Live Blog: People’s Campaign March Underway

May 1, 2014

[Updated] The “People’s Campaign for Equality, Jobs and Justice” March & Rally is getting underway today [May 1], with people gathering at Victoria Park.

The Campaign was launched last month, with flyer being passed out at the launch saying, “The People’s Campaign for Equality, Jobs, and Justice is a coalition of concerned people of goodwill who have joined together to give voice to the condition of the country.

“As a group we are concerned with the growing frustration and mistrust of the political process in view of the continued rise in unemployment. growing gap between the haves and have not’s and the unequal burden of sacrifice being placed on the lowest and least.”

Committee members include Reverend Nicholas Tweed, Keith Simmons, BIU President Chris Furbert, BPSU President Jason Hayward, Dr Michael Charles, Linda Meinzer, Molly Burgess, LaVerne Furbert and Dorita Rogers.

The group plans to present the Government with a “People’s Manifesto” that will “set the standard of expectation outlined by the people of Bermuda.”

Update: The live coverage has ended, scroll down to read updates

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  1. Opinions Matter says:

    …and Socialism digs its roots in deeper.

    • Impressive says:

      so people coming together to address their concerns is socialism? If you have nothing positive to say then keep your mouth shut.

      • Opinions Matter says:

        @Impressive – No people coming together to express concern is not socialism. People coming together to express ‘concerns, that demand inequality in the name of equality is socialistic. If you look at the what the claims in context it starts to fall apart. The hypocrisy in what they say, is laudable. Demanding government fix the problem, without taking charge of your own actions? Asking for access to goods and services is based on need, stressing equal access?

        Buy meh, I have been told worse for voicing my thoughts on this.

    • One Up One Down says:




      noun: socialism

      a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

      I looked it up and truthfully the definition doesn’t sound half as bad as most people make it out to be.




      noun: capitalism

      an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

      And this for some people probably sounds way worse that it actually is.

      It all comes down to




      noun: perspective


      a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

      • Rhonda Neil says:

        if only the group was calling for socialism you might have a point….

      • Anyone Surprised? says:

        not sure dictionary definitions of a word can apply to real life. our real world is full of variances that
        make merry of all that

    • Standing on Transparency, Inclusiveness and Fairness says:

      Well Done People of Bermuda, “Standing on Justice, Equality and JOBS.” I was overcome today to see a strong stand for “Justice, Equality, and JOBS.” People from all walks of life came together, and stood strong. This is the only way to hold our politicians accountable and transparent.

      Today was history, People Made the History. It is the beginning of a new story to new possiblities. Now is the time to continue to move forward as one, and stand even in the mist of the storm.

      But we as a people must be aware that there will be many whom will not like it, and do not understand your fight for Justice or Equality or JOBS. Many will call it anything, or do anything to STOP it or discourage folks from standing on the issues of JOBS, Justice, and Equality. Do allow those folks to take up space in your heads. PEOPLE LISTEN “NO good fight for those things comes without a battle of standing together.”

      The mere fact that some will write discouraging or distasteful remarks reveals their deepest fear in a people coming together as one. Today the people spoke, and this is really upsetting to some.

      What a great day this was, to hear the people speak, and speak they did, Lets keep pushing forward, as the journey has only begun.

      I must lastly say, I can listen to a great man like Rev Tweed for hours on end.

      I too am glad to be apart of the People’s Movement for Justice, Equality and JOBS.

      We can do, are power is great !!

      • One Bda says:

        To me actions speak louder than words. While these nice people are talking and marching, life goes on. Just hope it doesn’t pass them by because there is a new world order taking place. China is now the world’s largest economy and we should be all looking to learn more about China ASAP. Thank you.
        Back to work for me.

        • mixitup says:

          Funny I just read an article about China’s economy. Not yet the world’s largest at 6 trillion dollars to the US 16 trillion dollar economy. Maybe another 10-15 years

          • Rhonda Neil says:

            LOL..taken from the Financial Times..

            China poised to pass US as world’s leading economic power this year
            By Chris Giles, Economics Editor
            The US is on the brink of losing its status as the world’s largest economy, and is likely to slip behind China this year, sooner than widely anticipated, according to the world’s leading statistical agencies.
            The US has been the global leader since overtaking the UK in 1872. Most economists previously thought China would pull ahead in 2019.

