Tri-Partite Committee Meetings Continue

July 12, 2014

Yesterday [July 11] Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy met with members of the Economic Tri-Partite Committee which consists of union representatives, employer groups and the Bermuda Government, and is chaired by the Minister.

Tri-Partite Committee meetings have taken place on a monthly basis in January, February, March and April of this year.

A spokesperson said, “At the February meeting the Minister requested that the Tri-Partite Committee submit recommendations on how to stimulate the economy and generate revenue for Bermuda.

“The Minister received these recommendations in May and today discussed them with Tri-Partite members. The recommendations will now be taken under consideration by the Government.

“The Minister noted that discussions today were productive and encouraging, and commended the openness of committee members.

“The next meeting will take place on August 6 where it is anticipated that the committee will dialogue on issues relating to gaming and a national lottery.

“In due course the committee will also meet with banking representatives.

“Today’s meeting not only discussed committee recommendations but also talked about tripartite relations and the 10 per cent grocery store discount where the Minister provided an update to the committee in this regard.”

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  1. bluebird says:

    Did they discuss the $2.5Billion dollar “DEBT”
    Did they discuss the $276Million dollar Goverment borrowing
    to keep the Goverment employees “PAID”
    Did they discuss “BALANCING” the BUDGET buy stop borrowing.
    Did they discuss that the ECCONOMY is still going down for the “SIXTH” year.
    Did they discuss a “FALLING” population and and “OLD” population.
    There is NO way the ecconomy is comming back with such “HEAVY TAXES”
    a HUGE civil service and too manny regulations.

  2. Terry says:

    The first thing they should have had on the agenda was meeting with Banking representatives.
    I need a rum.

  3. Valirie Marcia Akinstall says:

    At least there is ONE Government minister who is communicating directly and consistently the stakeholders. And by introducing a second tier of stakeholders it widen, extends, opens and makes transparent what the relevant issues.

    Had the Government taken the time, opportunity and interest in having dialogues with stakeholders on the issue of PRC holders, Bermuda may have averted the misinformation and calculated spin being placed in the public domain. The Government’s absence and silence fuels suspicion and mistrust, if you do not engage in clear, regular and concise dialogue then others will, then an otherwise simple issue to explain becomes buried in social discord and unrest. Those “others” may not necessarily be the Opposition as supporters can be just as calculated to spin to cause mischief and ongoing turmoil.


    If you are living in the UK, you could be paying 40% in taxes of your income over £30,000. So be grateful that the Government has not raised your taxes to cover the shortfall. Rather than moan (I marvel at how this word means to ‘complain’ in Great Britain) about it, join Terry in having a rum – dark and stormy? It’s going to be a very long hot and humid summer – enjoy the cool breezes!

    London, England