Project Action To Remain Open, Extend Thanks

July 16, 2016

Project Action — a charity which provides free transportation to seniors and the physically challenged — has extended their thanks to the community for donating funds which will enable the charity to remain open and continue to provide the service.

The charity had made an urgent appeal for funds, saying they needed to raise $10,000 by July 15 to repair the vehicle and pay outstanding obligations, and if they were unable to raise the funds, the charity would be “forced to shut down permanently.”

Co-founder Cindy Swan said, “With all your efforts, we are happy to share we have reached the target set for July 15, 2016. These contributions will enable the charity to remain open presently.

“We can now get the vehicle repaired, address some of our outstanding payables; but most important it gives us breathing room to secure funding in order to fiscally operate and work out a fundraising campaign to purchase of a new vehicle.

“As you are aware we still need to raise a total of $153,000 with $88,000 needed to meet our annual operating 2016/2017 budget and $65,000 for a new vehicle.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone one who made online deposits to our Butterfield Bank Account #20006060282255100. The donors who transferred $20 and $50, we thank you.

“To the gentleman that saw me yesterday in Hamilton and placed $10 in my hand and said ‘for the cause’ we thank you. Our sincere gratitude to Validus Holdings for calling up and yesterday donating $10,000, we thank you. To the individuals that gave Shooby and Rose checks, we thank you; to ones that wrote little notes with words of encouragement, we thank you.

“To Butterfield and Vallis for giving their donation with a promise to make up any shortcomings, because ‘the service needs to be up and running,’ we thank you. Thanking you all in advance that sent emails promising to make a donation.

“We appreciate you all as every dollar that was donated has given us hope. It has gotten our ‘mojo’ back on track for us to continue to provide this needed service to our community.

“Transportation is a necessity for all, but especially for seniors and the physically disabled in Bermuda. There are very few public and or paid transportation for them.

“The public pink and blue buses are not wheelchair accessible. Many seniors who do not live near a bus stop or sadly cannot drive anymore and the physically disabled are at a grave disadvantage when it comes to their transportation needs.

“Project Action fulfills an essential mobility need as a free public transportation charity. In servicing this segment of the community, as some of our clients are indigent, Project Action proudly provides them with a dignified means of transportation.

“Your current donations and support to our appeal has band aided our financial wound. With your response to our urgent need, we can forgo closure and in essence, bring us time to pursue initiatives which will allow us long term sustainability.

“The work now begins. With only one vehicle in operation, sadly we will have to cut back on our already oversubscribed services until we are able to secure a second vehicle.

“We will though, go back to servicing the rest home residents as they were the ones affected when the other bus was taken off the road.

“Unfortunately we don’t have use of the blue bus anymore. We loaned it to Summerhaven, as a charity to charity helping endeavour and was told it was not repairable and at best it could be sold for parts. After an elapsed time, our board accepted their offer $3000 in May 2016.

“Once again, we thank each and everyone who has donated, as Project Action is a charity that matters in the community for our seniors and physically disabled transportation. God bless you all.”

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  1. frank says:

    now this is something that the government could spend some money on
    instead of spending over $300,000 last month on some stupid sh===t

    • Sadly forgotten says:

      A government should provide transportation for its disabled citizens. Yet they did not respond to try and save this charity. We need to remember that next election. Disrespectful to the elderly and fisabled@

  2. Terry says:

    Glad things are working out.

    Next year I vote “Shooby” for National Hero.

    What a Man.

  3. Concerned family man says:

    Actually the health insurance companies should share the bill. So many sick or immobilized people are driven to the doctors or dialysis, and if they had to take taxis or ambulances, the tab would be much bigger. Project action saves them hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.