          • Rhonda Neil says:

            @ mixitup stop watching Fox News it will make you stupid…

            • 4real? says:

              Hey Rhonda,

              Fox News had the exact same statistics that YOU quoted on their broadcast today! In the words of Forest Gump, …..”stupid is, is stupid does!”

            • Kangoocar says:

              So what made you so stupid rhonda???

    • one luv says:

      Nice to see all the Man U supporters out there celebrating the sacking of David Moyes

    • Hope says:

      Wow PLP have now changed their colour to match the colour of the Communist Party!

      • J Starling says:

        You do realise that (a) this wasn’t the PLP; and (b) the OBA adopted red (and black) as official party colours?

        • LiarLiar says:

          You do realize that when they reached cabinet the ‘marchers’ chanted “PLP, PLP, PLP” in unity right?

          Kind of a dead give away as to their ulterior motives I would say.

          • J Starling says:

            That only indicates that some people in the crowd support the PLP. It doesn’t indicate that the entire crowd and movement are PLP.

    • Steve Biko says:

      And when they did it in the 50′s and 60′s it was Communism !!!
      Same rhetoric from the defenders of the oppressors.

  2. James Ryan says:

    I have to ask, what does the group mean when they cry “equality?” Given their choice of color, and other language, interesting associations can be assumed.

    • James Ryan says:

      For avoidance of doubt, when I refer to “choice of color,” I mean the campaign color: red t-shirts, etc.

    • CBA says:

      I’m just confused entirely with this. Who doesn’t want a job? Who doesn’t want equality? Who doesn’t want to make a decent living? It’s great to want these things, but we need answers on how to get them. Tax businesses is, in my opinion, a stupid idea. If we tax businesses, we take away the main advantage of being in Bermuda. And, if a company leaves, it takes away more jobs with it. Kind of the exact opposite of what we want, right?

      • RJ says:

        … hold on a second on that note about “equality.” There is an important distinction, and something I want to know from this campaign: do they mean true equality (equality of outcomes, and an equal distribution of wealth), or simply equality of opportunity?

        • Heavens says:

          If they really want equality they’d legalize gay marriage tomorrow! But certain segments of Bermuda and especially the PLP don’t want equality for everybody.

        • jt says:

          11:02 AM

          Walton Brown @waltonbda

          “The People’s Campaign May Day March starts at 12 noon at Victoria Park…I will march in solidarity. Where will you be? #Bermuda ”

          I’m at work trying to hold down my job Walton. If I were unemployed I’d be out looking for a job.
          The marchers are 8 years overdue in their efforts. This and an observation of the main players suggest political motive more than social concern.

        • gmsgms says:

          So true equality is equal outcomes in your opinion? So if one person works hard their whole life and achieves success and attendant wealth, for there to be “true equality” the lazy person next to them must be given those same fruits of success that the successful person worked hard and sacrificed for?

          Strange idea that!

          • RJ says:

            You obviously didn’t understand my point. I’m asking if the CAMPAIGN believes true equality = equal outcomes. That is, if they are fighting for equal outcomes. I’m not.

        • Anon says:

          OK then, equal rights for everyone except gays, expats, foreign born spouses of Bermudians, PRC and people who went to school to better themselves and now have decent paying jobs….except them

      • Onion says:

        Where were these people when we could discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation and a Senator publicly said she wouldn’t rent an apartment to a gay couple?

        • Mike Hind says:

          Well, considering that Senator is apparently one of the organizers…

          • Robert says:

            Which senator pin head ?!!!!

            • 2 sents says:

              Laverne – Einstein!

              • Robert says:

                Dont be so stupid !!!!

                • Mike Hind says:

                  Did you miss when she said that she didn’t want to rent to gay people?

                  Just because you are ignorant, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

            • Mike Hind says:

              So aggressive and belligerent! So bravely throwing around insults under your hood!

              Macho man.

      • OKAYMAN says:

        What about just a smidgen of tax for the top earning companies (who have all declaring fat profits). This tax increase would be negotiated to exist for a 3 year term only. This would allow for some money to be paid off Bermuda’s debt and more importantly to set -up a fund to assist the unemployed and their families. These companies are not going to leave (Bermuda is after all a nice place to live and these companies are established here it would cost them a lot more to leave).

