the world. The only difference is that the commenters on the Bermuda sites are immature and in desperate need of a life. Police officers are human as well. I would agree that he should have been better searched but what if he had it up his rectum? This happens as well.

    • Nuffin but da Truth says:

      your head will do if you prefer,I dont care who’s head rolls!

  5. Islander says:

    Come on Django…. they are supposed to empty all pockets, check de crotch, and if thought to have something in the tract – have him xrayed…. what he do that they didn’t check him thoroughly… the article says he took the item from his back pocket or is that a new name for rectum.

  6. Django unchained says:

    You people are idiots. So because he wasn’t properly searched gives him the right to set off the sprinkler system. I see how you all were dragged up.

  7. UOENO says:

    I’m been through and they only ASKED if i had anything on me. Real goofballs. Phone,lighter and cigarettes…. Didn’t make no sense smoking, i was on my phone.