        Who wants to live in a country where families and children are left with no structural support.

        Stop getting all het up about socialism it will never happen here but just a little more equality would help. Because pure capitalism is just as feckless an idea as socialism.

        • gmsgms says:

          Didn’t we try to extract just a smidgen more tax revenue from these companies when the PLP increased the rate payroll tax by a measly two percentage points?

          How did that work out? Did it go as many predicted it would?

          • OKAYMAN says:

            If you look at the time that that increase occurred you can see that those companies were going anyway. The government has to be clever enough to calculate the cost of a company moving against the increase.

        • Bermyluv says:

          The revenue that most of the international companies generate is Bermuda agnostic. The direct taxes they pay in Bermuda relate to the insurer class and transaction stamp. Additionally, many of them pay all of the employees’ payroll taxes, give more than required to employee pension plans, pay all costs of quite good health insurance plans, and provide mortgage subsidies. These companies provide substantial scholarships, and at the height of the 2000′s insanity were also providing substantial support to private educational institutions struggling to deal with the influx of expat children. Substantial benefits, too numerous to mention, are also received by the wider business community as well.

          Our problem is not International Business. They give much more than they take. The problem is us…too many want what others have worked hard for, for free.

          • Hmmm says:

            Nail on head. The international companies “They give much more than they take. The problem is us…too many want what others have worked hard for, for free.”

      • enough says:

        one of the reasons they have all left already is because we have priced ourselves right out of the market. these companies can go to other countries that WELCOME them and wages are no where near like Bermuda. take a step back and look what we have done by demanding such high wages and if I am not mistaken the Union is the one who negotiates these wages not the government. Everyone wants the government to fix what we have basically done to ourselves.

  3. OKAYMAN says:

    And meanwhile across Bermuda tens of thousands get on with their work. (Less newsworthy more laudable).

    • DarkSideofTheMoon says:

      Wow, you are heartless.

      • OKAYMAN says:

        I’m not heartless. Its just according to that film there are very few people at that march most of whom look like they are nearing retirement age. Meanwhile there are a lot of people working very hard.

        • Mark says:

          It’s one of the reasons it was held over the lunch hour. I work hard too, but I came in early today and will stay late so I could take an extra half hour at lunch today to support what I consider a worthy campaign. Thankfully I have a flexible manager. Also you might consider that, since part of the campaign is about jobs, many of the participants may have taken a couple hours away from their job search to attend.

          • come on stop this says:

            work hard enough to be on the internet at 2.48 posting?

            • mixitup says:

              Yes, just like we all do. Those who haven’t looked at Bernews or any website for that matter, on-shift, please STAND UP.

    • Portia says:

      …and spend that work time posting on Bernews about the lameness of the march, right?

  4. Hmmm says:

    Who in Bermuda doesn’t want Justice, Equality and a job. The OBA want that.

    So who are this group marching against? … makes no sense.

    • Onion says:

      They’re wearing OBA colours so they must be marching in solidarity with the OBA.


  5. Fresh Prince says:

    They are not marching “against” anything.

    • jt says:

      So why weren’t they marching long before now? Most of the items they are marching for became heightened under the previous government – and yet nothing then. I think in this case ‘for’ = ‘against’.

      • One Up One Down says:

        Something did happen…the previous government is now the former government…..

    • Onion says:

      Yeah, “the People” could never march against the democratically elected government who they recently voted into power by a solid margin.

  6. Bermydude says:

    This Rev. Tweed… Has a hidden agenda!!

    • Heavens says:

      you can say that again.

    • drunkenUrsula says:

      he must be like that Fahy boy …hidden agendas?

  7. Alvin Williams says:

    makes every sense the anti-Bermudian OBA government has proven through it’s policies that it has no concern for the Bermudian; that’s why it will make history when it becomes a one term government.

    • CBA says:

      Think about how much better Bermuda would be in if the PLP was a one-term government

    • Heavens says:

      if you think the OBA govt is anti-Bermudian, then it follows that the PLP govt was anti-white. and I mean anything white, Bdian or not. why don’t you go back with the rest of the Neanderthals. we’re all moving ahead here. it’s 2014 after all.

    • Mike Hind says:

      No. They haven’t.

      Put the hate down for one second. I know you’re still petulantly sulking because your party didn’t win the election, but you have GOT to try, for the good of the country, to stop posting these deceptive, hateful, ridiculous things.

      It’s not good for any of us, Mr. Williams.
      I beg of you to start trying to speak the truth.

      • Robert says:

        Mike shut your a@# !!!

        • Mike Hind says:

          Macho, macho man… hiding like a worm, telling people better than him to shut their a@#.

          Why is it that you never actually engage me? Why is it always this spineless potshot, then run away like a scared child?

    • jt says:

      I agree with you Alvin. Bermuda will be history if the OBA is a one term government.

    • Bullseye says:

      That is an outright baseless lie. Saying they are anti-Bermudian all the time does not make it true or represent evidence. That is how you want to portray them to service yourself. That is truly anti-Bermudian.

    • inna says:

      just like the PLPs 14 year history that came to end every so pleasantly!

    • Tricks are for kids.... says:

      ….If privatization of companies/business comes to fruition I don’t think the OBA would care even if they are in power as it would be “THEM” that owns all the businesses…..

    • Serengeti says:

      Alvin, why don’t you listen to Bean’s speech. He says, several times “instead of complaining, it’s time to cooperate and compete”.

      What do you think that means Alvin?

  8. Will says:

    does justice and equality for all encompass a proposed change in cannabis and drug policy?

  9. Ha says:

    At least the busses and ferries are still running this time….thank goodness!

  10. Luke says:

    I think certain politicians in the PLP,miss their over paid salaries…and will do anything to be back in power.

  11. inna says:

    Im wondering if all of those at the march are unemployed?

    • Mark says:

      I know that those at the march aren’t all unemployed. I saw dozens of people I knew who were supporting this march on their lunch hour. When those who are doing well in this country stand with those who are struggling, as brothers and sisters, to demand action from our government then change becomes be possible.

  12. nuffin but the truth says:

    Waste of time…just an excuse for running their mouths.

    • Portia says:

      Which is exactly what you’re doing, yeah?

    • drunkenUrsula says:

      they sound just like all you fools that march on cabinet when Dr. Brown was leader…what’s the difference?

  13. Whatnow says:

    Ok, what is this all about? Why are these people marching and what is it suppose to achieve? I lost my job a couple years ago (made redundant) and I did not feel like I was unequal nor did I feel it was an injustice. What I did feel was I had no time to waste!!!!! I needed to update my resume and find a job! I never thought about marching; I had to use that time to look for job and Lord help me I was not going to buy a new red t-shirt………was saving that redundancy money. Good Luck with helping all those out of work. Instead of marching find a real solution. Maybe launch a website and have people out of work sign up and list their skills……….! I am looking for someone to pave my yard, I am sure there is someone out of work somewhere that would love this hussle???

  14. OSKAR says:

    Whoever caused the debt should reap the consequences of being in debt. Those people are the people of Bermuda (not international business), mainly the ones who voted for the government that spent the money and did nothing to stop them. You had your chance to march back then about it, but you didn’t so now you have to live with the consequences.

  15. swing voter says:

    After 14 yrs we are back to 1981 so quickly? After 14yrs of political persuasion, and being in control of economic and social engineering, we are back to this? SMDH The govt is broke, they are trying to get the trickle down working again….immigration is tightening up on unskilled labor work permits for the first time in 8yrs…seriously, is there much more that they can do?

    • inna says:

      And that is the damn truth! There is a good OpEd in the paper today, and to sum it in once sentence:

      “The truth of the matter is this — our adults do not want to look in the mirror to see who is really looking back at them. It isn’t that there are no jobs for Bermudians, never has been, the truth is that we either cannot do the work of work permit holders or we will not do the work of work permit holders. Look in the mirror a little closer and then think again about education, and what the truth really is.”

  16. Silence Do Good says:

    I want a million dollars and I want it now. Give it to me government and stop fighting amounst yourself. There is my manifesto. Anyone want to support it with a march.

  17. Looking in says:

    This is political,because of the way the PLP left Bermuda we should be marching on Alaska Hall.

  18. watching says:

    Why is the Premier smiling like this is another photo op? this is not fun and games Mr Premier. Your government was elected by the masses and is failing those who voted for you. You need to take this seriously and show some maturity.

    • Mike Hind says:

      Not really.

      I know you wish that was true, but it’s simply not.

      I know you’ll take any excuse to denounce the Government, but come on…

      A little restraint.

      • Robert says:

        Mike hind , you make me sick. This govt does nothing wrong in your eyes. Bermudians marched today and oba MP’s were laughing and smiling like it was a big joke.

        • Mike Hind says:

          You know what’s more disgusting than that?

          Some hypocritical nobody who isn’t even man enough to sign his own name to a personal attack.

          You don’t care about “Bermudians marching”. You’re just looking for another excuse to denounce the Government.
          We get it. You’re mad your team lost. This fake outrage isn’t helping anything.
          Were you as outraged when Bermudians marched and were called a “lynch mob”? Were you as outraged when Bermudians marched and were told “this isn’t much of a protest, really”?

          Of course you weren’t.

          You accuse me of “This govt does nothing wrong in your eyes.”
          That’s simply not true.
          What IS true is that this govt does nothing RIGHT in YOUR eyes.

          Grow up. Man up. Grow a spine and take off the hood if you’re going to try to insult people.
          And PLEASE try some honesty.

    • Sandy Bottom says:

      Why is Bean lying and telling them he will do what they want? He knows they’re asking the impossible.
      Guaranteed jobs, guaranteed full employment, guaranteed income, free post secondary education, free healthcare.
      It’s ridiculous. Bloody stupid. Bean is lying when he says he can do this stuff.

      • drunkenUrsula says:

        he sounds just like Craig …doesn’t he?

  19. Watcher says:

    Non political, non union, my rear end! within 10 minutes of being on the steps of the house the PLP chants started,while I totally agree with most of the sentiment raised please don’t insult my intelligence by telling me that this was anything but a union and opposition organised event designed to stir up social unrest and destabilize the island.

    • PBanks says:

      That’s the tricky part to digest about most of the people said to be the founders of this movement – it’s hard for them to claim to be apolitical when their more prominent members are outspoken supporters of a particular party.

  20. Mike says:

    My ONLY concern with this march is that it is being let by a Church Reverend (Pastor). The church has ABSOLUTELY no place in politics PERIOD! I have NEVER heard my Bishop discuss politics. All he ever said was “no matter what side you are on please exercise your right to vote” and that was it. The church should be a place for ALL PEOPLE no matter what your political background. That is very alarming.

    • Joonya says:

      Mike dont be so naive man. This was a BIU/PLP march..PERIOD.

    • themaladjustedsoul says:

      I would like for you to reconsider this statement after looking at the role of the church in the Civil Rights movement in the U.S. at times the church should and must be involved with politics, especially when they are fighting for their congregants. Whether or not that is the case in this particular instance, i do not know, however i feel it is wrong to state that “The church has ABSOLUTELY no place in politics PERIOD!”

    • Anon says:

      It went like this “If you help us rally the troops and help us with causing this current Gov. to fail, then we’ll give you all the land and $ you need to buy a new church” “Where’s the money coming from you ask, don’t worry, we don’t have a clue but that never mattered before but we’re back in power that’s all that matters, right” Amen

  21. Truth is killin' me... says:

    “hypocrites and parasites” “crazy balheads”

    • swing voter says:

      lol u been listening to 102 again?

      • drunkenUrsula says:

        swing voter.. you been tuned in listening to that crazy old lady on 1450am….

  22. JJ says:

    The Governments Job is to create an environment that would better the people. When this government is doing the opposite of this we must step in and use our democratic rights. And Your premier is weak. He didn’t have the courage to face Bermuda and actually give words that would assure Bermuda that they have been heard. He took us as a joke, arriving in a chuckle. Even sticking out his tongue while departing. This manifesto is a wishlist that the people of this island having been longing for. It is time for this Government to step up and get to work.

  23. Coffee says:

    Nice to see so many positive people out !

  24. Kangoocar says:

    This may come as a shocker to everyone?? I actually agree with the opposition leader, Marc bean, he said ” time for complaining is over” and ” its time to co operate and compete” I am thinking he is not totally on board with this bunch of protesters, and yes I said ” protesters!!! ” because this was nothing more than another organized political march!!! By the biu and this tweed guy!!! I find it interesting that none of the usual flock has acknowledged their plp leaders statement??? Can only assume it does not fit into their agenda??? I would have been 110% behind this movement if it was done in 2011 or 2012!!! Were were they then??? They didn’t seem to care about their jobs then, did they????

    • Ringmaster says:

      I listened to Mr Bean’s comments and was quite surprised and impressed. It would seem very few listened to what he said as opposed to what they imagined he would say. The Premier on the other hand said what they wanted to hear, but probably didn’t.

  25. hummmmmm says:

    brother chris got his labour day march on May 1st after all!!!!!

  26. Looking in says:

    The Opposition Leader should join the govt,he thinks like them!

  27. HardTalk says:

    How can anything that has Laverne Furbert as one of the founders/organizers be considered as apolitical, surely this must be obvious to anyone. Therefore, how can you expect support from those who have listened to her never ending PLP propaganda and racist taunting for so many years. It just doesn’t make any sense. This is clearly a political organization attempting to destabilize the ‘elected’ government to achieve their own political agenda. What is very sad is that they are manipulating many of those who are presently most vulnerable as a direct result of the economic disaster the PLP left in the wake of their 14 year economic mismanagement and spending extravaganza. And for what its worth, I agree the church has no place in politics, another hidden agenda.

  28. Marie says:

    Since so many were opposed to the PLP as many of the commenters are saying today, why didn’t one of you organize a few protests years ago. You certainly had ample time and plenty to complain about.

    The new Goverment’s responsibility to the residents of this island is to ensure prosperity for all.

    We elected a new sheriff and that means fair ans iequal treatment for all

  29. Saaay Whaaat??!! says:

    Yup….that sure is a non-partisan, non-political crowd….NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Rhonda Neil says:

    I agree with Mark Bean, it is time for the majority demographic represented in the march today to stop looking for another demographic of people to, hire you, feed you, or rent to you, you must do for self. Don’t support a political party or business entity, that doesn’t support your interest. Buzz don’t hire your brothers and sisters, they don’t share your value, of jobs, justice and equity, then DON’T spend your money there.

  31. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    Socialism is a wonderful thing ,until the money runs out !

  32. Bill Stephens says:

    Lets face facts everyone!

    No business in their right mind is going to just “give” people anything – they are in business to make money. And taxing people that have property or more than the next person is not the answer either – I am black, Bermudian and own 2 houses that i worked very hard for and now you are coming asking me to pay more for what I earned – not happening mate!

    We have no right to ask Government to provide us with a job – but we do have a right to ask the government to try and bring international business back to Bermuda on our behalf

    The PLP (who i wholeheartedly support) really sent a bad message to the people who had all the disposable income – they were told to leave and that their $ meant nothing over Bermudians having their job posts!

    In hindsight this was a fatal mistake and while the rhetoric was popular with the racially motivated groups on both sides it has caused the current problem of no one who can afford to rent our homes or invest in our social programs or bring US $ and jobs to the island.

    So what is the answer?
    Simple. Forget Politics and racial agendas! Time for action!

    We need to embrace the businesses and individuals who hold high $ posts to domicile in Bermuda. We need to have a short window where this opportunity is available (e.g. next 2 years) to the first 100 companies who will bring their $ and their people to the Island on a long term basis (e.g. 25 years) and also create a minimum of 15 local jobs each (1,500 jobs) and stop worrying that it is not the CEO post that is not up for grabs – it is not a conspiracy aginst Bermudians – someone needs to bring the $ and lead – and it is not us 100 percent of the time!. We have some very bright, motivated kids coming out of college and no jobs for them to get their teeth into!

    Bermudians have to re-learn that sharing our Island (and I dont mean giving it away) with people from overseas is what out Island really lacks and needs – we need the US $ – we need the opportunity that $ create – we need their work ethic and we need their work period!

    Stop being so arrogant and thinking that our birth right entitles us to anything other than being a Citizen of the most beautiful island on Earth – paradise if you will – we are not entitled to jobs or money – we must earn those things and we must realize that we need people from outside of Bermuda to help provide the framework and capital for these opportunities!

    So lets start really acting like a true “Bermudian” by accepting that we cannot do this alone and be very gracious and welcoming to those who can help us.

    No one is going to give it to us Bermuda – we have to learn and earn what we can from others and over time we also earn the right to lead!

    And likewise let’s set a performance level for politicians to hit the 100 company mark (1,500 jobs) over 2 years and penalize if they dont – that will get the fire lit under them!